😉[A/H]Pensive Large Dual Faction Community Guild

Recruiting 360+ DH for Saturday Horde Heroic Team. 11:45a-3p EST/SVT.
Gamer Logic:

1. If I'm doing better than you, your're a noob.
2. If you are doing better than me, you have no life.
3. If everyone is doing better than me, I have lag.

you can view more here: http://blackdia.net/funny-gamer-quotes-tumblr/funny-gamer-quotes-tumblr-greatest-gaming-jokes/

At Pensive you may be subjected to bad gamer humor, but if you can get past that we are an awesome bunch of people who just enjoy the heck out of doing things together.

Saturday 1145a-3pm team on Horde recruiting 360 DH!

I’ve been a part of Pensive/Pénsive for a better part of a year and a half now. Socially, helpful and easy going they build a real sense of community that continues to bring me back into to the game not just to play but to be a part of the unique environment. Briar the GM and crew have worked diligently to cultivate something truly special and something I am happy and proud to be a part of ~Bushy


Come join us! All levels and experience welcomed <3

I joined a few weeks ago and I love it. Very friendly, Discord is way active, and people are amazing.


Welcoming all friendly and community minded players <3

Winter solstice events going now! Xmog contest, decorations contest, fishing contest…and more!

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I’m so happy to be part of Pensive. People here are so nice and helpful. I’m hoping to be part of a raiding team when I finish leveling. Thanks so much for the invite.


Awesome folks here! Super friendly and helpful!

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Hello there,
do you still open for new player?
actually i need a place with a good ppl and learning about wow content and anything, cause my current guild like a ghost never active here. thanks

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Aerrawarrn -We are always accepting new community-minded members! Please /who Pénsive[A] for an invite or contact the asst GMs
Assistant GM Aschien @ Bnet Aschien#11798
Assistant GM Docreen @ Bnet Frostyfeet#196484
look forward to hearing from you!

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Welcome to the guild Aerrawarrn! <3


Always recruiting community-minded and friendly players. All we ask is that folks keep chat clear of vulgarity, begging for speed leveling, gold, carrying, politics, religion, and other toxic topics. <3

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I have played since vanilla. This is the best guild you will find in the game. Multiple raid teams, M+ teams, weekly events. Always someone to help you if you need help
Give us a try, you will be glad you did


Grats Sat team on AOTC and Mythic Taloc! Couple ranged DPS spots still available - 370+ ilvl and raiding experience preferred. Briar#1421

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Hitting Mythic Taloc and Mother this Sat! ALways recruiting community minded individuals no matter what you enjoy doing!

Recruiting 370+ mage for Saturday AOTC Horde team! Also accepting DH alternate.

I have been with Pensive on the Alliance side for BfA as Savrai/ Savrain. I’ve been playing since Vanilla launch on Dalaran, but went Horde on Earthen Ring for a few years. I’m glad to be back on Dalaran Alliance and Pensive couldn’t be a better home. Friendly, helpful people. A good culture. Discord is lively. And there is no pressure to anything unless you want to, at which point there is plenty to sign up for. 10/10 recommend.

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