A lesson to be learned from Remix

So I booted up the Battle.net launcher today and I saw the new splash screen that says:

"Overpowered? Maybe

And I got to thinking, if only they’d apply that mentality more often, the game would be way more fun. Now, I know there are limits to this, that some balance is reasonable and Remix obviously breaks ALL the rules, but I dunno about anybody else, but I’ve been absolutely loving it and will sorely miss it in some 90 days when it’s gone.

But really, if they would stress less about making everything perfectly balanced and instead focus on making things fun and interesting, the game would be way better. It’s okay to be a little overpowered here and there sometimes. It’s okay if you have this one ability that’s kind of crazy fun even if it gives you that 11% edge over other classes.

Because it’s fun, and fun is what matters.


In the world, sure

In instanced content, nty


It’s really not though. There are competitive elements to this game and it feels awful to be gapped so hard you have to reroll.

All fun and games until your crew rerolls to the newest god comp but you have players who don’t want to swap specs and your group blows up. Nah, no thanks,


Maybe if people didn’t place such high importance on competition and just played for fun… oh wait, that’d take away their epeens and reasons to feel good about themselves…

Any game that has a high level of competition also brings lots of toxicity and lots of fussiness, compared to games that people just play for fun.

The game does not have to be a 2nd job.


Seems like a very ignorant take on people who enjoy competition and being challenged.

Maybe your idea of fun is frolicking in the world.

My idea of fun is arena and improving my gameplay. Sometimes I don’t feel sweaty and want to relax. Other times I want to challenge myself, but I want to broaden my horizons and include m+ and raiding in that.

Has nothing to do with my e-peen. Think that’s just your inferiority complex.


Well, the people who claim to enjoy the competition oftentimes do a lot of whining on forums every time something isn’t perfectly balanced, and the fact they feel the need to reroll just because the FOTM or Meta or whatnot changes, implies it’s not all that fun.

Fact is…

If you really enjoy challenge, then why are you doing everything you can to mitigate the challenge by wanting to play the “best” class in the first place?

If you wanted to overcome the challenge, then you’d play the “worst” classes, ne?

Kinda seems like people want the rewards for clearing the high level mythics… without the challenge, or at least mitigate as much of the challenge as possible by playing the “best meta”.


GD is full of people who don’t do competition who are whining on the forums.

See: virtually every post about mop remix, as just one of the more immediate readily available examples.

So, uh, yeah…


I play spriest because spriest is my favorite class and I enjoy playing it. The competition and challenge is me raising my skill cap on this spec and getting better as I go along. What a weird take.

As Skeletor said in his “Skeletor Reacts to Prismatic”: SCREW THE BALANCE!

I really wish more companies would allow us to engage in real power fantasy. Remix is a good start, but I wanna see more POWA!

Fun is tertiary to a large and vocal group who get absolutely blasted when their class’ numbers are not as big as another class’ numbers. It doesn’t even matter if it’s purely in a PvE sense wherein one person being in a good spot. Zoomer brains cannot be developed around.

A “weird take”?

Go read the first few responses, people going “but we need balance!” “I don’t wanna reroll all the time!” etc.

EDIT: I find that your take is the one that’s uncommon/abnormal/etc.

I tried it, mobs die like super fast, im not sure if thats fun , but its looks like same old mop, yea you can buy the mounts that you will never use like my other 500 mounts,

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I don’t speak to other peoples’ rationale. I speak to my own. I don’t care why other people do what they do, lol. I merely pointed out that your argument about “people who compete whine” is easily nullified by “people who do not compete also whine”.


Also, balance is critical in instanced content, and instanced content is where competition generally happens.

It’s entirely possible for a game to have fun, exciting, wildly imbalanced content in the world, but for specs to be balanced (to a degree, and more specifically in PvE) in instanced content.

More often that not, when sweaty try-hards are complaining about something, the stuff they’re complaining about has little to no impact in world gameplay.

Its legions tag line imo.

Then they put in the gcd change and depowered us in bfa at 115 and it felt Awful

They, ironically, also did it from MoP to WoD.

I remember WW monk being some of the most fun stuff you’d ever play, Arms Warrior, remember when that was awesome in MoP?

WoD drops and both of those classes felt awful because they thought monks had too much energy, being able to do something more often than once every 3 seconds was somehow bad, and they felt arms should be an auto-attack machine that sometimes uses rend like it’s Classic all over again… /eyeroll

I thought the exact same thing.

I feel weaker in MoP remix than live. Yes you have a fancy cloak and gems but the dungeons are complete damage sponges that also hit way too hard. Only level 40 though and my cloak isn’t leveled all the way


Video games are designed this way. So are almost all sports. People play to win. Winning and progression is addictive both in games and in life.

Need more cloak power and/or better gems. It’s only day 2, lol.

EDIT: Also, are you stopping to kill most stuff in your path or are you flying straight to quest objectives? You get random cloak upgrades just by looting kills, so if you’re skipping all the trash mobs then your cloak is gonna be underpowered.

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“if you dont have fun the way I approve, you are wrong. Also. i will insult you”


I actually think my power level is fine it’s that DPS aren’t doing nearly enough or that the average power level isn’t very high in pugs since we’re only on day 2. My heroic took me 30 minutes