A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

I thought Tiragarde Sound, Drustvar, Stormsong Valley, Voldun, Nazmir, Zuldadzar, Nazjatar, Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenwaeld, and Revendreth all had good, fun stories. It was just Battle for Azeroth’s and Shadowlands’ stories that were crap.


Tbf SL had good stories.

They were just all so disconnected from WoW that I felt like I was playing an extremely tangentially related game.

Bastion ironically had the best quest in any Covenant where you follow that guy in his last hour on Azeroth. Even if it was unintentionally hilarious how you just zoop him to hell and the Kyrian all shrug and fly off like they’re jaded delivery workers who’s shift just ended.

I would normally commend the halfassery but that’s not really a time for the “Not my job” attitude.

It was also the worst. Because it reminded me I wasnt playing a much better zombie apocalypse expansion where I had to protect places I care about from endless tides of slavering ghouls.


Since we all know Sylvanas is really a Dreadlord, would replacing her with Calia (clearly a Dreadlord) be too much of repeating the same character as a leader?

And we all know Jaina is a Dreadlord.

So am I.


We’re all dreadlords, we just don’t know it because we’re too busy deceiving each other and ourselves :stuck_out_tongue:


Eddie the Head for Warchief.


The thing is I don’t think the Light detracts from the Forsaken’s vibe anymore than Arcane or Fel does.

Hell I think even Druids could work if you tied them into the necro nature of Maldraxxus. Mycolomancers. Wield fungal magic and rot.

Also have you heard of Catholicism? Do you think skulls everywhere is not Christainlike? We’ve a church made out of bones for Christ’s sake.

The idea the heavy metal goth aesthetic is at odds with the Light’s aesthetic only tracks if you’re only familar with Protestant churches. And im going to stop myself now before I start having some very pointed opinions.

Other than blighting the horde from inside of lordaeron’s gates.

Yeah that also kills them. Then she used a bunch of it to blow up their homes. Because she was in league with the devil.

But it’s cool Tyrande forgave her so. Everything’s jake I guess.

She was really sad about her baby brother guys. A lava eel was by itself and some of the Jailor’s lackeys told her this meant nobody ever sees their loved ones again.

What would you do?


I’m getting pretty deep in and I’m hearing nothing about this.

He his a Disc Priest and they’re sometimes filled with the fire of resolve and well, discipline. That’s kinda their whole deal. Think you might be confusing that for him being in any sort of pain.

The only indication the Light even hurts sapient undead comes from Ask A Dev Round 1 interview with Metzen and Afrasiabi that lead into Cata. No indication on who said what. But they also mention Incubi simply can never ever be summoned. Soooo.

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My basis for that is from the Ask a Dev thing, but I decided to search real quick:

…sure looks like Faol bursts into flames… but that’s just a graphic not text, so I can’t claim this is anything more than just flavor to make it look cooler.

I dont think the light does. And even the disc priest pain motifs fit pretty well. But thats not what Calia is. Its what she could be.

It informs the very establishment of the Cult of Forgotten Shadow. They didnt forsake the light, the light rejected them.

Now, much of the flavor comes from the RPG, which we’ve already established isn’t canon per se but its also not not canon. Until they say “No, the Forsaken established the Cult of Forgotten Shadow because they are bad boys and Calia is going to discipline them by forming the Knights of Self Loathing, here’s your paladins”… you know, no. Even writing that out, that doesnt have to contradict anything. It could be fire if they did it right.

God forbid, given how intrinsic and tightly tied that cult is to the Forsaken.
Isn’t the head of the Cult a human woman from Stormwind?

Forsaken cannibalize the corpses of the intelligent humanoid dead.

They where designed to be monsters. They should remain as such, they shouldn’t change because Blizzard destroyed their identity through Sylvanas and replaced her with an Alliance sheet.

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Right? The official state religion of the Forsaken. One of very few institutions they have left.

The Shadow, which was forgotten, was established in writings by a human priest. Those writings were rediscovered by the forsaken in the Undercity. It became the basis for their new faith… which they desperately needed, because they could no longer worship the Holy Light.

Maybe fifteen irl years ago.
And even then, incredulously so.
Where’re the churches? The gatherings?
Where’s the Forsaken archbishop or whatever?
Nah man.
Humans rule that roost now.

Tbqafh CoFS has never held even the barest flicker of a candle compared to the Royal Apothecary Society.

Are you speculating that Calia will be claiming that as she ascends the throne?

As a woman, I am SO proud to play a game that continues to have strong and powerful female leads! The undead have always be a tough, matriarchal race lead by an inspiring lady and this trend SHOULD CONTINUE! The throne of Lordaeron is a woman’s spot! #CaliaForQueen #VenusThrone #UndeathIsFemale


she’s an alliance character.
alliance characters can’t be wrong and/or evil.
that’s all the RAS is. Wrong and evil.