Anyone else having issues not being able to light the South Brazier in the A Light in the Dark scenario?
I cast Faerin’s consecrate while she was talking about lighting the second brazier (I clicked it) but she never lit it. I thought it was a me problem but I guess not
whole thing is buggy and broken, weird resets, broken cutscenes, broken audio. 10/10 campaign.
it’s bugged for me.
Yep, bugged for me at the south brazier as well.
Same issue here - can’t do anything at this point…really cool.
Even dropped the quest and restarted it. Same issue.
Now we know why Earthen were so delayed.
Dont click the brazier until you’ve killed the boss guarding it
It seems you have to be out of combat to light it. If you’re still in combat and click it, it bugs out.
I did that my second time around - I killed everything around it, didn’t use Faelin’s ability, waited a few seconds and clicked it. All that happened was Faelin went “woooo I’m gonna need a second after that” but nothing happened. Brazier is still dark, objective is still not finished.
I left the instance group and went for the south one first this time, it lit, but now the north one won’t light lol
Same thing, getting tired of paying for beta testing.
Same issue.
This is hilarious isn’t it?
Make sure this is posted in Bug Reports with all of the different problems.
Worked the second time for me. Had to kill everything, and make sure I wasn’t in combat, then it lit. There’s two little shadow dudes that spawn at each flame after you kill the bosses. They immediately put you into combat, so make sure to kill them before you click the flame.
Edit: Hope you hate cutscenes though. Cause why wouldn’t that be bugged too?
Mate, that entire quest is just a giant buggy mess.
100% bugged, doesn’t matter which Brazier you start with, the second doesn’t work.
I redid it and got past the braziers but then got stuck at the next part…
how? Just how was this EVER allowed to go live?
maybe we’ll have a fix next maintenance.