A Light in the Dark bugged

Thanks for that!

You’re welcome. :grinning:

How do you get this quest? I searched and I can’t find it.

From Alleria in The Coreway.

I managed to get past this bug.

Activate the southern pillar first, ensure you are out of combat when you do.

yes, I keep resetting it hoping I can get it all the through…I thought this bs would get better once a real company took over. Guess these tools are too worried about feelings to make sure how they get paid works.

i had to leave and restart the scenario, the make sure the mobs were cleared before clicking the brazier and it worked - but yes, was having the same issue

I’ve abandoned and restated 3 times. Made sure all was killed before activating brazier. Never lights.

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I’m standing next to her (on my main) and she’s not offering anything. I can’t find the quest on Wowhead. What are the requirements (other than being 80 and finishing the first 4 chapters of the campaign)?

Still bugged

The entirety of this scenario felt clunky at best. I, like many others, was doing this to unlock the Earthen. But the “Hope” mechanic didn’t feel well thought out, and due to the darkness mechanic range characters required almost melee range to fight. The Regen for the Hope Mechanic given by Faerin was entirely outweighed by the decay in shadows. This made just waiting to reset more efficient.

The way I was able to complete it was killing all mobs, and when approaching a quest object, waiting for Faerin to move in alignment with others. You need her to start casting after clicking the objects, if she is distracted or not near bye, she will not engage the quest object and you have to start over.

Even with that, it was still pretty buggy, but I managed to complete it, even with the cinematic muting at the end.

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Also Faerin is there.

None. Maybe try relogging. :person_gesturing_no:

I get that, but it still needs to be in Bug Reports, too. :wink:

I haven’t checked to see if it’s there. I assume it is.
But that’s where the devs get all of the info on what’s broken so they can fix it. They don’t come to GD. I always encourage Bug Reports!

And you also have to wait for the additional post-named-mob-kill adds to come, kill them, before you click it. If you don’t wait for the adds to come, it is clickable, but it bugs when they put you into combat. And there is definitely a delay before they spawn.

Just very bad design.

The brazier should not be clickable – at all – until you can activate it. What’s happening is that once it’s clicked, the animation is being interrupted, which prevents progress in the quest. Poor design – it should just not be activatable until all of the conditions for it working are met.

Here’s the fix… the way it works is you kill the named, then click the brazier… it does NOT light until after the little mobs spawn when you kill the named… AND AND AND, the lady(forgot name) in your follower group MUST be near the brazier when the little mobs die, then SHE lights it… if you fight the mobs away, she won’t be in range when her spell goes off that lights it(it’s NOT the little button you click, she does it automatically after).


I tried that, didn’t work. I’m surrounded by a crowd on MG that she isn’t giving the quest to.

Thank you for trying. <3

Edit: People in the crowd are saying it’s disabled while they work out the bugs.

Just found this.

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Apparently they have disabled the new content pending a fix. This may be why some of you can’t get the quest.
See: Today's new content temporarily disabled -- September 3

same problem

edit 3rd try it worked. Had to keep leaving and going back in.