A LIGHTFORGED warlock? srsly?

I hope you’re wearing proper fire proof PPE. You’re gonna need it.

Yea people will surely have their feelings hurt. However, they’ll know I’m right. The “lore” of this game is a joke.

You group with the horde, guild with them(Right? I haven’t played since feb/march), and trade cross realm?

Why hold on to this one dumb thing? Because of something in the novels? The majority of the player base doesn’t care. They just want to be gnome druids and move on.

They should have just put in a quest to join the remnants or defect from the burning legion. Adding yet another Eredar ally race is dumb. No reason Dreanei locks can’t exist. Or switch sides at this point.

The only ones that find it a joke are those that think it is static, never changing. The only part that makes it a joke to ones like me, who see it as living, breathing, changing lore is the fact Blizzard tends to miss on explanations or reasoning behind certain things.

Yea, don’t even get me started on that. Way too many issues by trying to hard to make humans good near 10 000 year old elves and draenei.

Still, the way I see, these new class combos can be similar to Demon Hunters. Even if they’re parias in their society, they can still exist.

As for LF Draenei Warlocks, I don’t even think they should fit that role. It makes more sense that these LF are so scary with the Light that can bent demons to their will without the risk of being corrupted. “Inquisitors” or something.

Ummm… the Lore has been slowly dying after Wrath and has gotten ridiculously stupid ever since. Might as well have some fun!

You just lack imagination, OP. That Lightforged Warlock could be a cousin of Sargeras who became a lightforged because the Naaru that gave him the exam was his buddy and turned a blind eye on him.

The Naaru could’ve also been a Fel Naaru.

You just need imagination, this is 100% possible.

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They could’ve been forged with a dark light too.

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Naaru: Now you and your demons shall become forged by the light.
Throws dark light.
Sargeras’ cousin: Wait a second… why is your light dark?
Naaru: Uh… lore is dead dude. Accept the light and move on.

I am surprised people are having a hard time understanding this, makes more sense than Draenei Paladins.

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Funny, i dont PvP or run mythic+ lol

Fel and Light are not inherently incompatible. This has been shown many times. There are fel using NPCs that still use Light magic. This is not a gameplay thing given to players for balance or fun, this is a prime example of these two powers being used by the same entity.

Could you be directly infused by both? Probably not. But being infused with one does not make you unable to use the other, nor does using one make you unable to use the other.

The Lightforging process infuses you with Light, obviously. Does this make them unable to be mages? Obviously not, they have many mages among their ranks, even before players could be one.

Fel magic is just another magic source. More dangerous to the user than the safer sources of Arcane, Fire, and Ice, but less dangerous to the user than The Void/shadow.

The Army of the Light saw how effective using Fel to fight Fel was. They also saw Illidan obliterate their god using Fel. While they are still firmly devoted to the cause of the Light, it would be foolish of them to ignore a potent weapon.

The process of becoming Lightforged takes immense willpower. Which is also what you need to not be corrupted by magic of any source. The further into it you go, the more will you need.


Right, it just makes you incredibly unstable and probably explosive, as Maiden of Vigilance showed us in ToS.

The real issue with LFD Warlocks is and always has been primarily the fact that it’s completely at odds with their entire identity. They are an ideological faction of a race that is vehemently opposed to the use of fel magic, and spent thousands of years fighting a war against it. If there was any chance of them seeing the “fight fire with fire” potential, it would’ve happened ages ago. This combo as it’s being implemented completely shatters the entire point of being Lightforged. The only way it can ever make sense is through use of Lightbound demons, like Lothraxion is, and changing all of their spell visuals to light magic. Warlock gameplay without actually being warlocks.

I think the main issue at the heart of this, is that we haven’t seen a half-light-half-fel anything in this game.

If it was possible to have both half Light and half Fel energy in one mortal body, I think we would’ve seen it by now. Illidan or Velen or someone would have done it, I’m sure.

Heck the Blood Elves played with both forces, and nothing unique came of that.

For all the 20+ years of the Warcraft IP, they never really hinted that this was possible, only that they were ‘opposite forces’ that try to destroy the other.

Demons are antithesis to the Light, and that’s the way Warcraft always was.

Human Paladins fighting demonic-blood-infused Orcs.

It just feels like a lazy way of including new Warlocks, and that’s bad lol. Basically ignoring years of established lore that has stated otherwise.

I wouldn’t mind if LFD at least had red skin or something, a greater explanation as to why they’re going back on old lore.

But the explanation is flimsy at best, or just not there at all.

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Light and Fel are not opposing forces on the wow element chart. If you want to be technical lightforged Draenei should not be able to be shadow priests without tearing themselves apart.

Light and Fel are definitely not friendly with each other but there are not polar opposite like light and void

I could be wrong but if I remember correctly Arcane and Fel are opposites.

Can someone link the post or article Op is talking about?

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Thank you Tovi.

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OK, I was holding off on commenting on this until I could read the post or article, but here are my thoughts.

This is bad. Overall, this is bad for the game. And here’s some reasons why.

  1. The races chosen for this change don’t really make any sense, Horde or Alliance.
    The races each have unique reasons why they wouldn’t side with or summon deamons and would instead go down other more thematically accurate paths to self actualization, expression or identity or for pursuits of power. This is a thematic nightmare, and any reasonable person at Blizzard would have known this makes absolutely no sense.

  2. Their reasons for doing this are probably not great… They’re probably hoping people will resub if they can be a Warlock in their favorite race, which, doesn’t make sense because if they identify with a race that didn’t like demons or Warlocks, chances are they don’t like them either, but that’s an assumption. What we do know is t hat Blizzard doesn’t like to give one faction benefits and rewards that the other faction doesn’t get… so, we get Warlocks for both factions.

  3. This would make MUCH more sense if (as other people have mentioned) people could customize their Taurens or Draenei to look more aesthetically like a Warlock, but they can’t, and they probably never will. If Blizzard wanted to do this right ,they’d give us customization options that would make our characters look Fel corrupted… that would actually solve a lot of issues… but again, they won’t do this, even though the models are ALREADY IN GAME.

  4. Instead of actual content, Blizzard likes to loosen restrictions, which is exactly what they’re doing here. Realistically, they could remove ALL restrictions, because they don’t mean anything anymore, especially after this brain-genius decisions.

  5. Can I just reiterate how bad thematically and logically this decision is? Night Elves… literal Night Elves are now going to be summoning Demons, a race of people who have proof that their god exists and have lived long enough to see their homes and peoples destroyed by Demons multiple times… We can draw obvious parallels to historic events and they’d be perfectly apt, because NIGHT ELVES are now going to be summoning DEMONS… Blizzard, how did this make sense?

Overall, I don’t know how much this matters, Blizzard has done SO much to ruin their own lore and immersion and thematic integrity, that this is just one more bad decision among a field of bad decisions. Will it matter in the long run? No, it won’t. It won’t help the game by any means either, and it can’t really make things much worse… how many times can you wreck the same car?

Blizzard, this is… just incredible. Nice job, 3/10, would not RPG again.


I don’t understand why people can’t see this from another point of view.

Why can’t each race have its own outcast?

Why must every single being of that race have the same ideals or rejection of fel magic?

The only race I can see being physically impossible of being a Warlock is Lightforged Draenei because they were infused with the Holy Light.

That said, I’ve stopped caring about their writing and lore when they introduced Zovaal.

They have already said that they’re working on every class for every race, with Paladins, Shamans and Druids taking the longest for obvious reasons.

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This is what a lot of players seem to have a problem with. Every race is a monolith to them, and every player must be an archetypical paragon of a racial stereotype.