A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

The Forsaken would be nothing without Sylvanas. Cutting her from their culture would be the worst move they can make. So I disagree with him of course.

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That is bad writing and not canon.

Sylvanas first considered the forsaken to be ammunition to be expended, then a shield to die so that she would not. She has never loved them. They have always been her tools, and absolutely nothing else in her eyes.

It was her who secured Lordaeron for the undead. Not Calia who just got the job because of nepotism with Voss. Anything that happened after Legion can be considered the spite phase from Afrasiabi who was still salty over Thrall killing Garrosh.

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Repeating the revisionism from a single writer won’t make it true.

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There’ve been multiple writers consecutively writing her as a self interested megalomaniacal manipulative deceiver.

If this is news to you, you haven’t been paying attention.

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At no point as Blizzard alluded to using Calia to cure the curse of undeath and make the Forsaken human again. You are spouting wild fan conspiracies that have no support.

That seems to be a theme for you - make wild claims to invalidate whatever you don’t like.

It’s okay to like Sylvanas, there is no need to make wild claims to justify disliking others.


They are not removing an entire player race.

Which isn’t to say that a new allied race won’t come out, but it’s super dumb to think the Forsaken are going kablooey to be replaced.

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The light worship has no place among the Forsaken. Yet they threw light empowered Calia at us. You see the problem here yes?

No. That was all Alex Afrasiabi. Like the lore behind Sylvanas now knowing that Putress lanned wrathgate from the start. The entire demonizing of Sylvanas happened over some spiteful retcons.

Like it or not, the cinematic is canon.

In canon lore the Forsaken were effectively abandoned by Sylvnas in 2017 when she left to be Warchief which is why the first Desolate Council formed. The Forsaken were fully thrown aside by her in 2019.

Time to move on.



Fargo wrote her. Metzen wrote her. Golden has written her. Danuser has written her.

The Light has been a part of Forsaken canon since its founding, and is seen in Deathknell since vanilla in the stating questing even. Do you even play a Forsaken?

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The original desolate council was formed to manage undercity while Sylvanas had to stay in Orgrimmar for warchief business. Unlike the new council, the old ones did not try to replace her.


They are not trying to replace her, they have. Sylvanas left in 2019. The story has moved on. Good.


Their official religion is the forgotten shadow. Until that was retconned too now being led by the human priest from Stormwind.


No. Not good. The desolate council exists to give the alliance everything they want without even asking. They are butt deep in connections with Anduin and the rest of the alliance.

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Ohhh share that SF discord tea Dread :laughing:

Yes, we all know the Cult of Forgotten Shadow is their primary faith. The Cult also includes the observation and acknowledges the Light.

None of this means that Blizzard is suddenly just deleting the Forsaken and using Calia to cure them of undeath.

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