A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

Eww, no. Faranell is the best character hands down. Blight Throwing Goons should be the aim if he’s the model for it.

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Yes, that’s the point. It’s disingenuous to use “People have been asking for Calia” as a reason why she should be the new Forsaken leader. The people who were asking for Calia weren’t Forsaken fans.


Were people asking for Calia though? Or did they just want any alternative to Sylvanas? :thinking:

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The people asking for calia clearly wanted someone with strong alliance ties so they could argue that lordaeron would be in the hands of the alliance eventually.

Most of the deus vult crowd quit in rage after the Retaking Lordaeron quest that came out in SL


Just people making up there is some grand conspiracy that Blizzard hates the Horde or something.

Story forums: “You just want Calia cus shes an Alliance spy!”
In-game: “Whos Calia?”

There’s both lore precedent to it. And it’d also be completely hilarious to me if Blizz took the classic “LUX VULT” MHP claptrap and gave it to an order of matriarchial undead Paladins.

Maybe they even have a valkyr or dark kyrian who can raise new undead. Which is a gift they bestow on particularly worthy enemies.

Afterall what greater glory could there be than to return to life to continue the crusade? War is it’s own reward.

Plenty of Forsaken fans - well, let’s say undead avatars, since that’s apparently in dispute - used to wax lyrical about Calia’s zombie showing up to champion their rights to Lordaeron. Some of them, like DiF, still rise from their graves to post here from time to time. It was a pretty popular sentiment way back when. Still is, on Twitter, from whence the devs take most of their feedback nowadays, for better or worse.

But to keep it local: are Banshih, Rommal, and all the other deaders who’ve voiced approval of Calia in this thread not real Forsaken fans, then? Isn’t it a bit silly to claim no Forsaken fan ever wanted Calia in a thread titled Support for Calia, penned by a Forsaken fan and liked by a dozen others, whose top objector by post count is a Sylvanas superstan blood elf poster whose interest in the race begins and ends with that character?


Please demonstrate at least one example other than OP’s post from last year in this thread


I remember quite a few Forsaken fans asking for Calia to return in one form or another. I would argue that Blizzard’s execution of those wishes was, not what many of them wanted.

Something that I think might be a great use of Calia’s character going forward would be to build up and flesh out other Forsaken characters. Something the faction has needed for a while a now.


Some examples that come to mind, I don’t remember the posters names for these ideas and these are from several years ago, include:

  1. Finding her as an undead scourge minion, freeing her, and then she becomes a part of the Forsaken government and supporter of Sylvanas.

  2. Finding her still alive, then killing her and raising her as an undead asset to add legitimacy to the Forsaken’s rule over Lordaeron.

  3. Finding her still alive and in hiding but convincing her to legitimize the Forsaken and ease tensions with the Alliance through doing so.

  4. My personal favorite, she becomes the leader of a group of Lordaeron refugees in Stormwind and becomes the primary advocate for peace between the Alliance and Horde replacing Jaina in that regard for the Alliance.

  5. There are several others but these are the ones I remember.

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Nah post sauce or L


I don’t understand what you’re saying?

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Cite the post, at least one, of anyone saying that

Because truth be told it was absolutely unanimous that Calia, as presented, was a bad idea, and that Calia as introduced was firmly Alliance-centric


Unfortunately, I can’t cite these posts as they are from more than ten years ago. If you wish to believe I made them up or just choose to disregard them completely because of that please feel free, I will not be offended.

As to Calia being Alliance centric as presented and that how she has been introduced and used in the story thus far has not been very good, I agree.

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I’ve only ever seen a very small minority of Forsaken fans defend Calia (“Calia”, referring to both the way she was handled narratively and her very concept as a character/what she stands for)

But we’ve been debating this over and over again ever since she not so subtly started being propped up as the new ruler of the Forsaken back in BtS/BfA and we’ve all made our points very clear

Fortunately the writing team clearly acknowledged the overwhelmingly negative reception considering what 9.2.5 ended up being, so I believe (I hope) the perspective of her leading the Forsaken was ruled out for good. Needless to say we must remain vigilant lol


The amount of blue backgrounds liking your reply speaks for itself. Calia is only popular because she’s an Alliance character planted in a hated Horde faction.


I was initially more positively disposed to Calia as, silly me, I thought Blizzard understood how storytelling worked. And had naturally some there’d be some Robin Hood esque Return of King Richard The Lionheart scene.

Instead though the first time we see Calia is in enemy territory while we spy on her. Also she’s dressed in the antithesis of Forsaken colors. Then she turns up in Tirisfal to finally discuss what had been on our minds. The fate of some random undead nelves even the most rabid nelf fans didn’t seem to give a ish about.

Then she appeared in Shadow’s Rising to be a bizarre character who briefly tags along with Thrall on a diplomat mission to Hyjal for no discernable reason.

But I thought she did alright in the Reclamation of Lordaeron quest. The Forsaken are all vocally mistrustful of her but she bends over backwards to demonstrate her use to them.

So they decide to let her stick around because it’s not like she has anywhere else to go, and having the rightful heir of Lordaeron on hand seems like it’ll be useful.

Mainly I’m just confused what her point is. Taking her just as she is now I think she’d work fine as a diplomatic ace-in-the-hole and the Forsaken’s resident straigh man to their Addam’s Family shtick.


This. she’s dressed in Scarlet Crusade colours. I’ve been saying this since she was introduced as an undead character. She even matches the new datamined Scarlet crusade pauldrons people thought were going to be a trading post item but those never came to the trading post or maybe the did while I wasn’t playing I dunno. But since the Scarlet Brotherhood pamplets and her gushing about Lillian Voss’s dad (the guy who literally made it his whole life to hunt undead) and how he gave the best church sermons, to her. And without consulting the desolate council, gave the inflitrated Gilneans back their home. There’s so much stacked against Calia being a ‘friend of the Forsaken.’


I highly doubt calia has the forsakens best interest in mind. All her closest friends are alliance


I mean. She exchanged some pleasantries with Honest Andy and Jania five years ago. Wouldn’t exactly call that an enduring friendship.

Least of all because Thrall probably has the most pleasant history with Jania of any still relevant character.

And who doesn’t like Anduin? The man is a labradoodle puppy in human form. Sylvanas “I kill my own loyal subjects in cold blood” Windrunner can’t help but tell him her entite life story ten minutes after capturing the guy.

And beyond some harsh words from Tyrande I don’t think she’s directly interacted with another Alliance character.