A Light in the Dark bugged

If it isn’t hotfixed this afternoon, this forum is going to be lit up like nothing else.


I’m also having issues with lighting the Braziers. If anything interrupts the animation like combat, casting Faerin’s ability, or losing hope and teleporting back to the dawnbreaker you can no longer interact and get it to light. At least from the light testing I’ve done by restarting multipple times . Did Blizz layoff QA?


beat the mission, but the cutscene at the end auto skipped after making some beep sounds. how do you mess up the landing so hard.

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I got the same thing, little bit of the cutscene had no audio and then kicked out of the cutscene.

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Don’t click the Braziers or the Well unless Faerin is there and you aren’t in combat.


Blizzard should really invest in a test server. The idea would be they deploy to this hypothetical test server then try to complete the mission.

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I would really like to see this fixed today.

There is nothing left for me to do before season one and I had planned on levelling a new earthen character before the season starts.

I would have preferred to start levelling my earthen last week


i cant do anything with the well in the middle and eventually it just starts back on the boat.
nice lil loop im stuck in

okay got the second brazier lit, just didn’t use any of her spells or run out of “hope” - it’s annoying but if you stand next to the lit brazier or the dawnbreaker one it’ll work

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you just have to right click your portrait and leave. Start over again and like was mentioned, no combat, NPCs have to be next to you before you click.


Do not be in combat at any point when clicking any braziers or it will bug out. Got through it and the cutscene still bugged so dunno what happened there :weary::weary:

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I finally got through it…but what I’m assuming was the final cinematic bugged and took me right to turn in the quest…


That’s … one hell of a spoiler in the quest turnin given that we didn’t get to properly experience the cinematic. Dang.


Also confirmed you can Race Change and get Heritage Armor. :partying_face: :tada: :partying_face:

The cinematic is on Wowhead’s YouTube FYI. I’m watching it now to catch me up after the spoiler quest turn in text.

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That was ok for me but the cinematic bugged out and didnt play.

Major Spoilers!


Yes - I’m unable to light it either.

I cant light both braziers. One or the other is messed up. This is totally dumb.

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I dont even get any indication of anything other than the quest is there on the list. you all got anything like that?