A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

The official boards have had like five overhauls since deaders and MHPs played tug of war with Calia in the Holy Lordaeron Forum Wars, and even if I were inclined to time travel a decade through the wayback machine, I’m pretty sure the old jpegs would be dead thumbnails anyway. I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it that Aihnin and Deathisfinal fought on opposite sides. :joy:

Either way, “Forsaken Calia Menethil” wasn’t Christie Golden’s brainchild. She’d penned exactly one novel for WoW when the RPG seeded the idea. Back when Blizzard hosted creative writing contests, one finalist caused quite the stir with his spin on it; I can still recall the hubbub this story provoked. It was a hot button topic in what was then a much larger fandom with much hotter opinions on the Forsaken and their Cataclysm shenanigans. And while no one wanted to lose Sylvanas, a Forsaken Menethil to counter the Alliance’s “purge all Forsaken from Lordaeron” rhetoric tantalized them to no end.

Quite. My issue with Calia is that an uncanny Light golem was simply the wrong vessel through which to explore the “Forsaken Menethil” plot. That she was an Alliance-adjacent character beforehand doesn’t help her case either (that, of course, being where Golden’s signature becomes apparent). If she’d resurfaced within the Forsaken nation and risen parallel to Sylvanas’s downfall then the trade might have been more palatable. Alas not.

I’m fine with where she’s ended up, though. She represents one aspect of the faction at none of the others’ expense. The RAS is still doing its thing. The DRs are still haunting the place. The Deathguard are still a big question mark of a military without a head or a tail, but this has been the case since forever and hardly on her. The Deathstalkers acknowledge her as a useful bulwark against Alliance aggression. If she wants to understand the Forsaken condition then what the hell, let her. With any luck she’ll acquaint herself with the CoFS and suffuse herself with a little more flavor.

I think it’s more that they remember what I’m talking about. Danseis’s posts make that pretty clear. But if you’ve somehow concluded that “Forsaken Calia” is to the Alliance’s benefit then I don’t know what to tell you. She’s an emblem of the Forsaken’s legitimacy in Lordaeron and her very existence on the Horde is a military deterrent.


Does Taelia count? I really disliked the two of them in early Shadowlands.

Did they interact? I genuinely don’t remember.

Calia mostly just stood stock still in the Heaven Airport looking like a bridesmaid rendered so late by delays that she opted to fly in full regalia and just hit the ground running.

On the whole I’m not against cross faction fratzernizing so long as it’s thematically in sync. It’s seriously amusing to me that WoW has just ignored the Tauren and Kaldorei friendship since BFA probably because they’ve no idea how to broach that subject.

I’d be in favor of friendly neighborhood relations between the Forsaken and Worgen. Trouble is this would require the Worgen having more than two characters. Figure them and the Drust witches can have the more gothic and folkloric horror vibes while the Forsaken stick to their 80s, splatstick “Return of the Living Dead” atmosphere.

Just have the northern EK be the Spookistani Confederation between Thoradin’s Wall and Thalassian Pass.

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No. Next question.

No. Alliance must retreat behind the thandol span. Otherwise no peace treaty.


Derek was the crown prince of kul Tiras. Jaina is the current leader of Kul Tiras. Faol led the church of light. And she has no Connection to any Horde leader apart being used as poster girl by Thrall and Baine to pinky swear the new Horde wants peace. She is alliance full stop.

Kul Tiran doesn’t have a monarchy it’s an oligarchy between the most powerful noble houses. And yeah the department of the boat people tend to have the most sway seeing as the place is an island.

Point is nobody in the Horde wanted her. She is alliance through and through.


She literally has exchanged less pleasantries with Jania than known sad-poet-boy Lor’Themar.

This isn’t like some deeplore character I’ve seen every interaction she has. We want to start with offing traitors start with the Belves. You know the only Horde faction that actively tried to join the Alliance and presumably would’ve had Jania not decided to do a wizard ethnic cleansing.

Itt: Benny is still defending alliance Calia as if Calia is somehow a benefit to the horde retaining Lordaeron, even after the very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very first thing she did as a member of the council was to campaign for the alliance to get gilneas back.


The alliance profits from her actions directly. See Gilneas.

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I critizise Bob just as hard as Calia. He is not my leader either.

Yeah I’m pro Worgen. Because I’m pro horror race.

Plus it’s objectively the dumbest thing in SL that Gilneas went from an uninhabitable blighted wasteland to apparently being protected by an entire Forsaken battlegroup very decidedly defending jack and ish even while the force attempting to retake their capitol had to rely on Dark Rangers to stop feral undead from overrunning Brill.

If you were a Forsaken fan, you’d main one.


The no true Scotsman fallacy strikes again.

I am a Forsaken Fan. And the only other character I hate as much as Calia is Baine.


Nobody who’s gotten laid this decade cares about your Reddit debate terms, okay?

You don’t play Horde. You play Human. DKs are undead in name only and frankly are a canker sore for the Forsaken. As they’ve repeatedly stolen their thunder in undead centric expansions.

The only good human is an undead one and DKs don’t count.


Ad hominem isn’t going to make your argument correct either.


Anyway I gotta jet.
Calia is alliance.


Debates require moderators, genius. This is called a conversation. I’m sure someone in 2014 is terribly impressed with your knowledge of random latin words, stolide.

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