A LIGHTFORGED warlock? srsly?

my first instinct when I unlocked the race was make a Lightforged Death Knight… so, yeah, I can see going WL. Too bad Blizz won’t make more interesting demons/pets for the allied races… I’m curious what a holy succubus would look like. xD


Actually he’s an agent of Denathrius, as revealed in Shadowlands of the dreadlords’ reports on different cosmic powers. Where they mention the light and how the light is dumb because they just send a nathrezim agent to “convert” to the light and they think he’s their buddy then. More likely he just asked to join because that was his mission.

No, he talked about his “recruitment” in Legion. He at least made it seem like he was brought in by force.
That’s why I said “attempted”, I know of the… wretched re-definition of them in SL.

Not really. If it’s a good explanation, imaginative, and opens room for other potential & plots then I’m all for it. If it’s rather dull, or a cop out that trashes upon older lore – Then generally less so.

That thread of yours, a handful of the classes listed had heaps of lore poured into justifying them. Take Night Elf Mages for instance — Many of them were the Highborne reintegrating into Night Elven society in Cataclysm via the efforts of Archmage Mordent Evenshade of the Shen’dralar Highborne.

They even foreshadowed it, in WOTLK —

Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: Sentinel, I would speak with your High Priestess.

Sentinel Stillbough says: You must wait for an audience.

Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: Must I? I doubt Tyrande has more pressing business.

Sentinel Stillbough says: You show some nerve coming to Teldrassil, Highborne. Your kind are unwelcome here. We have not forgotten the War of the Ancients or the minds behind it.

Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: The lure of power is great. Mistakes were made.

Sentinel Stillbough says: And we would not see those mistakes repeated. Return to your exile.

Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: I will not return until I am heard. There is too much at stake. There is a change on the wind, and we cannot ignore it. I have traveled from the dust and ruin of the past to come to an accord. The time may soon come when the kaldorei require the knowledge and skill we have to offer. I will wait, Sentinel… but I will have my audience.

:diamonds: {Archmage Mordent Evenshade looks over at the moonwell with a sigh} :diamonds:

Sentinel Stillbough says: Take your gaze off the moonwell, exile. The power within is not yours to wield.

Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: Calm yourself, Sentinel. I do not seek to use it. I am merely… remembering.

Sentinel Stillbough says: Recalling your treachery?

Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: Enough. I have been apart from this for centuries. The well within this temple may be a pale spectre of the Well of Eternity, but it still holds the same… beauty. Purity.

Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: I had forgotten.

Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: I do not believe admiration and wistful thoughts are against the societal norm.

Sentinel Stillbough says: Watch yourself, Highborne.

Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: You were the one who challenged me for merely looking. I still await my audience with Tyrande.

Sentinel Stillbough says: In good time.

What I said was, that it didn’t butcher – THE MAJORITY *, I wasn’t denying there was a retcon involved at all - Hence why I outright stated & admitted they retconned a portion of it.

However, Shadowlands retconned lore from:

  • Warcraft i
  • Warcraft ii
  • Warcraft iii
  • World of Warcraft: Vanilla
  • World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade
  • World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
  • World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
  • World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
  • World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
  • World of Warcraft: Legion
  • Chronicles volumes 1 - 3

and other books …

So if we’re gonna go on what expansion did the largest amount of retconning & butchering of lore, then Shadowlands takes the cake — Retcons it into pudding, eats it – Defecates it out into the plate, and throws it at the players face.


I’m hoping the new warlock customization questline adds some further context, but I’d say it’s not such a stretch for other races to be warlocks. We’ve seen light exist within shadow through Anduin all the way back to Pandaria. We’ve seen Mag’har embrace the fel through the Laughing Skull clan in WoD and this didn’t turn their skin green; many became grey. Heck, we’ve seen a dread lord become light forged. The possibilities within lore are endless, and the subject matter is so nuanced that making it fit for both gameplay and lore fanatics isn’t a hard sell.

Races comprise of cultures but individuals even more so. Individuals can break away from their culture, as we’ve seen some do. Heck the void elves were blood elves who went against their people and culture and pursued forbidden knowledge regardless. We don’t know the full workings of the light, nor the fel. We only know what has been established, “so far”. These things can be further explored and iterated upon, just like the races can.

People who are so hardstuck on the lore as it’s established from the beginning; if they had their way we’d likely never have gotten tauren paladins who are epic and fit just fine years later. Pandaren would’ve always been considered a “joke” and MoP / Monks would have never likely happened. We likely never would have gotten troll paladins who are epic and fit just fine years later. We likely would have never seen the blood elves get a variety of different eye colors because to them the taint is too embedded or whatever. Blizzard has had their mess ups (like Shadowlands) but they’ve also had solid wins when it comes to expanding upon the lore to broaden customization.

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Retcon in some D&D… some Warlocks make pacts with Demons, some with the Old Gods, and others make pacts with the Light. :rofl:

Now THAT would be a character CUSTOMIZATION… let you pick your Patron. :smiley:


Not exactly. All magic can corrupt. Fel is just another source of magic as far as I’ve been able to find. Less safe than Arcane, Ice, or Fire, but still able to be used in a safe way with proper precautions and a strong will.

no. not end of subject.

I wish it was the end. I don’t see the point in complaining about this when they’re not going to change their mind.

“our game now, chuds”
Just let my thicc orc bb have a manly voice. I can’t believe that isn’t an option already

Just gonna drop this here video is primarily about Gender Locking but well same logic applies to races.

I… don’t know what you’re talking about now. I thought you were responding to Bris, that was talking about all races for warlocks.

Sounds like arch. Reported for linking fascist content.

Not more wild than a Lightforged Dreadlord.

Guess it goes both ways.

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I’m excited.

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Yet you play a Tauren Paladin.


Technically Fel is the mirror of Arcane, not Light (whose mirror is Shadow). Although if we’re being even MORE technical, Nathrezim are creates of the realms of Death (being Denathrius’s agents and creations), not Disorder, which is the realm of the Legion.

But realistically it doesn’t matter either way because playable characters very specifically exist outside the norm of their respective races. That’s why they’re adventurers to begin with.

The only real reason on why we don’t have every race have access to every class is because of the actual work involved on Blizzards end.


Didn’t do that nor would I ever as said ideology would see me well no longer existing if you catch my meaning. :dracthyr_shrug:

I think a lot of them are also furries, tbh fam

Regardless, if you’re fine with one, you’re fine with the of rest of them.
If you’re not fine with one, then you’re not fine with the rest of them.

You can’t really pick and choose here. Because as i’ve said, we allowed one lore breaking combo to open the door for others. Regardless if you see it lore-breaking or not, or think it’s satisfactorily explained or not.

If an Undead priest is fine, then i see no reason to get upset over Lightforged Warlocks. This isn’t going to mention you can just not play them if you dislike that idea.

Plus, as i’ve said in both the thread and here, Player Characters never has mattered to the lore. They only exist so we can have gameplay.

And before you say it, i don’t dislike undead priests or any of the combos. I stopped caring about lorebreaking combos they pull out ever since Gnome Hunters existed. Especially since they just make Player Characters a generic protagonist anyways in terms of personality, powers, motivations, and actions, instead of the class being the focus on their individual weaknesses, strengths, motivations and personality.

Your only just finding out anout this? Old news much… Also you do know theres already “lore brakeing” combos points at holly forsaken priests

There’s even a npc in the legoin priest quest line who is one. Sure you can say " it hurts them, but they can still be around" but i still think it kind of brakes the lore

In the end i dont mind it one way or the other