A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

Guarantee you’re thinking about it more than Blizzard. And, well, pretty much everyone.

Because I do not believe Blizz was using the comedic unlock quest about the cartoon mascot race to hint at Baine’s abuse of executive power.

There was no abuse of power. Baine is their perfect Anduin friend.
He just also has absolute control of the Horde.

Totally. That’s why in Shadow’s Rising everyone kneels before Baine and begs them to show them the way.

Oh wait that doesn’t happen. In fact everyone looks at Thrall. Because if there’s going to be a de facto Warchief it’s obviously going to be him.

You’re right, the vulpera recruitment scenario made it seem as if Baine was making decisions for everyone else and that was dumb, but after that? Nothing, nada. His whole Shadowlands arc was being discarded as useless, then rescued by us ( again! ) , then sitting on his bum for the rest of the expansion and spouting memeable lines like “For the Shadowlands!” lol.
None of this screamed warchief and literally nobody in the horde seeks Baine’s advice. If anything, they turn to Thrall as they always have.


Are you okay?

Books are always off base.

in BTS Sylvanas lied to herself in her own headmovies.

So was the Horde’s.
That doesn’t imply he isn’t the discarded and useless Horde’s discarded and useless leader.
Blizzard doesn’t care about Horde players on the whole. Again, they retconned multiple cosmologies to make sure Night Elves got star light in the death expansion, whilst Horde races got none.

If only, but even Thrall is just repeating the same story arc he’s had three times in a row, but now with axe-throwing action and weapon choice perdicaments!!

When did that line come in, though? Was it before or after the BtS retcon?

The players don’t, but Horde NPCs have nothing but praise for him.

Heck even Alliance NPCs have nothing but praise for him.

I think they just got lazy, personally. But the end result is that it sure does look like Baine made the decision without consulting anyone.

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It’s the Cata starting zone for forsaken. Some of the Val’kyr as they’re ressurrecting new undead, will sometimes utter the line. So it’s well before the BtS retcon.

Interesting—but Cata had its own set of retcons when it came to the Forsaken, resulting in the infamous “frenzied state” explanation. I think it’s pretty clear that whoever wrote the Cata quests had never played through the Vanilla Forsaken starting experience.


That and the whole Free Will thing has never been consistently implemented or talked about in game. Like everything WoW, it all depends on which writer happens to be writing the forsaken at any given moment.

Like how Gilneas has changed it’s status close to 15+ times now since Cata :wolf:

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Gilneas currently held by Budd Nedreck confirmed.


I can’t agree with this enough. They would make great side characters to other forsaken to contrast with. Show how not soft and coldly brutal they are willing to be. A side character is what they need to be though. As main characters for the forsaken they are terrible.


Voss has a soft spot for her allies, but she has a very sadistic side when it comes to her enemies. See Bridgeport. She was literally cackling, smiling and laughing her butt off the entire time while ripping them a new one and blowing up their town.

Also Voss “The Alliance deserves to fall”

Its really what I would like to see in some of the Forsaken. All of them don’t need to be Saturday morning cartoon villains that we need to put down like rabid dogs. I think maybe in order for her to stand out she needs to check a few people and put them in their place, but that’s hard to do with her because she whole niche is people are mean to the undead.

Someone needs to tap her on her shoulder and bring her to reality. I’m not under the impression that everyone is super accepting of the undead, but its not as bad as her character is making it.

The writers/cdev needs to check that.

Edit: I feel like with Voss its “lest we forget,” and with the other two I don’t know where to begin.


It’s almost as though Voss forgot the Scarlet Crusade existed. She seems to be blinded by idolizing her former queen. This was always a concern if Calia came forward.

Are the Forsaken loyal to a fallen kingdom or are they Forsaken?

To the tauren question, we know that Blizzard is capable of writing strong, stalwart, capable, vindictive, and vengeful non-Grimtotem tauren (and we can skip the problematic tropes that the single black tauren tribe is the overly aggressive and ‘evil’ one for now). We see it in the Mulgore starting zone where Baine absolutely demolishes the Grimtotem leader with a very good speech. We see it in the Tauren Vengeance Story line for the Stonespire. They are not pushovers in Stonetalon, Classic and Cata. There was the never implemented questline or story at Baine at the Great Gate fighting back the Alliance for Taurajo. Lasan was more than happy to just fly around and smash things. He loves the simple things in life.

These things have been, of course, walked back by Golden and others. Still, those aspects were there and were included within the stories among their greater themes of pacifism.

To bring this to our wonderful Forsaken, I dont think Calia’s simple state of being as a lighthouse will drastically change Forsaken narrative direction or theme. There may be stories here and there, but ultimately I think we’ll see more Belmont and Faranell’s shenanigans than we ever will Calia’s.

To think of both its almost funny about the inverse directions both are going. Forsaken fans, or those who just want good story, want more of the same and would like to see Calia pressed into that mold or isolated as a minority opinion. Whereas Tauren fans and those who want to see good story from them want the minority opinions and depictions to come to the forefront.

Lets just stick Calia in the Pools of Vision and offer a Spirit Walker to Undercity!


I would have loved for Mulgore intro Baine to be the norm instead of the perpetual cowhide doormat we get today.


In the wake of the Forsaken heritage armor allow me to stop by and say this…

For Lordaeron.


Still relevant.

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Only mindless Scourge undead. Holy energy has no special effect on undead, it damage them as much as it does the living. Anyone who’s gone through the Scarlet Monastery or the Halls of Valor should relate.

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Nah it hurts all undead, as per cdev, “the dark magic that sustains them is a buffer that prevents their souls from properly joining with their bodies. This is why undead feel only faint sensations of pain or discomfort from most physical stimuli, and why the Light is so painful to their existence.”