A LIGHTFORGED warlock? srsly?

I dunno, maybe they thought the stretch of that one Naaru (Xeeru? I forget names often) trying to convert Illidan before he destroyed her and applied that “logic” of using the Light to control demons that Lightforged summon.

If they don’t have holy branding on their minions to denote something like that? Then it’s kind of a silly thing unless they update the models specifically for that. Do any of the new demon customizations have anything that could work to fit what is currently my own on-the-spot makeshift head-canon?

Undead priests have existed since Vanilla though. It’s not like a ‘New concept’
Nor was it entirely lore shattering with the way they had written it. I’d consider it a blessing they addressed it at all, and provided even a small degree of problematic issues with it than none at all.

K :roll_eyes:

:unamused: As much as it pains me to admit, you’re probably right on that matter LOL

Alright, I suppose that’s fair enough.

As for the Asian humans thing, amongst other races:

— Given humans in WoW were descended from titanforged Vrkul, and those Vrkul were of different elemental origin - I wagered the various colours were of different elements being more aligned with those colours (Such as onyx & dark opalescent elements). Akin to darker skinned elves of Quel’Thalas, given they evolved originally from Dark Trolls to Highborne / Nightelves, to High Elves – One could simply suggest some didn’t have their skin colour alter or few had it stick as a dominant gene in their bloodline or reappear time to time as a ‘rare occurrence’ and a respectful reminder of their origins to the past.

Although those are more of a headcanon — I’d say they’re reasonable ones, and play to the allowed expressed pride without prejudice to the playerbase.

The Pandaren Druid via Exiles reach than Wandering Isle, I agree with.


Well, yeah, i’ve been saying saying that lore breaking combos are not a new concept for a good while here. Vanilla was the start of that.

Personally if i were a vanilla player back then, and if i was told that undead can’t use the light because it would be painful for them, i might be wondering why exactly my Undead isn’t losing health each time he casts a heal spell.

Then again, i also ask why Undead aren’t categorized as undead, but the answer would be the same: For the gameplay. Specifically for that one, PvP reasons, but i digress.

That’s fair.

Although, I still believe that there’s various story elements that break lore or create ruin amongst the storyline more than others. I certainly wouldn’t wager them as “One or the other, they’re all the same.”

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Fair enough i suspose.

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Yeah, good riddance to people like me who cared about lore continuity.

WoW is (now) for people that give zero about the story, so I’m out.

The lore is a large reason why people got into this IP in the first place (aside from gameplay and friends), and they aren’t respecting it anymore.

Good luck to those who will enjoy their everyclass/everyrace.

I guess everyone that still plays doesn’t read/skips quest text too, might as well stop implementing that as well. It doesn’t matter, does it? Gameplay first?

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“A race/class combo I don’t like exists; game is dead.”

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“The lore” seems to be a little relative for people who complain about this sort of thing, as if there weren’t unique concepts or individuals weren’t capable of making their own choices to justify new combinations.

Besides, the “lore” went out of the window the moment WoW was created because of how druids were handled to the Horde and Nelves were turned into human sidekicks.


Also something that’s kinda made little sense over the years.

Imo, it should be Night Elves leading the Alliance, versus Orcs leading the Horde.

Night Elves have so much knowledge over humanity. And yet, why is a human boy, King?

“Human potential” is a meme.


The game is already dead if they think they can just do whatever they want for gameplay reasons, methinks.

There’s a reason they chose to do this now, instead of adding Night Elf Warlocks to say, Classic for example. Or, just years ago, like in Cataclysm, when they added Dwarf Shamans and Troll Druids.

They know the game is in dire straits, and they’re doing whatever they can to keep people from leaving.

Which happens to include a half-butt Warlock addition to every race that cannot be one. Not like DKs or DHs which get cool skin and eye colors for said class, nah it’s just thrown out there. The bare minimum.


This 100%

When the “jailor” rewrote everything we loved about this franchise, the game died.

I mean, I don’t want to point finger but if Steve Delorebreaker would have been fired before he was given power this game would be still viable.

No one wants lore that has been around since july 3, 2002 with WC3 to be trashed so the overlord milfs can take center stage. Sylvanas Windrunner committed war crimes but got off with a punishment of doing dailies in the maw, because her writer is a fanfic.

Give me another why $400million Disney galactic star cruiser hotel failed. You can’t kill the lore and expect the nerds to follow. (I only bring this up because I am tier 1 Disney stock investor and was part of recent holdings call to fire the dei chief).

Lose the cringe nonsense and restore the lore.


Humans have greater numbers and a touch of residual xenophobia left over from the many times things have come from other worlds to try to kill them. So they at least need a human figurehead. Being backed by Velen, who is just as old and has more experience than most of the night elf leadership due to many of them spending a significant amount of time only in the Emerald Dream, gives Anduin a bit more authority than he would otherwise have. Not truly deserved, but he has it.

Tyralyon has 1000 years of active combat experience, and is thus eminently qualified to lead the allied armies in a time of conflict, which the world seems to always be in.

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wake up, babe, new warlock spec just dropped

lightforged demons

is it, both literally and figuratively, the polar opposite of everything warlocks stand for? yes
is it also precisely in line with warlocks’ theme of subjugation through overpowering? abso-fruitin-lutely

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Perhaps maybe why this topic keeps coming up is because there is a valid critique of this decision that more people have then some would like to believe.


Lore evolves overtime.

And also, have you not considered that there’s people who do care about the lore, but find reading quest text kind of outdated? I mean why nearly every RPG has cutscenes upon cutscenes these days, and still have lore fans, like The Witcher, or Elder Scrolls?

Honestly, if one really wants to preserve the lore of Warcraft, World of Warcraft shouldn’t even exist at all.

I’m not saying it shouldn’t exist personally, i quite like the game for what it is. What i’m saying is, looking at it from a lore perspective, vanilla had some messed up changes in order to get WoW to work at all.

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Lightforged warlocks? SERIOUSLY? :nerd_face:

Like giving Warlocks to all races is the first wacky combo.

Where were you when LFD DK’s were made a thing?


It’s better than a warforged lightrock.

All races should be able to be all classes period. Let people play the race/class combo they want.

The lore of this game has been eviscerated 1000x over. This is the hill we die on?

Space goat with goofy forehead tattoo is shattering your immersion but the warrior in the blizzcon yeti suit is fine? The rogue with a baby murloc on her back is super stealthy? Gnomes just existing (yuck)?

Pick your battles man.

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