A LIGHTFORGED warlock? srsly?

You also assume players are somehow mentally phased at all when going about business in the world instead of just continuing on their merry way regardless of what they pass by. If your headcanon doesn’t permit the existence of a character, then just /ignore that character and move on.

If someone asks ‘why are you a warlock’ the discussion really should begin and end at, ‘i was dumb enough to take on a pact.’ Anything else is just dressing around the core reason.

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Im not actually convinced that demon hunters will be given to more races.
I think DH and evoker might be kept as exclusive.

At least until if there is an expansion that ties in to them.
(And probably never for evoker)

I am, the only class they have omitted really is Evoker because it’s Dracthyr exclusive and even there they could at least give Evokers the option to be every race through visages.


I just dont see how they can roll demon hunters out without a real story backing it as their lore for the class is very extreme and specific. They had a purpose and that purpose has been fulfilled.

And then on top of that, they have their own starting experience so they would need to work out how that works or does not work for the new races.

Demon hunters is not a class that can just be given to all races. Theyll need to do some real work to make it happen.

It and Evoker are easy to grant other races; they’re both scientific processes, and by that nature they’re repeatable. Dragon communion is a known thing, so that plus whatever relevant notes would be necessary from the Dracthyr’s creation, some lucky guesses, and a bit of reverse engineering and bam, non-Dracthyr Evokers. DHs? Same deal; experiment, apply, repeat as necessary until you succeed. Would it be widely successful? Gods no, but it wouldn’t need to be; it just needs to work once.

I don’t know why certain people want a big story or lore for everything because the storylines and lore of this game has been trash for a very long time, it’s much easier to just be like this race can be this class now because all classes for all races allows people to play what they want to vs being constrained to playing stuff they don’t want to.

I mean honestly just add them to playable then put them through Demon Hunter starting area like they do for every other class or put them in a different one like they did with second generation Death Knights either way it’s not like it has to make sense like sense in order to open up class/race options for those that want it.


I dont think its a crime to want the games world and story to make sense :stuck_out_tongue:

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Considering you are a big fan of Void Elves and I could argue how much they don’t make sense, how much they break other people’s immersion, etc. wanting everything to make sense isn’t the route to want to go honestly.


You could argue you dont like their lore, but you cant argue blizzard didnt include a story for them as to how and why they exist.
Thats all thats needed.

I could argue one of your points in this thread earlier about that something should fit in from an RP stand point then add that when you have a Void Elf with say blonde hair and blue eyes that turns blue it totally ruins other people’s immersion because it does and it’s a very common complaint even among Void Elf players so again storylines or lore really isn’t needed for people to enjoy themselves on characters they create to enjoy themselves and that’s with any race or any class combination.

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If a void elf using void powers is immersion breaking, then i dont know what to tell ya. Thats what a void elf is and does.
If it breaks immersion then youre trying to deny what the race is.

But either way, i firmly believe that all class race combos should have a solid lore foundation and that if one does not exist, then blizzard should create one before adding the options.

Then they shouldn’t be able to play dress up and pretend to be a normal Blood Elf/High Elf with say the blonde hair, blue eyes and normal skintones.

Also, we will have to agree to disagree about stuff being added with lore foundations because with Lightforged Draenei Warlocks, Mag’har Orc Warlocks, Draenei Warlocks and Night Elf Warlocks they really aren’t explained like explained but they go live in less than two weeks and many people including myself couldn’t be more excited about it and that’s without the lore foundations.

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Imo its only really lightforged that need lore backing for warlock as warlocks are just those jerks that run off and do their own thing regardless of their races culture. Anyone can be a warlock without issue.

Apart from lightforged because theyre not a race. Theyre a religious army where only the most devout and proven can become one.
The selfish jerk argument doesnt work with them.

Blizzard at least made some surface level attemp though by having the warlock questline star a lightforged becoming a warlock.
It just didnt answer any of the important questions. Which is kind of confusing why they bothered then but yeah :stuck_out_tongue:

As I said not everything needs to have storylines or lore backing because the storylines and lore of this game has been trash for a long time and wanting to make every little thing make sense is silly.

Not to mention even as someone that was once against all classes for all races I have come to realize there’s really nothing wrong with people playing what they want regardless of the class or race because it’s a fantasy game and the whole point is to have fun.


slow news and bait day we’re talking abt 1-2 month old news no one cares, its coming, deal w/ it. goblin paladins hooo!

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Another race/class combo I will never play but yes I support this and look forward to it for others so yay Goblin Paladins. :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart:

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I mean not really. It’s about context, effort & degree of writing involved.

I mean, I can. Free will exists. lol

Alright, I suppose that’s fair – I can see the sense in that … Honestly if they play by the same principle where using shadow hurts them, akin to how undead using light hurts them — I’d find that a good dynamic change because it would at least still have a consistency with the lore they built.

Player characters as a mob has mattered to lore, thanks to Chronicles. However to a more unique specific extent — You’re right.

Personally, with the new combinations and some that already exist – I’m hoping they fleshen out the story of them & add some various lore bits like others have expressed like-mindedly in this thread —

At least give some mild decorum to the uniqueness of each class-race combo, and provide some justification to make it exist in lore-fluidity outside of gameplay purposes alone. Heck – I’ve already made a forum thread on that topic myself, regarding Blood Elf Shadowpriests with the introduction of Void Elves (Essentially retconning all shadow & void using blood elves) to create such a justification & story establishment.

However, whether or not Blizzard will be lazy or actually apply some effort on to their lore is anyone’s guess … Although I’d wager most people would put their money on them being lazy. :eyes: lol

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God, I hope so.

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You say “oh it’s about context, effort and degree of writing” all you want, but all this translates to Blizzard is simply okaying them on “Yes, were fine with lore breaking combos, regardless if you’ve explained them or not”. The only way to reject lore breaking combos was to reject the first one: Undead priests.

You have to be consistent and not just pick and choose. Even though i can probably agree with you that the explanations for why undead priests are good, it doesn’t change the fact that this is practically what started the lore breaking combos. It also implies that Blizzard is capable of explaining satisfactorily of why Lightforged Warlocks exist at all, with, or without books. (Which, most people wouldn’t even read, let alone know about, or would just look up on the WoWhead wiki.)

Well you’re welcome to inconsistent opinions here. :man_shrugging:

I’m simply telling you that Blizzard wouldn’t exactly care much for nuance here.

I get wanting explanations for why things like that exist.

I just think pedestalling the lack of good explanations (by however you quantity that), in hopes we get explanation for why the lore breaking combos, … or customization options even (We still don’t have an explanation on why we see Asian looking humans though from shadowlands) that exist at all, is at best; wishful thinking, to put it bluntly.

And with the introduction of Exile’s Reach, it pretty much given Blizzard a lot of room to do whatever they please with no prior background applied to the races and classes. Essentially working with a blank canvas.

A Pandaren Druid for instance on Wandering Isle, will not make sense, but a Pandaren Druid in Exile’s reach, maybe might.

Goblin priest already best priest, goblin paladin gonna be best paladin :woman_shrugging:

“I’ve got the best heals around!”