A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

Heh, Lordaeron ded. Let it rest. Where’s my Leper Gnome blightfest ???

Honestly, leper gnomes being among the Forsaken is one of my favorite details that is overlooked. Leper gnomes are canon Forsaken and need some kudos too.


If anything can be said about the reign of Sylvanas, is that she was quite egalitarian.

She accepted living leper gnomes as forsaken. The dialogue involving him suggests anyone could be nominally Forsaken, so long as they worked with her. She also had a Dreadlord in her employ.

And in one of the defining aspects of her reign as Warchief, she expanded its ranks. Allied Races being a thing under her rule - “we need fresh blood!” Her intrigue led to the Zandalari and others joining the Horde.

As much as she wanted everyone to die all the time, she was also willing to work with anyone that would work with her.


the forsaken are more then just the lordaeronian dead, they are also the dead of quel’thelas, the abominations and the many different types of spirits, its honestly the best part of the forsaken


What about the ones in Silvermoon? What they doin?

Vibin’ like good little lepers.

That summoned Demon with a whip is just making sure they vibin good.

Whip it good.

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They are into it

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Thinking about it, nearly all of the few known friendly Leper Gnome NPCs are Forsaken. They were all shown operating within the RAS, so I’m guessing Faranell’s inclusion in the Desolate Council may open the way for more Forsaken Leper Gnome screen time.

I love that the dialogues implied the Forsaken go with an extended definition of “plague” :

Forsaken Apothecary Jerrod says about his assistant Apprentice Crispin: “Sure, he’s not been plagued in the same manner as we have, but he is clearly plagued nonetheless”.

The Forsaken being the shelter nation not only of the undeads specifically but more broadly of the plagued sits right with me somehow.


Read the comic. Felgrim was suffering immense pain when the blood knight healed his wound.

Possibly from the wound itself since pain relievers aren’t a t hing? Or possibly psychosomatic. If I hit a player with Holy magic it’s no more effective on a Forsaken than a Human.


I suspect however mostly by those Alliance fans who want to see a blue flag on the Undercity,


Not me.

I am sure most of her supporters are MHPs who want Lordaeron back under alliance control.


Calia is not a member of the Alliance, that has been made clear over and over many times in canon. Willfully ignoring that to cite it as a mark against the character is one of the weaker arguments put forth.


Are you joking? The deus vult Lordaeron crowd wanted a living Calia Menethil to resurface in the Alliance and delegitimize the Forsaken as Lordaeron’s inheritors. Not an undead Calia Menethil to declare allegiance to the Forsaken and reclaim Lordaeron for the Horde. Those guys got the exact opposite of what they were lobbying for.


This. Just this.

Its been very established in canon Calia is for her people and now is among the Forsaken.


I think Calia can work in one of two ways;

  • A well meaning but ignorant borderline human incapable of understanding the material conditions of the Forsaken.

I’m in favor of this option if it leads to playable Forsaken Paladins from the Scarlet Risen. Ideally with the extremely racist Scarlet Commander Marjhan still in charge.

Mainly so we can have a callback both to the Forsaken’s Lordaeronian roots and dismissal of the Eastern ‘Savage’ Horde. But make it matriarchial to have a throwback to Sylvanas and let us have exclusively goth versions of;


  • Idk she falls into a vat of goop and comes out spookier.

Otherwise I’m just very indifferent to Calia. She’s very much “Who is this for?” to me, and the least interesting character on the Council by leagues.

I always thought Sylvanas was one of the more least interesting Forsaken characters and of course they replace her with an even blander one.

So I say either play into her oblivious lightbright aristocrat angle or Joker her and have her pop out of some acidic goop baptized as the new Dark Lady.

But just having one devout Mormon at a punk bar remains baffling.


They still hold out hope that Calia will purge the Horde of the evil Forsaken and create a whole new Alliance faction of lightforged undead, “good undead.” because many are salty they cannot play Forsaken without playing Horde.

Yeah it’s bringing down the whole misunderstood intellectual outsider vibe and just making it Sunday school lite (without the uniforms and religious trauma)