A lesson to be learned from Remix

See, here’s the thing: I never said it should fly with current endgame content. I’m just pointing out how it’s just plain fun to be able to “do what you want” and not care about delicate numbers tweaks, and that the game forgot how to be fun.

I mean, look at Classic. Some of THE most unbalanced crap to ever exist game, and yet many players worship it.

It’s “way different” because it hurts his argument therefore he’s going to silo that bit of information off so that he can proceed with his lost cause.

Its its fine for niche content to have a following.

Because as you said. The world was way different in the past.

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SoM was a disaster.

SoD is also troubled to the point where the devs say they’re not adding rated content because the existence of rated content implies a level of balance they know they can’t hit.

Oh, so now you’re agreeing with me when it’s convenient for you.

Right. lol

As for why it was different with D&D?

Well, for one, D&D is a pen and paper game, without any bounds or limits other than what the DM imposes, and the DM is a living breathing human who is curating the game in real-time. Everything in the game, the DM puts there (using the rulebooks as a guide).

A game like WoW is developed by a mass of people, and all of the content and rules you play by are set in stone by those developers and can only realistically be changed every several weeks or so. It doesn’t change on the fly while you play it.

That’s one major reason why WoW and D&D are way different animals. There’s more reasons, but that’d take writing a novel.

I do appreciate how the reason you listed has nothing to do with impacting the topic.

I was also more pointing out your double standards.

it is though

i enjoy rolling thru content doing huge pulls

so yes, it is fun and ive had fun this entire mop event

The MoP event is a strictly non-competitive event (literally zero competitive elements). That’s not what OP is talking about. OP is talking about allowing imbalanced to flourish in the main game for… reasons.

wotlk was fun because everything was insane OP

so yes, it is fun

The reason has everything to do with the topic, lol.

You have way more hands in the pot with a game like WoW who can only change the rules and content every so often, vs a singular DM who is adding and changing rules/content on the fly in real-time.

Therefore, a good DM who knows how to run a game can carefully craft a tailored experience tailored exactly for his group and its composition.

WoW can’t really do that. WoW throws some bosses at you, and it knows there’s many different choices, many different classes, etc. The only way you’re going to get a “balanced” experience that you worship so much, is to nerf everything fun and homogenize everything. You know, that thing everybody complains about?

Or, you could just say “some things are unbalanced. Oh well. Just have fun with it.”

No, I was saying “remix is fun, and we should learn lessons about why it is fun”

Like… I remember in past expansions when you could actually have fun items that were a wee bit broken in open world content, that weren’t usable in dungeons or had limited use in dungeons or what-not… but the fun police came and took those away too.

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This is incorrect.

Oh really?

Do a search on forum topics about homogenization.

You’ll spend hours and hours and hours scrolling through them all. It’s been a complaint ever since… what, Wrath? Maybe even earlier?

retail hardcore players would go wild ‘nooo how it will affect the +10 azure vault mythic plus’’

who cares

I want a fun game

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Just because a complaint exists does not mean its accurate.

Is your assertion that today. Right now. All retail classes are homogenized and play the same?

Yes. We get it. You dont want others to have a fun game.

Because people ended up whining that their shiny thing couldn’t be used in a raid. It’s a lot easier to avoid having to have that conversation if those things just don’t exist on gear and only exist in isolated spaces like Torghast.

A lot of people.

There is a good amount of homogenization, yeah.

They don’t all play the same, but they all share certain elements, like almost every spec has an interrupt, a gap closer or something that functions as one, etc etc.

Now, I remember there were days in the past were a class would have something ludicrously powerful but be lacking something else, like maybe you had no interrupts but yet you had something else that made up for it, but eventually these were mostly squashed out so that most classes all have the same toolkits, they just go about it a different way.

Like… how many of the DPS specs have raid-wide buffs now? I remember when Paladin, Priests, and Druids were the only ones that casted buffs. Now it seems like everybody has a passive raid-wide buff, and they don’t stack either.

Or how about Haste spells? I remember when Mage and Shaman were the only ones who had those. Now it seems like everybody can grab an item that does the same thing, only just slightly less. And IIRC, they added something similar to a class or two?

Or how about when Druids used to be the only people who had a battle rez.

etc etc

Like every single game in existence.

Example? You do realize when you reference “having something strong, but missing something else to make up for it” you are talking about balance. That gross thing you dont like.

What time period are you referencing? it wasnt MoP or WotLK.

Akston, every damage-dealer can do damage! REEEE!

nothing is stopping you to play with the ppl you want and the way you want to, or do you just copy builds and try to rush the content?

1% beat the hardcore content in wow, i dont think its a lot

I play with my friends. The way I want to. While running 10s and such.

I use builds as a baseline. And put in how I want to play.

More than 1% care about raid/dungeon balance.

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