A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

The lore is that the alliance gets handfed with fanservice cheese while the Horde is just a passive bystander that collects scraps from the floor.

Oh, very much agreed. People have a right to be bummed. It sucks to have our faction, and racial leaders used as cheap story plots without longevity to their story and characters.

That also doesn’t mean we should be forced to accept badly written characters. That also doesn’t mean our racial and faction story can’t move on and have meaning and value.

Also, King Varian Wrynn is dead. So no, not all Alliance leaders are alive. Yes, the Horde story has certainly suffered the most.


Varian might be dead but he got the most Dragonball anime over the tope trope death a hero can ask for. And even the opposite faction was forced to watch it while the tradegdy of Vol’jin dying looked rather pathetic slowly falling to the fel poison.

And when I say the Horde has it bad I mean their leadership and lands bar from any useful resources. Blizzard has put no effort to actually develop lore characters that stay alive for more then a few minutes after we finished the quests coming from them. And the Forsaken are just the most obvious case here because Sylvanas was the center they based their whole society around more then any other race.

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Yes, this is a major problem with a lot of the Forsaken writing. That the Forsaken and their writing have existed as a prop and a fan service for Sylvanas. I’m glad she’s being retired and that we are finally seeing Forsaken development and characters like Belmont and others get long over due attention and development.

This is also why characters like Calia have not been developed as much as they should have been. Why? The majority of the writing has been has been focused on Sylvanas to such a narrow scope that we lack depth. There are shop keepers in Stormwind with more canon lore story than major figures in the Forsaken political arena.

Blizzard has a whole universe worth of content to create and write when it comes to Warcraft. Which is why I hope to see more short stories posted to the website. Little things to flesh the world out and give it depth.


The Forsaken are a super militarized culture that was bent on destroying their enemies who stand in their way. Edgy undead as it is supposed to be. Taking that away now just because Sylvanas is gone temporarily would be silly. Cringe Calia too. Blizzard has failed to make the Horde leadership interesting because they are either dead or about to be passive in their reign. Which is true for both councils.


Edgy undead who mindlessly throw blight is the problem - that lacks depth of story. That mentality is why the Forsaken have been used over and over to just start fights and commit acts of war that they are then written to lose like clock work. Being the toothless junkyard bulldog for the Horde has not worked well for the Forsaken story.

It’s time for the Forsaken to be something other than blight throwing goons and give them depth and story.


My Forsaken Priest will always hate the alliance and rejects the peace treaty. Calia offering free hugs and some light redemption nonsense will not change that. She should have stayed dead. No one but MHPs asked for her to be part of the story.

There is nothing wrong with characters hating the Alliance. Most Forsaken should definitely dislike the Alliance for a wide host of reasons, including those who were around to help Lordearon during the Scouring when calls for aide went out.

That said, the Forsaken deserve their own story.


If that story includes beaing at peace with the alliance then I don’t want it. We should be marching to the Blizzard HQ in California and make our case heard to those in charge.

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I hope you channel this much energy and effort into something meaningful in life. Have you considered volunteering for a non-for-profit that helps with important social causes in your area? You have a lot of passion, and prolly should channel it to something useful.


The Old Republic does a solid job when it comes to telling a story. The bad guys, the sith, get to be unapologetically evil or good if they want without the overall story suffering for it.

We need to stop accepting blizzards crappy storylines and start actually demanding quality stories.


I play Sith Warrior and imperial agent mostly. And so far I always cheer when I can murder everyone involved.

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I love being unapologeticly evil on my inquisitor. It’s a ton of fun

Can you only be a Jedi or a Sith? I would like a SW MMO where you could be whaever race/faction you choose and just go on adventures and fight the Imperials or the New Rebublic whichever.

Like if I wanna be a Mon Calamari politician and get absorbed into the world of Calamari politicing I should have a game for that. I’m finding my niche in SW again after so many years out of the fandom but it’s a niche and it’s not with the jedi. I’m tired of Old Republic stuff.

You can a commando, a spy, a Jedi knight, inquisitor. And there’s another I’m missing but all the classes are fun

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I just want an open world, sandbox, SW MMO

makes grabby hands

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No one tell Erevien about the recent data-mine on Wowhead that shows the royal Deathguards’ shields have the Lordaeron crest instead of Sylvie’s shattered mask.


Durotar is rich in iron, for example, quel’Thalas have everything, Mulgore is rich in ressources too, darkspear´s are the only one who had almost nothing in terms of land.

Westfall has the best farm land. Iron is not important to sustain a Population.

While it is true the Darkspear island is still more fertile then Durotar as a whole. They have fruit and fishing. For the pork production of the Orcs you need grain from Mulgore to feed the pigs. If Hillsbrad was still ours I wouldn’t complain but Blizzard made sure Lordaeron is now a contested place.