Still think key system is stupid and unnecessary. It doesn’t affect M+ content in a positive way at all.
Keys should be removed entirely.
Let people go to whatever dungeon they want when they want, click the obelisk and start a dungeon at whatever level they want. It could have progressive unlocking of the levels you can select, but no need to have RNG key nonsense at all.
If you’re concerned that everyone would just run the easiest dungeon and nothing else, the easy solution would be to simply only let the highest run of an individual dungeon count once towards the vault and reduce the required completions for at least the third tier and possibly also the second.
How is that a relevant, or at all useful, response? Bugfound is correct that it’s not an improvement over current system, and consequently, you’re wrong.
With this change, if you constantly run M+ and are consistently timing keys, then you are being rewarded for your good play with higher level keys. Those people that just did one key a week, timed or not, or only played M+ when the weekly affixes were easy are now pressured into pushing themselves more in order to reap the benefits.
Anything that forces people to play better is good for the game. Sitting back and resting on your laurels is no way to go about things.
I’m all for complete removal of keystones and reduction of great vault requirements for additional choices because current requirements of 1/4/10 keys for 1/2/3 choices are absurdly high, they should be 1/2/4 or 1/3/6.
Thank you for this awesome update! Much appreciated:)
How is pressuring the players to be always running M+ every week an improvement? Currently, if, God forbids, life interferes with your WoW schedule for a week, you wouldn’t get a de-leveled key. I don’t see why punishing the players for not constantly grinding is an improvement for anyone.
They are not pressured, they getting punished for playing the way they want to play. This is never good to force players to play a certain way forced by a developer. Hell, game should never punish you for playing it, ever. You supposed to get fun out of it.
Yes, it’s regrettable that if you miss a week due to unforeseen circumstances, that your key gets deleveled. But if it’s only a -1, then that is only one extra run you need to do to get it back up. If you can’t do one extra dungeon run a week, then idk what to tell you.
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That’s fine. Whatever.
It’s still a bit obtuse. If you’ve timed multiple 15’s or even have KSM, there is really no reason you shouldn’t always get a 15 key, even if you decide to take a break for a week or two.
Ah yes, so if you die, you should never have to run back, or be required to pay gold to repair your gear. The game should always just coddle the players and give them what they want all the time?
That’s like playing a game with cheat engine: fun for the first 15min then extremely boring because there is no challenge.
TBF, that’s more of an annoyance then a punishment at this point
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That’s my understanding. You take a break, go on vacation, get sick, whatever, your key degrades.
Feels bad when what folks thought was a QoL improvement turned out to be a bug.
Damnit my 3 is gonna drop to a 2 if I miss a week. 
Seriously though the only people impacted negatively are people who consistently don’t do keys for many weeks in a row. For most people yes you’re right this is awesome. Don’t have to do the key upgrade > new key again, can get straight onto the same level in the next week.
There are plenty of reasons for not being able to run a mythic dungeon: work load, family, vacation, sickness, natural disaster, etc. The current system, while evidently a bug, allowed people to have flexibility in their “game lives”. As I’ve said, what seemed like a QoL change was a bug and now going to be reverted. Shame.
Lol. Can certainly tell who paid for their weekly key in here! So sorry you might actually have to put in some effort instead of listing your 14 as my key, your carry but you will be ok!
If you have KSM and you miss a few weeks nothing is stopping you from hitting up LFG. I rarely get declined after getting my IO up from KSM.
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That’s a decent compromise. Thanks.
Any reason why, if a player disconnects or leaves on their own (not get kicked), your own keystone gets de-leveled? Them leaving or being bad was not my fault, so why am I rewarded with a de-leveled key, have to spend an hour getting a new group and absolutely smashing that lower level key to arrive back where i started (or an even higher key level than I wanted because we destroyed the lower level key we never deserved to get demoted to in the first place)
No, that would not punish you for failing the key. You should succeed the key to level it. Your idea makes the key spammable for gear non stop if it fails. So your getting +15 gear for no cost and tat devalues raiding completely.