A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

I thought that’s where they were going with her, leading the Scarlet Disciples and wielding Light’s Wrath.

Even if she is meant to be Scarlet Crusade, they could at least make her one whose entire purpose is to fight the Scourge and make sure they do not become a threat again. Someone in a perpetual conflict with powers that would arise within the Scourge with the weapon literally made to defeat the Scourge. That’s how Calia can serve the Forsaken.

But some Calia-supporters want the Forsaken to be a third thing that is neither of those.

If Calia were merely a normal Forsaken who leaned into the “revenants of Lordaeron” theme, I don’t think we’d be seeing all these threads. The problem is that she’s an Ekstra Speshul Light Zombie Forsaken who was killed specifically to showcase Sylvanas being a meanie and then was personally raised in a unique ceremony by a team that included Anduin Wrynn.


I mean, Sylvanas was an “Ekstra Speshul” Banshee Dark Ranger. Heck, sure there was Dark Rangers in Warcraft 3, but none in Vanilla or BC as far as I can remember. Wrath finally started adding some but it’s still pretty late. Most of the Forsaken are from Lordaeron, them being led by Sylvanas, who doesn’t even look rotting or anything, has always some “Ekstra Speshul” deal. Arguably it’s just how important characters in a lot of settings tend to be.

Also Sylvanas has always been a ‘meanie’, she was using blight from the getgo, the whole purpose of the RAS is just to make bigger, deadlier chemical weapons rather than anything that might help your regular undead feel more normal. You didn’t need Calia to show that off.


Just in case you forgot,

Calia is Alliance.


So far no signs of the Story for Calia for the Forsaken Heritage Armor Set other than Sylvanas might be returning at some point. Atleast that’s what the rumors are going on within the Community. It’s not really 100% true just rumors, specialization, and theories.

After thinking about it, I am mad at Worgen being a race.
Wolves used to be the orcs’s thing. They even had a wolf god.
That all got subsumed and forgotten by the Worgen’s existence, down to the Draenor wolf god being Goldrinn.

The existence of Worgen doesn’t alter that at all, though. Those are still strong associations. The Worgen fulfill a totally different trope than that. Wolves are a pretty broad creature to use as an archetype for a lot of different things.

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Indeed. I get that Calia came back in an unpalatable form for a lot of people - myself included, if I’m honest - but ragging on her for an atypical mode of undeath rings a bit hollow when the Forsaken’s iconic heroine is (well, was) an elven banshee shadow ranger possessing her own perfectly preserved corpse. I can’t think of any racial leader, past or present, further removed from their average citizen. Forsaken didn’t even get hunters until Cata.


I mean you say that, but who’s getting the wolf weapon next patch?
And how many times since have wolves been involved with the horde?
They used to be part of orcish architecture, and now they’re no where.

Sylvanas is not unique at all, she is raised using the same force, subject to the same architect of their death, this is a false equivalence, Calia shares nothing in common with the forsaken and her powers and existence is fueled by powers that actively harm them


I’ve tried to search for this “wolf weapon” but I’m not sure what you’re referring to. It may be something widely known and I can’t find it because I’m just a doofus because well, I am.

As far as the aesthetics of wolves, architecture, and the Horde? What structures were wolf-like and what structures aren’t now?

I fully sympathize, I’m also super bad at finding stuff on wowhead.
tl;df: the new warrior stuff is a worgen/gilnean wolf sword/shield combo.

Honor hall.

It still is, but no other is either.

Also important to note that the honor hall was made in vanilla and refurbished in Cataclysm, but worgen came out in cataclysm so that pretty much stomped any new wolf-related buildings for fear of confusing dumb players.

Ok, I checked out the Wowhead article for the new gear in the next patch and I can hardly see a wolf in the warrior gear, much less anything Worgen or Gilneas related? The shield isn’t even revealed. Am I looking at the wrong article?

This seems… specious?


link it here with ` at each end of the url.

maybe but before cata official orc/wolf art was everywhere
after, nowhere

The Warrior cosmetics stand out as unique due to appearing to have some race-specific flavor involved. The sword and shield combo feature heavy Worgen iconography, while the recently discovered two-handed sword has an equally clear Forsaken inspiration. It’s not yet known what the third weapon will be, though we previously speculated that it may be this Troll themed sword discovered on the Patch 10.1 PTR. If so, it would be very interesting that Warriors - the original class available to all races in WoW - would feature three race-specific weapon appearances.

Edit: Wait.
I can link???

oh, no i can’t.


“Everywhere” is a big claim. “Nowhere” is as well.

What Wowhead is calling “Worgen themed” is laughably even wolf themed, much less thematically based on werewolves or anything Alliance-oriented.


Roses and those colors ontop of wolves?
My dude, have you not done the worgen starting zone?

She’s hella unique. Blizzard literally classified her as “unique undead” for the longest time. I’d even forgotten that she, unlike the rest of the Forsaken, was missing half her soul during her entire tenure as Banshee Queen.

Well, she’s the princess of the kingdom the core Forsaken died for; the one they still hold and fight for and view themselves as the rightful citizens of. However bright her eyes or undecomposed her bosom, she already traces a more direct line to John Zombie than an elven Farstrider from Quel’Thalas.

Her joining the faction as a newcomer and proving her worth to her sceptical peers in undeath was also kind of the point. They dedicated a whole quest line to it.

Necromancy is necromancy; take it up with the giga lich.


the NeCrOmAnCy Is NeCrOmAnCy argument completely misses the point of the argument, its not about whether the light can raise the dead, its about the fact that the light burns every other undead in the faction. Sylvanas isn’t unique cause she has existed since the dawn of the faction to serve that faction. who cares about the menethil line, its a worthless line of worthless rulers