A LIGHTFORGED warlock? srsly?

I agree. I only pointed those out because they are not simply learned. There’s a few extra steps to take.

The Zandalari already figured out how to do it without Illidan.

Y’all that are upset about lore crack me up. Lore went out the window in shadowlands and never got picked back up.

Are you for real? Why are people like you even playing and RPG? Do you even know the difference between Man’ari and Draenei? If not, let me enlighten you: first, Draenei means “exiled”. When Archmonde and Kil’jaeden accepted Sargeras’ offer and joined the Burning Legion, Velen and his followers (Eredar that worshiped the Light and the Naaru) refused, thus being persecuted and considered betrayers. They fled Argus, becoming the Draenei or exiled ones, while the eredar that stayed became the Man’ari, that were also infused with Fel magic and turned into demons. The Draenei were hunted by the Burning Legion across the universe for 20 thousand years, until they settled in Draenor. The rest I’m pretty sure you know.

Now see, the only difference between the Draenei and the Man’ari Eredar is their ideals: one accepted the corruptive power that Sargeras offered, the other rejected it and stayed with the Naaru and their ideals.

The very essence of a Draenei is being completely against any kind of dark magic, specially Fel. A Shadow Priest Draenei is already weird, but can be acceptable because there existed the Auchenai, soulpriests or death priests that used Shadow magic in some manner to take care of the spirits of the dead in Auchindoun (another thing that SL retconed: the fact that anything connected to manipulation of the dead ivolves Shadow magic, like Necromancy being a school of Shadow magic.).

Now tell me, why would a regular Draenei, who rejected unlimited power from Sargeras, who was chasen for millennia by demons, who saw their kin being deformed by Fel magic corruption (the Broken), choose to become a Warlock? Don’t even think about quoting Illidan and the Demon Hunters, the Draenei aren’t Night Elves, they suffered way more than the Night Elves, they lost their entire planet to the Legion, and still didn’t choose to fight fire with fire, the ends will never justify the mean for them. And here I’m talking about regular Draenei, I didn’t even mentioned the Lightforged Draenei, that were separated from the others and ended up turning into soldiers infused with Light with ideals even more extremists.

By the way, I mentioned the Broken. Yes, do you know how became like this? Simply by being exposed to high amounts of Fel magic. It’s corruption languishes and deforms them, just like it turns Orcs’s skin green and eventually red.

So, how would a Draenei make use of Fel without decaying into a Broken? How would a Lightforged Draenei make use of Fel and Shadow if they’re very bodies are infused by opposite energies? A Shadow Priest Lightforged Draenei is “physically” impossible and exists only because of gameplay stuff with the classes specs, but in reality they would feel excruciating pain just for taping into Shadow magic (the same for Void Elves with Holy magic). As for Fel magic, Light basically repells or nullifies Fel, so how would a Lightforged Draenei cast a single Chaos Bolt?

There’s a big difference between allowing more diversity of races and classes combos and simply ignoring all the lore, culture, ideologies and even physiology of the race (like massive 10 feet tall Taurens being rougues).

The only way for turning things like Warlock Draeneis “less absurd” would be, as some people here suggested, some kind of in-game explanation for why an individual of that specific race would choose to follow a path that goes against everything that their race believes.

Damn, it’s not so hard to understand! It’s it’s like a vegan butcher, a fireman snowman… Ever played The Elder Scrolls? It’s like a Nord willingly joining the Thalmor, or an Altmer worshipping Talos. COME ON!

I’m sorry, but if you disagree with those statements, you probably shouldn’t be playing a MMORPG, and the fact that you’re playing one (or former one) shows how this said MMORPG have lost all of its essence.


Ain’t no one reading that. Can you make a tldr about how you think someone shouldn’t play an mmorpg if they don’t like the way you want it?

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That’s a whole lotta words to say ‘I think Draenei are a hivemind and can’t possibly ever be dissatisfied with their lot with the Light’.

All you need to be a Warlock is to have a desperate enough wish for power. What aim you have with said power is irrelevant, all you need is to want it. The Draenei would have witnessed other Warlocks being able to turn back the tide of evil, resist the corruption of the fel, and generally be valued by their allies. Looking at that picture, an individual Draenei might decide ‘y’know, maybe it’s worth taking a look.’ Or, since Azeroth is such a dangerous and hostile place, they were forced into a corner and now face down a death they don’t want. Their prayers to the Naaru either go unanswered or are insufficient to win the day… So they beg for help from anyone else. ‘Anyone else’ answers and offers them the power they need. For a tiny, tiny price.

Also, Warlocks endure fel exposure just fine. Draenei don’t turn Broken on Outland, and somehow despite the rampant fel corruption running about, the Mag’har somehow aren’t green either. Even in Hellfire Peninsula.


I believe other races could be Demon Hunters by performing the ritual for becoming one. However, a Draenei would never do such thing, and a Lightforged one would very likely die in the process because of their Light infused soul and body rejecting the demon’s soul and flesh ingested. Or it could simply not work, they would vomit the demon’s flesh ingested and their own Light would obliterate the demon’s soul.

As for the Evokers, the Dracthyr were literally created to harnesses the powers the five dragonflights while possessing the adaptability of the mortals. How in Earth do you think this couls be replicated on another race? It’s even shown how they don’t understand why other races have to learn spells instead of simply using it naturally. Evoker isn’t a learned class, it’s literally the nature of the Dracthyr, their innate powers and abilities, just like a dragon’s ability to breath fire.

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You didn’t play during Legion did you?

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If Dreadlords can get lightforged, there’s no reason an LFD wouldn’t be able to go through the DH process. Would they die? Maybe. Possibly. Non-zero chance of death, sure. Alternatively, maybe they don’t. The Naaru themselves could even bolster the attempt, whether wittingly or unwittingly (again, Blood Elf Paladins).

As far as Evokers go, that’s not hard to get at all; it’s a scientific procedure. It needs some reverse-engineering, some lucky guesses, and a bit of tweaking to fit onto the other races, and may come with some… Aesthetic changes… But no reason it couldn’t work. Dragon communion’s been a thing.

I want my gnome demon hunters!

Their bodies are too small to hold a demon’s soul, so no.

They are bigger than imps

But imps are the weakest demons around, who’d be scared of an imp powered Demon Hunter? What’s it gonna do, give me a massage?

You didn’t specify the demon had to be powerful.

This is might be a gameplay issue, but we can speculate that they were affected by the Fel in some different manner, or that they were more sensible and susceptible to mutation.

But anyways, no. The Draenei would never fight fire with fire. Think of it, 20 thousans years being chased across the universe, settling on uncountable worlds just to be forced to flee again, over and over, to Draenor, then Azeroth, and still they refused to tap into Fel. It’s like a sacred oath.

Well, OK, if you want to be the world’s weakest Demon Hunter, then fine. Beware Demons, the fury of Lil’Small Glaives is here to tickle you in to submission!

‘A Paladin would never slaughter a town of innocents.’

‘The Undead simply aren’t capable of independent thought.’

‘The Orcs must always kill, massacre, and consume.’

There’s always an exception. There’s always an ‘until’. That’s why you never treat a race as absolute. It’s bad writing. It makes sense that at least one Draenei would look at the fel being used to improve things and go ‘maybe it won’t be that bad’. Or they fail a test of faith. Or they, again, get desperate enough to say ‘no, I won’t die today.’

It’s easy to say ‘we’ll never allow X’ until it’s your back to the wall. Then it gets a lot more real.


A weak demon can still be more powerful than some players. Know how many died in TBC? lol

Wow… you just decontextualized everything about Arthas story, undeads nature, and orcs culture. I’m starting to wonder if you know the lore or if you’re just speaking your own vision about it.

Exceptions exist indeed, for minor things, details, etc. I’m sorry but, in a fantasy world, there has to be rules, and many of these rules are immutable and crucial for the very fantasy of the world.


I feel this is the biggest talking point I’ve seen that irks me the most. Many people seem to believe the draenei race in itself is some Hivemind without any individuality in beliefs. If they have that individuality then their name should officially be changed to ma’nari. These sort of people would never survive on an RP server, they’d probably immediately say it’s lore breaking to see a human paladin who proclaims to be from Gilneas lmfao.

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