A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

wow 1 guy who plays undead liked calia whoop de doo, nevermind that there are plenty detracters outside of this forum


I more think she has potential.

A. We shove her into some spook juice.

Could give her porcelain face a nice etheral crack that leaks nefarious smoke like the ghosts from that one Guillermo Del Torro movie. Plus then her face would look just like the Icon of Torment so the Forsaken save money on rebranding efforts.

B. Just keep her as is as a token straight man

Just use her as the Forsaken’s face in diplomatic matters. The Alliance love their damn treatys so much let’s throw that right back at them. All medieval laws have BS about royal bloodlines and the Forsaken have the rightful heir.

Plus she can serve as the token shocked normie who’s kinda necessary for the Addam’s Family shtick to work.


I didn’t say anything about debates.

I never understood people who didn’t like the Worgen. Most of them must have had a bad experience with dogs when they were young.

I am in no way shape or form a Forsaken fan. In fact, once upon a time when I actually rped regularly (I think Obama was still in office), I was one of the ones arguing that the Alliance should launch a campaign to rebuild Stromgarde and Southshore. I didn’t expect it to happen, but it was fun to argue with people about.

Getting back to the OP, Calia can be an effective character for the Forsaken. In my opinion the best way to use her for the story would not be as the leader of the Forsaken but as a figure who can help develop other Forsaken characters. For example, have a disagreement between her and Belmont with Belmont choosing to act in spite of what Calia wants and succeeding in doing so. It would demonstrate his character and depending on the circumstances show another side of the Forsaken.

For me, it’s half being salty because I had wanted to play a worgen as a horde race for a couple of years before Cataclysm was announced, and half how they ended up embodying everything that frustrated me about WoW’s faction writing ever since they became an alliance race instead. Seeing one show up just bums me out.

I can’t give a toss about Calia and Gilneas, though. That zone’s been in a quantum state for over a decade and the sooner it’s solved, the better.

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I just don’t think worgen should’ve been a race.

They should’ve been a class.

Actually, hadn’t considered that as a possibility. Sounds like it would have been fun.

You’ll be waiting forever…

Only thing I clung to is her supporting the Forsaken as the true heirs of Lordaeron, which killed the debates about who are the true heirs to Lordaeron.

If you want to know if I want her to become leader of the Forsaken or ever wanted her to become leader just ask. As you said I’ll creak out of my coffin every now and again : )

I forgot she existed for a long time after which I thought she was dead for an even longer time, therefore she never came up in my debates…ever. I honestly don’t mind her trying to help the Forsaken; I appreciate and support any characters trying to help the Forsaken in anyway possible.

For the record, you’ll will never find a post of me vying for Calia to become leader of the Forsaken; it doesn’t exist.


There’s also some of us who flat out faction changed and walked away because of the mentalities displayed in this thread.

Why am I going to play my Forsaken when one of the characters and aesthetics I literally asked for back when I mained it is apparently “hated”? Oops, blue border now, even though it’s only blue because I like the eldritch vampire vibe my main race has now. No opinion allowed on the thing I invested a decade of my life into.

I remember the story. I remember the forum posts. I remember the discussions in game. And I see the in game discussions now from my Horde friends, of which, who the hell is going to walk into a space where everybody’s frothing at the mouth and accusing people of various forms for crap just for liking a character? Same garbage was going on with Void Elf “vampire” stuff - everywhere in game, but you mention it here, you’re opening up the gates of the most entitled gatekeepers in the community.

Some of the people pissed off about Calia are the same ones who get mad that the Horde is constantly painted with a villain brush, but then they introduce a character that actually attempts to give them the forced peace they claim they want, they get pissed off about that too.
The character has been given barely any spotlight or time to actually be fleshed out too. Oh no, she’s friends with the opposite faction. Then stop asking for this kind of story content? Literally the same people.

