A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

Also I firmly believe the proper Forsaken should have their own Dark Ranger style. Closer to Nathanos Blightcaller’s Huntsman routine but enhanced of course not only with necromancy but Goblin firearms and their Revantusk and Tauren allies knowledge of how to both respect and live off the land.

Ideally they’d be the Law in the Forsaken’s less established spheres of influence like Alterac and the Plaguelands. Also due to these shiftings patrol environments maybe they wear wide brim hats and-

Okay I want them to be undead cowboys;

Why not?!


Not at all. We don’t need another of Anduin’s friends as our leaders who are responsible for the peace treaty. I want to kill alliance soldiers and feel good about it. And Calia makes it impossible.

Man, I guess I wasn’t Forsaken 10 years ago asking among another group of Forsaken where she was and debating what she could have been up to, including the possibilities of her already being undead and hiding among the population.
Neither group was right.

People are so obsessed with hating this character they can’t fathom that undead players actually wanted her, and that the idea of having varying opinions / aesthetics among a playable RPG race happens.

Calia is not Alliance. Is not intended to be Alliance. Will never be Alliance. And while she may occasionally be more of a peacekeeper character, we have characters that aren’t as well to balance that out like an actual council should have.
Go cheer and ask for more Belmont if you can’t stand her.


Nah screw calia fans, so desperate to shape the forsaken into what lordaeron was, that they sacrifice everything the forsaken are


I just want goth nuns and undead cowboys.

Preferably riding zombie dinosaurs.

Which ones? Both.

Callia may be a lot of things… Battle Sister is not one of those that springs to mind.

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Sister. Of. Battle.

Show some respect, heretic.

And I’m aware hence the provisio;

I don’t think anyone is talking about making the Forsaken back into a Lordaeron clone. The main thing we are generally exited for is the political weapon Calia poses in keeping the Alliance at bay from making land grab claims, and stealing Lordaeron away from the Forsaken through crown pretender games.

The ‘Before The Storm’ book was a breath of fresh air, giving the Forsaken real story and depth. Canon lore has made it clear many times over Calia is loyal to the Forsaken, and is one of the Forsaken now.

It’s time for the story to move on. I’m looking to the Forsaken being something more than blight goon props for Sylvanas.


Undead humans as Dark Rangers would be nice. Considering what the Dark Rangers did in the book ‘Before The Storm’, most Forsaken should be less than happy with them.


Way i see it, if they want the land they can come and drown in blight for it, We don’t need a special oc undead to have a claim to lordaeron. Cause as much glee as i got making MHP mad that they will never have lordaeron, I don’t want to become light worshiping stormwind with a skin condition, the forsaken are a people of the shadow


No one is advocating that the Forsaken become a light worshipping Stormwind, nor does that seem to be the direction Blizzard is taking us with Calia at all. The Apothecary, Deathstalkers, and Cult are all here still and not going anywhere.


See I think the fun twist would be giving the Forsaken a more pronounced Light worshipping minority. But they would be former Scarlets and decidedly preach with the sword.

Less ‘Light’s blessings, friend’ and more;

Idk that’d be extremely funny to me. The Forsaken do get a Light worshipping faction and they’re the most hostile and merciless aspect of them yet.

I mean, not going to lie… Forsaken who were in life were Silverhand Paladins are a thing in canon lore. It’s been canon lore since W3. I look forward to seeing them.


Edited User Name To Not Throw Anyone Under the Public Limelight — Today at 9:54 PM
I’m of the opinion Baine needs an arc where he’s put directly in the position of choosing between his people and his loyalties to the Alliance. A scenario where peace isn’t an option and he has to do more than spinelessly cowtow to the Alliance’s whims or lose the loyalty of his people forever.

yeah but i’m of the opinion that it’s far too late for that
he’s been an alliance toadie since The Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand upon Eleven
idr when cata came out

Edited User Name To Not Throw Anyone Under the Public Limelight — Today at 9:55 PM
Hard to argue with that. He’s a meme at this point. The toady who spent all of Shadowlands sitting down because he has no spine.

im not really mad at baine for that
that was just blizzard’s spitefulness toward the horde
thrall and baine sat down for two whole patches
while the alliance did everything

Edited User Name To Not Throw Anyone Under the Public Limelight — Today at 9:56 PM
Yeah but you get what I mean. He’s more of a joke than an actual Horde leader. People see him as an extension of the Alliance’s will and a coward because that’s exactly what he is.


Edited User Name To Not Throw Anyone Under the Public Limelight — Today at 9:56 PM
He’d lie in the mud so Anduin didn’t get his boots dirty if he was asked.

Edited User Name To Not Throw Anyone Under the Public Limelight — Today at 9:59 PM
I don’t know how you’d fix that though. You could replace with him Mayla(spelling?) as a blank slate and I guess that would work because nobody is really invested in Baine.

i complain heavily about calia
unlike baine
i think she could benefit from your earlier suggestion
she must find the alliance wholly, irreparably in the wrong
the story must present the alliance as wholly, irreparably in the wrong canonically
and she must decide “No.”
and fight the alliance
i still don’t think she should be queen
but she’s salvageable
baine isn’t


She is going to try and heal one of the people she is hoping to help and they will scream in agony

I wrote a thing on the PTr forums uwu


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You are rather naive if you think Blizzard won’t use Calia as an excuse to turn all Forsaken into normal humans again. They did the same thing with Thrall and Baine to the races they lead.

People like this guy are the problem. Typical MHP behavior.

I don’t know much about the German language, but this song taught me a few ways to say good bye :

He is basically saying that the Forsaken who in secret still follow Sylvanas should be killed by those loyal to the Horde and desolate council.

he’s not wrong.*

*presuming that your estimation of his statement is, in fact, correct.

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