A LIGHTFORGED warlock? srsly?

I always liked the Void Elves. But look at the difference: they have a lore that explains pretty much everything to fit them into the world. I even agree that Draenei and Lightforged Draenei could open many possibilities for stories, but do you really think Blizzard will do it? Did they explain how Taurens suddenly learned how to sneak around? No, they just threw it like it was always a thing, and that’s what looks that’s gonna happen with Warlock classes, they will just pretend that those races always practiced Warlock sorcery without further explanation.

I don’t know if my last comment was deleted, but now I ask seriously: is there any information about questlines for those specific new race class combos? If so, I would take it at least a bit less difficult to swallow.

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I’m not sure why you need your character’s story told for you by someone else; isn’t that why you’re playing your character? I sure don’t need the game to spell out my character’s motivation, origins, and decisions; I’ll make those on my own thank you very much.

It’s not the end of the world if the PC is the first to do something a little wild. We don’t constantly have to live in the shadows of the NPCs for fear of standing out too much.

Yeah I think it was deleted; I’ve seen that happen sometimes.

I also agree that certain things Blizzard have dropped the ball on with race / class combinations. I do for example, wish that worgen got a more specified questline (I don’t think there is one but I could be wrong so please correct me) detailing their struggle to become monks. I feel this is a missed oppurtunity, especially with the introduction of the “calm of the wolf” special passive that allows them to maintain their human form on a consistent basis. It could’ve been the perfect story about how they learned to find harmony with the wolf within, sort of like their heritage questline implies. This I assume is why they can become monks but I would’ve appreciated more love.

The reason I’m less annoyed with the warlock draenei’s is because tbh, I do feel we’ve seen oddities with their kind before. Like someone mentioned the draenei shadow priests and we’ve seen some twilight cultist draenei etc. Due to certain things we’ve seen within game I’m not unconvinced that a draenei can choose to separate themselves from their culture and pursue a darker more rebellious path while maintaining their status as a draenei. It’s not something so odd to me that it’ll cause me to question the lore “for me”, but that’s why these debates are often enjoyable.

If you look at my post history, yeah I throw in jabs here and there but who doesn’t? We all like to get spicy with these debates, so apologies if it comes off a bit harsh. However, I do enjoy the back and forth and tbh, that’s another reason I’m kind of into these changes. It gets the community talking, debating, questioning the health of the game and that’s been going on since forever, but story topics are more my thing. We’ll see how it all plays out but when it comes to the warlock thing, Blizzard I have faith in with this.

Though I do think they dropped the ball on a LOT of Shadowlands stuff. I despise Shadowlands particularly for what they did to Arthas’ story. However, I did enjoy some of it. I love Sire Denathrius for example, I think he’s a great addition to the story and a good expansion to future dread lord lore. I also enjoyed (and I know a LOT of people will disagree with me here) a lot of the stuff we found in Zereth Mortis; particularly Fahrim and his notes in regards to the pattern. The First Ones, the song of the pattern, and the fabric of reality etc. It almost seems like titan cosmic lore but on a more ethereal scale, so I find it pretty fascinating when we do eventually get to that point in the story.

Oh, now I see. You’re the kind of person that roleplays a Night Elf afraid of the dark, a Dwarf allergic to alcohol, a philanthropic Goblin, and of course, a demon lover Draenei. Now everything makes change. You don’t really care about lore and what’s already established, you just want to be the different one, the Mary Sue.

I’ll stick with the argument of Draenei and Lightforged Draenei Warlock being an abomination for the lore and that can only be acceptable in some manner if Blizzard gives a good explanation for it.


Sorry I don’t play a stereotype, a one-dimensional character already done to death a million times in fiction. I find a world where upon looking at a Dwarf I can guess their whole backstory by playing Mad Libs incredibly boring. Just gotta guess the clan name and I’ve got the whole thing figured out.

EDIT: For real. If I said, “I play an elf with a deep respect for nature, an affinity for bows, and an aloof nature,” somehow that’s rapturous and award-winning storytelling for you?


The issue here is that some won’t accept any explanation, I mean Tauren Paladins (Sunwalkers) are still chided and such even though they had an explanation for them to be around the end of Wrath. An explanation that reveled more about their history and culture that opened the way for Tauren paladins and priests to be possible.

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this is a game where we murder eachother with axes and fire torture… yet we cant talk smack to each other… the lore went out the window long ago

Those concepts of the Dreadlords and Zereth Mortis aren’t “that bad”, but the way they threw was terrible. They didn’t make any connection with the lore that we already had about the creation of the cosmus and the Titans, it felt like an attempt to make players forget about everything and simply swallow what they were writting. That’s not a good way to tell a story, much less if the story involves massive retcons.

