A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

I will never swerve!

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Orc Peons formed a union, Zerde, that was one of the best quests to come out of BFA.

The Horde is pro-democracy Zerde. Unlike the Alliance.


You do realize the only “true” democracy in Azeroth is Gnomeragan?

uh no. Gnomes have a monarchy. “High Tinkerer” is the gnome designation of High King. Gelbin is the sole ruler, there is no democracy. Maybe you could argue the Council of Three Hammers is a democracy, but they are more like a co-regency instead. So again, a monarchy. The Alliance is ruled by a bunch of independent monarchies under the same banner. The only person who doesn’t claim to be a monarch is Tyrande, the Night elves are also not a democracy, they are a church lead state, but they are probably the most progressive faction in the Alliance as a whole, and why they are so popular.


Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

Gelbin Mekkatorque: Cut Short by Cameron Dayton (worldofwarcraft.com)

That was why gnomes didn’t need the primitive primogeniture that had caused so much bloodshed amongst other races of Azeroth, and had shifted away from monarchy centuries ago. Gnomes elected their leaders by common consent, based on the merits of their work. Merit that was entirely quantifiable in its benefits to the race.

Saying Calia should be Queen of the Forsaken has the same energy as saying Vanessa Vancleef should be High Queen of the Alliance.

I will continue to make this comparison until Calia is removed from the Forsaken narrative. Deal with it, Zerde.


why are so many people taking the obvious bait?


There’s a bunch of people in the Unofficial story forum discord that no longer post they just comment here to troll, so they can laugh about in the discord. At least we too are getting laughs at their expense while they get laughs at our expense.


At least you moved on from claiming the gnomes are a monarchy that is a start.

Personally, I don’t particularly care who leads the Forsaken, although Calia or Voss are clearly platable options considering they have acted neutrally in the past. I would have always preferred Calia remain Alliance but her Blizzard never liked the simply and easy route.

As for “same energy” it is not at all. Especially considering Calia is rightfully the successor of Lordearon, legally she was always next in line for the throne and Sylvanas effectively took over her old kingdom. And now she is gone and as fate would have it Calia ends up right back where she started. Potentially leading the very people she was always meant to lead.

She’s not though, she outright says she does not want to reclaim it.

The only people pushing this narrative are Lordaeron fanboys.

There are some Forsaken, like Parqual who saw her as the rightful successor but there is a much larger contingent of Forsaken who don’t want another Menethil to sit on any throne, ever again. Forsaken voices are being silenced here, both NPC’s and Forsaken players.


I love how the Uncrowned turned into a shelter for the factions that are in the grey area between neutral and hostile. It’s like, shady-but-not-completely-evil guys banding together to do shady-but-not-completely-evil things. They’re all so cool. To have the Steamwheedle and Bloodsail working together… at this point even the Venture Co. or the Syndicate could hop in

Also the Defias are amazing and Vanessa is an absolute queen


Technically it’s a meritocracy. Impressive that the Gnomes got one to work. IRL that concept only lasts for as long as it takes for a rich or powerful person to have an idiot kid they don’t hate.



Oh, right- it’s Sunday!

Okay, uh…

The ruler of the Forsaken should be a troll, since all land be troll land! Everyone else just be squatters.


What people though ? The only people Calia would be “legitimate” to lead (to me she wouldn’t , but it can be argued that she would) are the former citizens of Lordaeron. The Forsaken are much more than that though. I guess former Lordaeronians remain the core of the Forsaken population, but among them are also undead Humans from other kingdoms, Thalassian Elves (Dark Rangers and Banshees), a bunch of Kaldorei and Leper Gnomes, sentient Scourge-type undeads such as Geists or Abominations… What kind of legitimacy does she have over these people ?

Again, the Forsaken =/= Lordaeron 2.0


Personally, I think having a leader who is infused with the Light and actually glows from within does detract from the Forsaken’s vibe. It would be different if she was just a side character, but the leader becomes the face of the faction in gameplay terms.


That does. But the Forsaken simply using it doesn’t. Especially because the Light can come from all sorts of sources. Naru, Anshe, Elune, the Loa, the Sunwell, etc.

Naru necromancy though is pretty dumb.


She quite literally rises from a grave in a haunted cemetary. That her corpse was put in. Because an angry mob murdered her. But she managed to sneak her soul into a void pocket. So she’s by definition undead.

They’re just weirdly adverse to using the Forsaken model. Because god forbid anyone with the spotlight on them isn’t generically attractive.

Either way the CotFS comes up so infrequently that it fell apart off screen, and I couldn’t really argue with the lore because they never come up outside of Tirisfal save for Forsaken Priests turning up here and there. Though honestly most Horde spirituality is barely present in game.

Like I had no idea who Anshe was until I hung out with some Tauren RPers. Sure knew who Elune was. But genuinely had zero idea the Tauren had a sun deity. If it came up anywhere between Vanilla and Wrath it did in a blink and you’ll miss it way.


You know what? I can accept that.


I think it’s a bit simpler than that. Just one word: China.

They’ve had the bones covered up since they released it in China to comply with the CCP’s bizarre censorship laws so that’s certainly not the reason.