[A] <Kill Order> PvP Guild Recruiting - Emerald Dream

We do have a KO& Co discord. You are more than welcome to pst me in game or any of our officers. Would love to talk to you!

Looking for more interested in RBGs, heals and FC!!

Currently recruiting for RBG teams until next Sunday. If you are interested in joining a KO team please let us know!!

Currently looking for a few more RBG players for 3 full teams! If you are not into RBGs, come pvp with us!

This is exactly what I am looking for! Spend most of my time Pvping in battlegrounds and wpvp.

Filling out the application on your website and transferring over to ED.

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KO is excited to say we have 3 full RBG teams running for season 3! We also have a learning team for new players/classes or for people wanting to try strat calling or TC. We also run a KO after dark RBG team late nights on weekends! We will not be recruiting for teams at this time. If you are still interested in WPvP/BGs/Arenas come check us out!

Still looking for avid WPvPers!!

With 8.2 out and new wPvP objectives, Kill Order is still out fighting the good fight! Apply today!

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And dying the good death, don’t you love Mezzamere


Come join us! We love to do all things PvP!

Speaking of easy HK’s and falling flat on your face!


So as to not derail the thread, sounds like a decent group. Bump for probably the only Alliance guild left still actively world pvping.

Sounds like you are derailing the thread, especially with a response from a post from a long time ago. Is your guild even relevant anymore? lol

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Vursy bby, we all know it’s not, why ask?

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Very astute observation, given we all quit three months after BFA came out. We had the intelligence to foresee what would become of this expansion, it seems that foresight didn’t extend to you two potatoes as well.

If this is what Emerald Dream Horde is made up of, Kill Order is probably running the server. I come from a time when there was a better class of Horde guild. And this ain’t it chief.

Happy farming Kill Order, free bumps!

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If you had such foresight then why are you back? More importantly why are you still on the forums…

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Is this suppose to be a burn? Come on spud you can do better than that.


(enough said)

We are currently looking for an FC and a Boomy for 1 RBG team. If interested please message me, Shane, or Celedane in game!!

Very interested. Will contact you when I log in tonight!

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Sorry about not getting back to you yesterday, my wife called after I got out of the dungeon-but still interested in joining, I’ll be back on tomorrow and I’ll PM you!

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