A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

The cult of the Forgotten Shadow was rooted in the Light. “To understand shadow, you must first understand light.” That’s a core principle of the left-hand path.

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Because clearly the Apothecary, Belmont and others exist to make the Alliance happy XD

At this point, I have to think you are just a troll. Or that you have no idea what the lore in the game is for the Forsaken and are here to simp for Sylvanas without knowing the game.

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Then clearley you are the one not paying attention. Turalyon leads the alliance forces and wants to secure all old holdings back in Lordaeron. The Scarlet Crusade claims to have the kids of Calia in their care. And the Horde council is now the most passive government in all of Azeroth. That means as long as these new people are in charge they will not make any move that will threaten the peace between the factions. The Forsaken will be refugees again soon or fully dead beacuse they have leaers that don’t care about their wellbeing.

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And I would say in counter, you’ve never understood the Forsaken or Sylvanas’s important role in this faction.


Blizzard is not deleting a whole player character race.

They already did with the night elves acording to their fans.

I’m not putting that user in the light of “oh, look at this haha how wrong”
I largely agree with almost everything they had to say.
Even the things I disagreed with weren’t egregious.
Mostly just Baine’s been Alliance for too long to rectify.

It was just an easy way to sum up what I would’ve posted in the thread otherwise.

Poster’s a good dude, and I approve of them whole heartedly.

What should happen in the Forsaken heritage is that the council is overthrown and replaced with people who still remain loyal to Sylvanas and will give her the leadership back once she is done fetching all souls from the Maw.

Like we get it, your a rabid Sylvanas fan and want more content about her which is valid. You know there is some pretty good fan fictions and fan art out there if you need it that bad?

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He already prescribes to it.
Case and point:

It’s not just about Sylvanas. It’s about the peace treaty. I reject peace with the very people who gloat every day how superior their faction is. That arrogance must be destroyed and that can only happen if we are finally allowed to siege Stormwind and pull a reverse SoO.

You know, we are not our characters. That this is just a game right? I enjoy faction conflict and WARcraft just as much as anyone else. But like…you doing okay? Want some fan fiction suggestions to get your itch?

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Trust me. The Alliance will come again. And the Horde council will not stop them because Thrall and Baine are friends with Anduin and Jaina. And the Fosaken will be the first victims since the veterans of the second war are bent on taking all of Lordaeron.

What happened to your view on the lore? Usually you weren’t on the anti Sylvanas train.

I don’t think anyone is anti-Sylvanas. I think most of us follow canon lore, and don’t buy into baseless conspiracies. Sylvanas had her time, and originally was a wonderful character. However over the years, she’d been poorly written and managed to such a degree that its best that she be retired.

There is no redeeming her from the mass murder of innocent civilians in an act of intentional genocide that includes the death of children and babies.

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I don’t care about being evil. I care about having consistent charatcers as leaders who anyone can proudly follow as long as they deliver on the faction pride scala. The replacements for Sylvanas, Cairne, Vol’jin and Doomhammer can’t be that because they are weak and peace mongers.


As your own words put it. No one died. This is just a video game :wink:

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Weird how you suddenly no longer care about the story or canon lore when its not to your benefit. The reality is, there was some heavy writing for that character that is unredeemable.


All original alliance leaders are alive. All original Horde leaders are gone. that is the basic argument. If you fail to see the problem here and why nobody should be following through with those cheap replacements is perhaps logic you can’t grasp. People identify with those characters and are rightfully bummed when Blizzard removes them for ham-fisted reasons.