A lesson to be learned from Remix

Which is the point I was making of “the only way to balance it is to homogenize” … which is why everybody does it.

I was pointing at homogenization and how it is required to achieve this balance you want and you go “nah you don’t need homogenization” but then you go “like every other game, ever” …

I never said I didn’t like balance, some levels of it are healthy, I don’t like getting rid of fun abilities in the name of balance.

Not going to point out examples, because dude, I’ve been playing since vanilla. the years and memories get fuzzy and blend together. You’re talking, what, some almost 20 years?

so keep doing it, if your class got some crazy stuff/talent dont use it

if you just do hc raid how would you care about balancing or things that decrease/buff your dmg by a low percentage if that is the case the problem is the player bc it just doesn’t make sense

you can easily clear anything that isn’t mythic content or gladiator push

“Don’t use it” is literally the bane of everybody who complains about stuff.


“Don’t use it”


Except interrupts and gap closers are not making everyone play the same. You are ignoring 95% of gameplay.

Every game has a baseline amount of abilities typically available to everyone.

Being able to move. Being able to stop someone else from moving, or make them move slower. These utility type options are typically baseline in most RPG type games (where applicable).

But that doesnt mean everyone plays the same.

Of course you arent.

I guess I will just dismiss it, under the guise of “OPs memory is fuzzy and doesnt remember things, and is clearly making this up”

I dont understand what point you are trying to make.

I also dont understand what point you are trying to make here.

Are you saying that NO ONE cares about balance, or should, unless they are the top 1% players in WoW? Because that has never been the case anywhere. And never will be.

And its ok.

the point is why you care if you are free to do it the way you want, its not like ‘‘omg I need that power/build to get my ksm blizzard ruined the game they dont balance’’
bc you dont, you can play whatever and get ksm

I pick the talents that I am best at using.

I am not the best at using some of the highest end meta builds. And while I push myself to play better, I am currently picking what I am best at now.

You can typically get better results playing a class, spec, talents you are more comfortable with than something “meta” you arent as good with. I push myself to use those other talents more efficiently. But in the mean time, I focus on what I need for this particular run.

I want to do more than get KSM.

few people go beyond ksm and heroic raiding, balance changes didn’t affect their ability to do the content, just as you prefer not to use certain meta talents and still manage to have a good time palying it

balancing won’t affect the majority of the playerbase

if you have something nice and cool to play, but suddently theres a barrier ‘‘it will be annoying/powerfull whatever’’ what is the point of agreeing with this? what is the problem with one spc being better than the other, the only problem is when something is poorly done and not viable at all, but not the imbalance between they

I love how you follow up being a toxic yourself, with “hurr that’s toxic”


You have a strange notion of what is “toxic”.

Calling out toxic behavior is not toxic itself.

Throwing a blanket statement on everyone that plays different from you, is absolutely toxic.

the way you did it most certainly was though.



If you read what I said, you’ll realize that I wasn’t making that statement about everybody who plays hard content.

I was making the statement about people who play hard content who wave it around like an e-peen to feel good about themselves.

Not everybody who plays hard content does that.

remind me when they nerfed pi bc some classes are too op at the same time they add a support class (aug evo)


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Then you actually play Remix and you’re weaker than retail, leveling slower, gaining almost no bronze, needing millions to upgrade your gear to be even functional at level cap, and getting one shot everywhere at random since you don’t have said gear.


That’s not the experience I’ve had with Remix whatsoever. Outside of a few enemies that are badly tuned (which always happens with these kinds of events), my character is an absolute unit just melting whole groups of stuff, lol.

Now I have heard that heroic dungeons are almost impossible, but you know.

Day what, 3, of 95? We’re like 3% of the way through the event. People need to give it more time and be more patient. And no, you don’t “have” to spend millions on bronze to upgrade the equipment. Upgrading equipment is a trap for the instant gratification people.

You’re meant to DO the content, IE, the quests, leveling, the whole shbang, and you will get cloak upgrades and end up being insanely powerful. You wanna know how many times I’ve seen people struggling to kill normal stuff then I check them and they are decently high level but their cape barely has anything on it?

You can tell they were skipping all trash mobs and only killing what is absolutely required for quests which is entirely against the core design of Remix.

You’re supposed to kill anything and everything in your way. You are actively rewarded for doing so. You’re supposed to complete every quest you see, you’re actively rewarded for doing so.

Rushing the content goes against the design, and it’s ingenious how they have that set up and it’s funny watching people floundering with bad equipment, no gems, and a weak cape because they skip as much stuff as possible.

If only they had applied it to MoP remix, it would be fun.

when? I’ve leveled two characters to 70 now (ok well one and one almost there) and have yet to feel insanely powerful.

I’m hoping for some major hotfixes this week after they see how things panned out over the weekend.

I’m not having a bad time, I just think this event could have been so much better. but there’s still time.

They did apply it to remix.

But, read the post above yours.

People are killing their own fun by not understanding what Remix is and how it was meant to be played.

If you leveled TWO characters in 3 days, you were skipping content.

Again… skipping content is very bad in Remix. You’re supposed to kill as much crap as possible. I’m like 54 on my first character, because I kill way more mobs. This means I complete quests slower, but I get lots of cape upgrades.

I can pull 8, 10+ mobs at a time and melt them all and barely take any damage whatsoever.

It heavily depends on spec too, but try doing any group content and see how weak you are.
The cape, even if you’re grinding mobs like old-school korean MMOs, is not outpacing the broken scaling.

Like I said, if you’re still leveling, specially, 25-45, it’s a great experience.
The start is kind of a slog, the Heroic Scenario is harder than M+10.

The cloak also stops getting EXP%+ threads at level 65 and it does not share the bonus between alts. It’s capped at 100% EXP+ when you get the Infinite Power 12 achieve.

That’s ridiculous.

P.S.: Mastery is broken. Mastery stat allocation and gemming is DOUBLED compared to other stats. So specs that favor mastery will definitely feel much better than those that have mastery as the last in their priority.

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