Calia isn’t going anywhere.
Calia is not Alliance. Her people are from Lordaeron, who are undead, and part of her story is trying to understand them and it’s barely started.
As an Alliance player now, I want her dead ICly despite me asking for her back in the day.

Don’t like her? There’s an entire council leading them now, and there’s somebody on that council that can’t stand her either. Ask for more content for him, and stop asking for “peace” and maybe Calia might actually have to put up with some repercussions for her actions.

And yes, people in game do like her.
Twitter / The Forums are an awful representation of this game’s community.


Calia is alliance.


Calia is the writers desperately trying to force a square peg into a round hole


Almost 1000 posts and they are all saying the same thing from less than 10 profiles.
What’s the point in reaching this hard when you are in a bubble?

Strange, I could’ve sworn you specifically were among those undead players for whom a Forsakenized Calia was the only acceptable replacement for Sylvie. My mistake.

Then again, for all the “please God just kill Sylvanas” posting around Cata, it was unthinkable that they’d extract her from the Forsaken. She had about three times the screentime of her contemporaries in questing and a disturbing wealth of cool Forsaken NPCs died for her glory. The directionless mess the Forsaken would be without their defining paragon and founder was obscene on its face.

Funny how it all turns out, eh?

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Eww no,

I wanted Blighcaller, but he got the axe. IIRC it was hard to name a replacement because I was hoping they would go with someone with a substantial background. I’ve always been fond of Lydon, Helcular, Belmont, and Farnell.

Her model is the derpest thing I’ve seen, but I appreciate her helping the Forsaken in any way she can.


Her point is to be the Light Zombie. That’s what Blizzard wanted, nay, insisted on having. Since Christie Golden pitched for Calia to fill that role, that role has become Calia’s reason for existing in the game.

All I can say is you were reading discussion in different places from me. I don’t remember ever seeing any of that.

Obviously, I am not the supreme arbiter of what a “real” Forsaken fan is or isn’t. But I feel like most approval of Calia as Forsaken leader involves either wishfully turning Forsaken into something different from what they started out as, or wishfully turning Calia into something different from how she’s been presented in the game so far.


I mean, “revenants of Lordaeron” and “black comedy mad scientists” have always been competing themes. Calia certainly only resonates with the former, but nothing suggests she’s going to erase the latter. They put her on a council with the head mad scientist just to drill the point home; not thoroughly enough, I guess.

Is this really a problem? I’d argue a shift in worldview is only natural for a fledgling zombie acclimating to “life” in the plagued ruins of her kingdom. Especially when she’s primed to explore its eminent religion.


I’d turn calia into an actual disc priest. using the light and the shadow


Yes, surprising as it may sound, we aren’t exactly extactic over the fact that the Horde needs guidance from a deeply Alliance-coded character not to be a bunch of genocidal monsters. Good Horde should not be Alliance-flavoured Horde. Not frankly the paradox of the year if you think about it for a few seconds.

(Also yes, Calia is an Alliance-coded character—her characterization in BtS, her social circle, the magic she wields and the religion she follows, her nature as a Naaru-raised Light undead, the way she speaks, up to her very design and color palette, everything about Calia is Alliance-coded)

Oh please. Ever since Calia was introduced in Legion, she was given 2 books worth of development (BtS was especially Calia-centric), was relevant in both BfA and SL, and even had nearly the entirety of the Return to Lordaeron narrative revolve around her. That’s legit more spotlight and fleshing out than Rokhan has been given in 21 years of existence as a character.

At this point we are fully aware of who Calia is, what she stands for, and so we get to tell whether we like her or not.


And I’m saying that as someone who was mostly satisfied with the way she was handled in 9.2.5 and who is cautiously willing to accept her into the Forsaken cast, as long as she strictly sticks to being just one member of the Council among others, and gradually internalizes the Forsaken culture, mindset, aspirations and aesthetics.


She needs to go away because we don’t want her. Her intentions are clear. And it is not for the Horde. SHe got more development then most Horde council members since they were introduced. She is the rallying cry for every alliance deus vult moment.