A Light in the Dark bugged

Glad I finished it before it was disabled.

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yeah first time I lit the north Brazier first and then went to the south, and I wasn’t able to select it, So abandoned the quest and tried it again this time went to the south one first and it was selectable, But went back to north one and it was bugged. SMH

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Don’t click the Braziers or the Well unless Faerin is there and you aren’t in combat.

Finished on 5th restart. The entire thing was a buggy mess. Looked like there was a part 2 that didn’t even happen.

The key to getting through the bug is Faerin. If you click any of the braziers/fountain while she’s too far away or in the middle of her consecration, she won’t move into position to start cleansing.

You only get one chance to interact with each one, so if you click too soon (or get killed in the middle of the cleanse) you’re hosed and have to restart the scenario.

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No issues at all as far as the Brazier’s but the audio was messed up at the end. Just got constant beeps.

Third time I did it I made sure that Faerin was not in combat or channelling her ability (the extra action button) and it worked. this goes for all the 2 braziers and especially the beacon.

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this quest is still bugged for me…4/5 chapters still waiting word from alleria windrunner…smh

I found lighting the south first then the north worked for me, got to watch the whole video and upon returning to the game I did not get credit for finishing the storyline

At least you got to turn in the quest, after watching the video I got kicked and now no clue what to do, quest is gone and cannot find to start over

Picked up this quest 4 times - it’s bugged out for 3 goes, so I’m reluctant to try again. The quest blood just disappears once I get the pre-requisite 8 and I’m flashed a brief message that the quest is complete.

it’s Sept. 8th, and the “Light in the Dark” is still bugged. the mobs are too strong, the lighting the light didn’t work on a left one, and then when dead, I couldn’t resurrect. Currently in Dead stated and don’t know what to do. Changing instances, logging out -0 doesn’t work. this is the worst so far bug i’ve seen.

Bugged out. My paladin dead and cant rez at campaign instance. Dropped quest hoping it would pull me out. Now trapped dead and unstuck character support gives no response. Ok then.