A lesson to be learned from Remix

I’m just doing the storyline quests… (completing zones as well for the achieves) not skipping anything. are we meant to keep grinding once we hit 70? I don’t think that’s the intention of the game mode.

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I believe it is.

Look at all the achievements that are specific to MoP Remix having to do with Daily Quests, for example.

They meant for you to continue playing once you hit 70, unless you want to level an alt because you want the alt levelled.

I think you’re meant to level up to 70 but keep doing dailies to get better gear, stronger cape, and I wouldn’t be surprised that if you kept going, that you could eventually get strong enough to even solo some group content. I dunno how high it goes, I don’t think anybody does, but depending on what limits they set…

From what I see my character doing now… and what I’ve heard some people say, like how LFR just melts for some people, I’m inclined to believe that yeah you start off weak but with enough grinding, you get absolutely crazily overpowered.


And also…

My character is like 54 and I did Jade Forest/Valley/Krasarang and just barely step foot into Kun-lai. I imagine, since I have about +65% XP on my cape and I’m gaining a levelup every, I don’t know, 5-6 quests, I will likely hit 70 in Kun-lai easy. I can only imagine how ridiculous my character is going to be once I finish Kun-lai, Townlong, and the Dread Wastes.

I’m gonna keep going, which was my plan from the start, do the entire continent on the same character, and all the reps up to Exalted (except for Tillers, sadly… RIP Farmer Yoon).

EDIT: Sadly, the forum’s character system doesn’t show cape bonuses, but…

If someone were to ask “how much AoE do you want?” my response is “More!” lol. AoE stun, AoE fears, leech out the wazoo, maybe not a “meta” build, but it sure does melt mobs like nobody’s business.

I leveled a fury in DF not that long ago and she was nowhere near this powerful until I had found a couple purples right after dinging 70.

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We’re currently pulling all the trash from one boss to the next in one pull in heroics… The power is definitely off the charts, most people just haven’t figured out the right tinker gem combos.

I saw a clip on Asmongold of a guy soloing Garrosh, he was doing almost 5 million DPS.