Yeah Shadowlands was definitely a mess. However, I feel there’s no reason old lore and new lore can’t co-exist. With the Shadowlands cosmic lore, it’s pretty much their own version of Titan cosmic lore from my perspective. They are two separate stories, yet their implications are on the same scale. So for me, I just enjoy the fact that they’re weaving more story threads to tell for the future and keep the game interesting in that sense.

WoW if we went only by the lore that has been established since the beginning, then the game and its story likely would’ve ended by now. We really did deal with the “original” big threats of Warcraft. Sargeras is sealed and the Burning Legion defeated. The titans are gone. Arthas was defeated and Bolvar kept the armies of the dead at bay. The old gods were defeated. For the most part, the story of Warcraft is over based on original lore.

However, due to Blizzard expanding upon the story we now have things to utilize for many years to come. Who are the first ones and where is Sire Denathrius? What are the additional realms of the Shadowlands? What is the nature of the light and the war between light and shadow? Is the light truly the side of good as has been implied? What is the full nature of fel magic and is it more nuanced than simply a destructive and corruptive force? Personally I love playing WoW, so I don’t want the game to die any time soon. So I find it cool we still got a lot more story now.

My friend, if you roleplay a character in a fantasy world you have to take into account at least some traits of the characters’ race and its culture, like the trolls’ accent, for example. If you don’t do this and simply roleplay every character with no trait regardless of the race, I’m sorry to say that but you’re doing it wrong.

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A character is a combination of the background of their life, their ancestry, and what elements of their culture they take or discard. A Pandaren raised by Humans would likely be extremely different from a Pandaren raised on the Isle or Pandaria. Hell, the Pandaren of the Isle are starkly different from those on Pandaria.

You’re assuming every member of a race has the exact same life leading up to adventuring, when that simply does not make sense. If my Dwarf lacks a beard, or an accent, or doesn’t intrinsically value family and clan, there’s probably a reason for it. Maybe my character is dishonored. Maybe the clan’s been wiped out. Maybe the clan betrayed my character.

That’s far more interesting than ‘Assembly Line Dwarf #6, red-bearded variant’.

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I really wish I could see things in an optimistic way like you do. I care too much about details, and SL was like a trigger that made me dislike everything new. Datails like that green necromantic magic that we see in the Exile’s Reach. Like, Necromancy was always described as being a school of Shadow magic, a way of forcefully biding the soul of the dead back into their bodies using Shadow magic. But then, what the heck is that green magic? It looks cool, of course, but they don’t even explain it, the NPCs refer to it as Necromancy as if it jas always been this way. This kind of loose end really bothers me, and I know I’m being boring AF, but I can’t help it. Perhaps some time I stop being that perfectionist and learn to enjoy the game again…

One race eventually being able to play ALL classes? Why does it feel like this game is slowly turning into Final Fantasy XIV?

Then I take back what I said. But I do hope you understand how important it is that exceptions like these be properly explained for them to fit into the lore, like you do to your characters. And I’m afraid Blizzard won’t do this.

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Why must Blizzard do it? I’m perfectly capable of writing my own origin story; the presence of Exile’s Reach as a starting zone means I can actually go whole hog and go with X-raised-by-Y storylines to better fit odd combinations. If my character is the first to walk this path, then so be it. She’s an anomaly, something unusual, but her presence alone isn’t going to rock the world, her culture, or even necessarily her surroundings, because there is cultural inertia.

Just like Thunder Bluff didn’t become Dalaran 2.0 when Tauren Mages happened, the Exodar won’t become the new seat of the Legion just because a Draenei second-guessed themselves and made a pact out of curiosity, desperation, or some other reason.

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Because this is an MMO and so your character does not exist in a vacuum.
Other players shouldnt have to look at your character and tell you have some RP background.
Your character should fit naturally in to the world that is shared with everyone else.


She does because she canonically doesn’t exist from the view of another player.

And I’m perfectly capable of wrapping my head around a concept that someone else has. Or, if I don’t understand it, I ask. Not everything has to be immediately evident at first glance. Again, being able to completely and totally understand someone as soon as you meet them is boring.

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Whats next? Gnome demonhunters?

Pretending that other players do not exist is weird from both an mmo stance and an RP stance :stuck_out_tongue:

That is only when youre directly talking to someone doing RP. It doesnt work for just exploring and existing in the world.
Its an RPG, the world and those in it should make sense.

I dont think its asking for that much for blizzard to put grounding in the game so players can see a character and not question how they even exist.

It doesnt stop you from making up any stories you want for your characters.


Eventually yes which is how it should be but I think the order will more than likely be Shamans next then Paladins, then Demon Hunters and finally Druids last so we have a bit before Gnome Demon Hunters.