A LIGHTFORGED warlock? srsly?

The fact that KT and Worgen can’t be Pallies is beyond belief. They literally fielded Paladins in WC2!

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I don’t think these lore changes are surprising to anyone actually interested in the fantasy genre and deeply in love with lore and roleplay. RPG’s often times imho tend to always eventually broaden the possibilities and make the world more nuanced as time goes on. This is a huge part of the fun of it all (just like in D&D) the endless combinations etc. Yes there’s baseline lore that’s established, but it’s the further iterated upon niche situations that make it exciting the deeper you go. Either or I’m glad Blizzard don’t seem to be caving to these supposed lore fanatics.

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The only warlock race combo that annoys me is lightforged warlock because, yeah, they sort of are a hivemind.
Theyre sworn to a side, they have their own belief system, and to become one you have to take trials to prove your unwavering faith and dedication.
So to be a class that goes directly against everything that a lightforged is… it just doesnt make sense.
Its like having race: vegan. Class: carnivore

The argument of individuality just doesnt work for them. All other races its cool though.


Eh, putting aside that LFD really isn’t appropriate to have as a separate race, it’s entirely within reason that a soldier, even a decorated soldier, might become crestfallen or disillusioned with their organization’s efforts and may act out in another way. No matter how tight the programming, someone always slips through a crack.

I mean I don’t know what the new customization questline will entail but for me it’s definitely not an impossibility, even if difficult to address. We know light fanatic traits can often be tied to subjugation, heck even self righteousness where punishment and torture is just to make one realize the weight of their sins. I could see some nuanced instance where lightforged warlocks are more there to humiliate and punish demons, or perhaps even learn to harness the fel so they can more easily subjugate demons and convert them to the light just like that dread lord lightforged was. Not saying it’s the perfect explanation but I can definitely see how they can go about it.

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OMG A warlock? srsly?

I bet you’re fun at parties.


Whoa, warlocks? In THIS thread? At THIS time of year?

Warlocks? In MY THREAD?? It’s more likely than you think.

They are like the opposite of blood elf paladins : 3

Its basically just that the draenei have seen lots of losses and are now on their third home, so this one lightforged guy is interested in becoming a warlock to protect his people along side the light.

Which is all well and good in theory but i do want to whack the guy over the head and remind him that literally every single event hes referencing was caused by the very forces hes now dabbling in, and they spent millenia fighting against.

While i think the combo makes no sense, what i really want to know is where the lightforged as a whole stand on their members becoming warlocks.

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My locks going lightforged just to piss yall lore andies off.

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Tbh though, this is why I really love new lore iterations like this. It’s kind of why I was always in the camp of supporting void elves (if you recall when they were announced many people were PO’ed for a variety of reasons, but one was because they weren’t a priorly established race and felt Blizzard was just doing an a-pull for alliance to get blood elves etc.) because they are a legitimately interesting race in their own right just for their beliefs.

The drama between them and the blood elves is some of the juicier more exciting lore for me and just another branch that I love to be explored when it comes up. Especially the effect they have on the Sunwell etc. So when it comes to lightforged warlocks, if they do it right, it can make for a very interesting story thread down the line. Maybe even some intense “these draenei must be purged” scenarios from some lightforged fanatics or something. Idk, just stuff like that is also why I think it’s really cool. It really opens the door to cool stories.

I personally really even have an issue with regular Draenei becoming warlocks. There’s always going to be a one off individual with differing ideas.
But the LF are not a race. They’re not people with differing ideals. They are a unified religious order in service to the Light only, and the rejection of demons. There is no way to spin this as ok.


Shrug The light forged are practically on holiday now. Always the risk that someone tries out the bad stuff while partying.

Whoa, did this thread lose, like, a lot of posts?

I guess everything that mentioned another game was deleted. Hilarious. I read what you wrote, though, and please tell you were kidding about you being able to pass on the lunar sweet stuff with your feline character. Bro, it was an example of a racial traits, and this confusion shows pretty well how you have difficulty to separate lore from gameplay and irl perspectives.

My kitty could say ‘no’ to a treat quite easily. Just because a particular game says ‘this people usually like X, Y, and Z’ doesn’t compel my character to do the same. They might like some of or even all of those, they might not. Just like in The World’s Most Popular Tabletop Role Playing Game (oopsie), my Dwarf is not compelled to like beer, belligerence, and bad Scottish accents.

Again, on the whole, the Tauren fear and despise Arcane magic. Yet an individual Tauren can somehow get over it and attend Wizard College.

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I keep seeing people that can’t think outside the box in topics like this. Sure some races might not seem to fit with classes, like warlocks, but if one really wants to they can swing it to make sense.

Draenei warlocks: who is to say that the first ones won’t be Man’ari eredar that, after seeing the legion WHOMPED by the armies of the races, including their Draenei brethren. wpound not try to switch sides or reconnect with their kin?

LFD: ohhhh, this one might be a bit spicy, but LFD are draenei that follow a certain beliefe and might be willing to force others to do their bidding, like Xe’ra tried to do with Illidan, who is to say their warlocks are not binding their demons with light and forcing them to do their bidding? Or that the demons they summon got the same treatment as the Nathrazim (dreadlord)?

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Yes, and the people rejoiced :raising_hand_man: