A LIGHTFORGED warlock? srsly?

I mean we have a ‘lightforged’ undead at this point. Why bother having any restrictions on race/class/faction?

The fact that there are more people making jokes and giving a damn about the devs disrespecting the game’s lore than people that are concerned and unsatisfied with it really saddens me.

I played WoW because of its lore since I started playing. I loved the universe, the concepts, the races, how everything was unique, how everything had an explanation and still kept its mystery.

Now what should players like me should do? It’s easy saying to just leave the game, as if it hasn’t been years and years of attachment and love for a single game and its unique story, races, world, everything.

The game seems to have lost every bit of its soul, becoming an empty husk of what it once was. Some things are still good, like the art design, the environment, have you noticed how the fauna of some places behave? Animals wandering in organized packs or herds, flying creatures that land on trees or on the ground before taking flight again instead of flying around eternally, small things that seem to improve every expansion and that make an incredibly different for immersion. But what else? What’s the point of so much environment immersion if the very fantasy of the world is dead?

But nobody seems to care. I’ve been playing FFXIV a lot recently, and now I’m trying ESO, which is looking amazing in every aspect so far, even though I still struggle to adapt to its action style. But I still miss WoW. I try to play retail, but I feel like playing a corrupted and deformed version of what I used to play. Then I go to Classic, and surprisingly enjoy it, but I feel like I’m playing an old game powered by nostalgia with no future. After all, what will become of Classic in a few years? Will it keep going till recent expansions, only for us to relive the decline of the game’s quality through each one of them?

There was a time when I dreamed about Classic becoming a path to “relaunch” past expansions, changing and fixing things that didn’t worke before, even rebooting some stuff about lore. But that would be totally impracticable. Sometimes I think that if Blizzard at least rebooted the last two expansions (or at least SL), uncanonize them, maybe I would enjoy the game once more, since most of the worst lore problems that they have brought would be fixed. But that’s another impracticable dream. If they don’t care about the lore to the point of doing those absurd changes in the classes available for each race, why would they even think about a massive reboot like that.

My relationship with WoW has been truly abusive, frustrating and mentally exhausting in these last years, and I simply can’t get over it. I’m pretty sure there’s a name for it like a conplex of something…


WoW ‘lore’ was pretty much a joke from the jump off.

Blizzard announced that they plan on making all non-hero classes available to all races. I think it’s stupid and dilutes the uniqueness of both the races and classes, but that’s the decision they made. All we can hope for is that Blizzard adds some lore bits for the new combos to feel somewhat different from each other.


Thinking about it I 110% support all classes for all races but I really wish we could expand the glyph system to tweak the lore of each race/class combination, you know?

Tauren Paladins should be allowed to have fiery spells since they are Sunwalkers and worship the sun.

Night Elf Priests should be allowed to have silvery spells since they worship the moon.

Pandaren Shamans should be allowed to have Pandarian elementals.

Troll Shamans pretty much have all their necessary glyphs…

Lightforged Warlocks should have light spells as if they are using the light itself to bind and subjugate their sworn enemies.

Etc. It would be so cool. And I don’t want to hear the “but PvP!” nonsense. Turn the glyphs off in arena if you must but everyone else deserves fun things.

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The dreadlords aren’t demons.

while were screeching about lore, maybe we should beat this worn out Hatfield / McCoys dead horse ‘war’ for another 20 years too, lol.

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Hobbits are pretty much homebodies.
And yet a few of the core characters in a fantasy series were Hobbits who went against Hobbit tradition and became adventurers and saved the world.

I you dont like Panda warlocks…dont play one. Some pandas could very well have ventured out into the broader world, like a few hobbits did, and became things they might not have if theyd have followed their ancestors and stayed home.

What breaks ‘immersion’ for me is homogeneity. Thinking everyone of a race HAS to be the same thing and cant be different.

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oh. And speaking of race/class customization

Feltotem or riot for highmountain warlocks.


There are warlocks who went to Bastion , so yeah …why not ?

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Uh. Pretty sure when they joined the Burning Legion (i.e. when they were called Dread Lords) they ended up becoming Demonic. Double checked lore stuff and yeah, dread lords were demons even if they “originally weren’t demons” but that is putting a lot of faith into Shadowlands flubbing around with lore stuff.

Well…damn. As sad as this is, this had me laughing my @$$ off.

Good one.

You cleary don’t know what immersion means.

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And you clearly don’t understand that every class in this game is trained.

Every race should be able to be every class. Yes, even DH and Evoker.

What does it have to do with regular and lightforged draenei becoming warlocks?

You understand that that dreadlord was “lightforged”, right? He was a demon (previously a “being from the Shadowlands” /facepalm), than he joined the Army of the Light and became lightforged.

I just can’t see your logic.

Demon Hunter requires taking in the soul of a demon.

Evoker requires dragon blood. The abilities are both learned and genetic. That’s why they don’t currently have their third spec, those genes were switched off.

Other than that, you are correct.

And a Warlock is just a mage that uses Fel magic as a source instead of the safer sources of Ice, Arcane, and Fire.

Doesn’t matter. LF are a religious order that specifically oppose demonic magic.
Mag’har is an orcish word that SPECIFICALLY means being pure of demonic corruption. You can no more be a mag’har warlock than you can be both heavy and light at the same time.

Any race can do this.

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A process that can be extrapolated. Elves aren’t unique in this category, Illidan just decided they fit best.

Evoker creation was literally a magiscentific method; this process can be replicated.

Will there be a ton of failures and likely casualties/fatalities? Absolutely. But it only has to work once, for the PC.

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They can. But they haven’t yet.

It would take much more work than simply adding the class to their lists though. New animations would be needed.

Some races would look ridiculous if they fought the same way as current demon hunters. Tauren mostly. I just can’t picture them twirling around with twin warglaives in their hands without laughing.