A LIGHTFORGED warlock? srsly?

Fixed it for you.

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Coming from a Tauren Warlock whose lore came out of nowhere?

That’s fresh.

Warlocks simply channel the fel, they aren’t imbued with it - so Lightforged Warlocks make sense - you’d have a case against Lightforged Demon Hunters, but not Warlocks.

You and people like you need to accept the fact the lore will evolve over time - just like it evolved to allow Tauren Paladins.

It do be like that!

Man if you guys are so up in arms about this, I can’t wait to see the reaction when we get undead paladins.


While the fact of whether or not the actual wielding of Fel would damage the LFD is in question, the fact they are NOT A RACE and are A SPECIFIC RELIGIOUS ORDER THAT WOULD NOT ENGAGE IN FEL USE is not.
Mag’har warlock is even worse, because it’s LITERALLY NOT POSSIBLE to be an “uncorrupt”(the literal meaning and translation of the word “mag’har”) warlock.


We technically have undead pallies in the form of dark fallen belf pallies.

tauren paladin QQing about class/race combos. what the…


This is a new and original thread.

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Even better, blizzards justification for it in game basically boils down to “bc I want to.” That’s it. No twisting of the already mangled lore or story implications. It’s quite sad really, they don’t care about the world that was created and the foundation of the game anymore. It’s all about bringing in the next $$.


Nobody thinks that, but it’s hard to deny the influence D&D has had on these types of games and if they think class/race restrictions are outdated and other games want to follow, so what?

Even metzen said it was ok to change the lore when you need to. I like how lore purists act like when something is written it’s final for all eternity and cannot be altered in any way.


Explain Sir Zeliek, Lothraxion, LF Draenei Shadow Priests, LF Draenei DKs, Undead Holy Priests, etc etc etc etc


And Sir Zeliek who has been in game since nilla

so these people saying “zomg unpossible to mix unholy with holy” are potato-brained.


Stop beating the dead horse.

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The Lightforged witnessed their god try to force Illidan to become Lightforged, and it be destroyed by his fel power.

Only one of them tried to do anything about it… And it wasn’t one of the Draenei.

Is it so hard to believe that their views would shift somewhat after that?

Also they’ve been fighting beside an actual demon for a long time.

Too late,gunna hit on July 11th.

I will be lauging even more in Undead

We’ve got Lightforged Draenei Death Knights. Dunno if as a specific religious order, they’d engage in necromancy.

Xe’ra was trying to be a warlock, binding Illidan to her and the Light.

Lightforged warlocks learned it from you, Mother.


They didn’t have a choice in being DK’s. Their bodies were snatched and risen.
There has yet to be any lore to say what the LF actually thought about their comrades being risen. Under respectful writers, it obviously would have been frowned on. Under these modern disrespectful writers, it likely wouldn’t be.


Think of Lightforged Warlocks as Inquisitors who bind and enslave demons to turn their power against their own kind in service of the Light. :smiley:

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