They could actually develop Gnome Lore to the contrary, God forbid, maybe take inspiration from how modern Academic structures work in combination with some sort of Guild/Labor Union government, but they don’t because anti-communism and also laziness
They also just love “Muh Alliance Homogeneity” and having everyone be a normal Monarchy or adjacent (Theocracy etc)
Anyways I suspect OP is a high effort troll after careful analysis
Yes, but then they’d have to make two different versions of the characters for cinematics, etc., which is likely more hassle than they want to go through.
I don’t even know who he is, but Calia is supposed to be unique in the way she was raised to perfection by the Holy Light. Blizzard ordered Christie Golden to make a special Light-raised zombie for BtS.
Yeah, well, I used to consume magical creatures and enslave living chandeliers for their mana and now I drink from a yellow pond. Life is full of disappointments…
In this case, I think it’s more that the Dev Team, for perhaps obvious reasons if misguided, did not want to give Forsaken any of the Black phenotype options and wanted Natalie Seline to be Black
I assume the Mechagnomes are the electoral monarchy but the gnomes from Gnomeragan will continue their meritocracy.
Still better then Sylvanas’ claim. She was not even leader of Lordaeron and just took what she wanted.
Your right, she however wants BOTH living and undead citizens of Lordearon to end up with a mutual understanding(admittedly Blizzard could change that stance) and she was trying to be said bridge.
As for what the rest of the Forsaken, we actually don’t know. Because most forsaken did not get to express their opinion on said matter and Sylvanas killed Calia because the possibility of her leading was common knowledge.
Sylvanas’ “claim” was as legitimate as a (non-democratic) claim can be, since she CREATED them as a faction and was, up until very recently, next to unquestioned in her leadership
I guess. Seems like you could solve that by giving the Forsaken more customization options. I was actually a little dissapointed they didnt have at least some spins on the new human options.
Granted as undeath seems to mutate people that’s not strictly necessary. But it could’ve been interesting. And at any rate she is undead. Just give her purple glowing eyes and we’re golden. She already says ‘Embrace the Shadows’ as a stock fairwell.
Sylvanas didn’t claim Lordaeron because she wanted it, she claimed it because that’s where her people were from. It was the first foothold she won back from the Scourge. It became her home and the reclaimed home of her people.
Exaggerating Sylvanas’s character doesn’t do you any favours if you actually want to be taken seriously.
Are we still going to pretend Sylvanas actually cared at all about what her people wanted? She didnt care “where here people were from” in fact she wanted to erase said identity.
She wanted a foothold against the Scourge and it just happens to be one of the most convenient locations for her. Make no mistake. she never cared about it, hell she bombed it without taking a second to look back. The Undercity was never her “home” it was a base of operations for her.
She was mislead by the Jailer. She thought she was going to build a ‘just’ universe. The jailer was shown as being good at manipulating people.
Your head canons that she was this malicious dictator doesn’t match what the story actually showed of her. In the beginning she did care about the Forsaken, she stopped caring about them once she was convinced the jailer would win, and she would help him remake reality.
She calls them Quivers in her arrows and this was before she met the Jailer. She did not care about them even in the beginning.
She goes out and burns books about Lordearon history and didn’t care if innocent forsaken were used in her plague experiments. She was not a malicous dictators, she was a dictator none the less and maybe what is worse is she only cared about what she thought/felt and everyone else was just a pawn her game.
Funny you are willing to use that the excuse her behavior but not Arthas.
Can you stop regurgitating anti-Sylvanas takes that are not even based on facts. You are missing the context of literally everything that made her arc morally grey.
You are not right about Sylvanas and you never will be.
So let me get this straight Zerde, You can’t bully Sylvanas fans any more, because most of them left, so now you are going after Forsaken fans? Is that what this thread is all about?
Morally gray??? Look if we are going to use the term willy nilly like that you might as well consider Arthas’ actions or Sargeras actions as “morally grey”. Did you know the Chronicle book actually expanded on Arthas action abit? He wanted to create a world with “no more injustice, war or mortal flaws”.
Neither are you, not to mention you use hypocritical standards against Arthas which you refuse to use on Sylvanas.
Bully? I have done what I have always done on the forums, state my opinion whether people like it or not.