A LIGHTFORGED warlock? srsly?

The light has been really letting me down lately. I’ve asked it for a girlfriend but with no luck. That ability to summon a succubus kinda tempting me. Maybe I should study fel magics and be a warlock.

-The Canon Lore for Lightforged Warlocks from now on


many weeks ago? Yes it was. Are you just now catching up with the rest of the world?

Also the community be like;
Undead casting Holy magic? I sleep.
Lightforged Draenei Shadow Priests? I sleep.
Void Elf Holy Priests? I sleep.
Lightforged Draenei Warlocks? REAL SHOT?!?


They spit on the lore a long time ago :man_shrugging:


Yes. Hopefully their light tattoos look green with FEL!!

Sorry. I like the idea.


I’m legit waiting for this and I won’t even play it but seriously I can’t wait to see the salt from people wanting to stop others from playing what they want.


I’ll give pally a solid try with velf(aka helf) but maybe velf if they give us class skins(but they won’t lol) I would also like worgen and nelf too!

But yes, the salt will be amusing.


I agree with you that lore should matter.

But this ship has sailed and I have moved on to just let my play any class with any race.

It is a really bad combo that should not happen.

At the very least they could have added some decent lore and backing around it, such as how the lightforged view their members becoming warlocks.
They are a light cult army and not a normal race after all. To become a member you have to follow their ideology and face trials where only the most dedicated can pass. Some understanding about their orders feelings on it would go a long way.

But we cant change any of that, so weve just got to roll with it.
On the plus side, they do look awesome as warlocks so theres that.



I mean, they Lightforged a Dreadlord. A DREADLORD.


Warlocks are cheaters. They killed that Druid upon arrival to Azeroth that powered Thrall’s essence. And they cheated in killing Durotan! The only reason Humans became warlocks in Vanilla was because Gul’dan forced them to learn Dark arts in captivity or Die a terrible dark death! The only reason any race other than Orc could be a warlock was because they took them hostage and forced them to become Fel or perish!

“The Light Shines. Even here!” “Free The Prisoners!”

Oh, this is a troll thread. That explains a lot.


I don’t think that’s true. I’ve seen interviews with developers that have shared their genuine spirited joy in building the world we play in.

The zones, the lore we see, the questline stories [I’ve loved so many of these thus far, especially with some of the Tuskarr and Kalecgos], the fun item descriptions for even just grey quality trash you find from mobs, the art, the architecture, there’s lots of love and passion put into plenty of things outside of M+ and PVP.

These developers have put their pride and joy into so many things, the mobs, the smallest nooks and crannies in the landscape, secrets, easter eggs and no doubt have their own inside jokes with certain stuff they’ve put in the game together. And I’m not talking about the higher management, I mean the people who really do the work to paint everything out into something real.

I saw all the videos of the developers that were so excited for Dragonflight, it wasn’t just a hellscape of darkness and evil forces they were working on, it was full of color and life that they put into it. They don’t just care about M+ and PVP but it’s definitely a focus.


I don’t care if they allow LFD to become Warlocks or not, as long as they give me Panda Locks and Draenei Locks.

Though, I would love Red Skin for Draenei Warlocks, for the Manari/Eredar aesthetic.

ALSO: Can Warlocks please keep the Observer? PLEASE!


That’s literally what what killed my love of lore lol

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Only in your head canon.

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This outrage train left the station weeks ago. You’re about 30 things to be offended by behind.

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Yeah, like the fact that they are deleting the Observer because of “Silhouette” issues (IE PvP players that don’t play Warlocks not knowing what they do). :roll_eyes:


Lil late to the party my boi.

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If they cared about the lore, they wouldn’t have gutted it with SL. They wouldn’t be trying to make dry water or wet fire with “Mag’har” warlock(that’s the level of incompatibility we’re working with here). They wouldn’t have made Sandfury trolls and Wildhammer dwarves a skin color/tattoo.
They care about their personal fanfiction-tier ideas maybe, but not the actual underlying lore they routinely spitefully desecrate.


Hahaha! I won’t fault you for that belief, but they’re still happy doing it. Guess we ought to adapt.