A funny thing about classic

Don’t like being in the world stay in the city and level by instanced content. Since that is all you are looking for.

That’s fair…I guess what I meant was that my friend’s perception of leveling in pre-expac WOW wasn’t necessarily characterized as “getting tombstone piledrived by the wakeup call” because the general sense I’ve heard is that the experience is much more enjoyable than “live” servers…despite it taking a longer time to gain a level.

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To further add to this… Leveling took dramatically longer but it actually meant something. The adventure was throughout the world. Not just at 60 but everything felt so smooth and cohesive you didn’t mind leveling taking forever because you felt stronger every level … Unlike now where you don’t feel any gain or loss it’s all the same and feels generally meh


Thats not NECESSARILY a bug. If the game cannot find you it defaults you to eithet Westfall as Alliance or Barrens for Horde. It is technically working as intended. The “bug” isnt ending up in westfall. Its the game not knowing where you are to begin with.

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Lol that’s a great moment though. I wonder if they’ll have those GM’s whisper people who are grinding to make sure they are people and not rust bots lol

I started during BC not exactly vanilla but still the same leveling experience I got lost all the time. And I clicked everything I used to take a day or two off between levels just to celebrate.

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What’s pretty great is the realization that a 25 minute LFR or Mythic group finder isn’t that bad in the face of:

  1. Pulling together and managing a group of 40+ people multiple nights a week to raid.
  2. Waiting around in Kargath for about an hour for the raid to start.
  3. Learning that you aren’t starting, but might be needed later and thus, forcing you to wait in Kargath for the night hoping a spot in MC/BWL opens up.

Quite the opposite…I like going out and feeling like I’m part of the world. I want more world immersion, not less LOL

Modern zones are engineered to be efficient quest hubs, that are designed to maximize the number of quests you can complete in the least amount of time.

Old zones were spread out, it took a longer time to get places (especially on foot), and all the open space allowed you to just kind of drink in the environment. You just felt smaller in the world you were in.

Flying at 300% speed (or what ever max flying is) makes sense for the current version of the game, which seems to prioritize leveling efficiency, and makes less sense for the older version of the game, which seemed to prioritize character immersion.


It’s really not that hard to feel like you’re part of the world now if you try take off your heirlooms. Just use the Quest reward gear and use your ground mounts. Take the time to read the quests and the RP. One of my favorite zones to Quest through steel is the Boston lands and I also and the RP. One of my favorite zones to Quest through through to this day is the the Blasted Lands and I have a lot of fun in a swamp of Sorrows. I think people take the easy route because they can but the game is what you make of it. Immersion is still there if people want it they just have to take the time and do the quest and enjoy the game

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Very true to that, I took one character just like that and went even further, I made certain rules, like I could do a dungeon but only once, cause why would an adventure go back and do a dungeon over and over.Yeah it took time to level up but, you felt like you were in the world and part of the experience riding across the plains helping out those NPC, as you look for further adventure.

What used to make you feel like part of the world was that you had to make groups with people on your server . If you were awful or mouthed off etc and we’re super toxic you were labeled as such people knew each other . Now you can get into a group be a total tool and get kicked and reque in a few minutes and repeat.

I never played it before, but I don’t really feel like playing a really old game. Especially knowing it’s not going to progress any further, it’s got a complete dead end.


It’s a matter of expectations. In vanilla, there was no expectation of personal flight, none whatsoever. We were happy when we got the first flight masters, but we NEVER expected personal flight. We won’t be expecting it in classic, either, for the simple reason that it wasn’t in vanilla and we want the experience to be as close to vanilla as possible.

When you move to retail, there has been an expectation of personal flight since The Burning Crusade, character level 70. That expectation was met GRANDLY and, upon achieving it, we had whole new areas to explore and fight in that could ONLY be reached by personal flight – the netherwing quest line in both SMV and Nagrand. Tempest Keep dungeons and the raid. Throne of Kil’Jaeden. Upper reaches of Blades Edge Mountains for the Forge camps, Og’rila, Bash’ir and the Crystal Spine.

Then Wrath with half of Storm Peaks, Ulduar, all of Icecrown including the three ICC dungeons and the ICC raid itself, and that little island to the west of Death’s Rise. Not to mention the opening quest in Icecrown for the Ebon Blade, It’s All Fun and Games. None of that could be completed without personal flight.

Try doing Deepholm in less than a week without personal flight. You can’t, because there’s no way to get to some of the areas without it, so forget about restoring the world pilar. Or Twilight Citadel and related quests in Twilight Highlands.

Believe it or not, there was a time when the devs actually made content centered on and REQUIRING personal flight, incentivizing the players to get personal flight. Even in MoP there were areas off-shore of Dread Wastes, Townlong Steppes, the Jade Forest, and Krasarang Wilds that REQUIRED personal flight. Try getting Anglers’ rep or Nat Pagle rep without it.

The difference between flight in classic and retail is expectation. There is no expectation of flight in classic; in retail, however, the game IMPLANTED flight expectation in The Burning Crusade and encouraged, even reinforced, that expectation in Wrath, Cata, MoP, before trying to screw the pooch in WoD and beyond.

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I have never ever been one to group with anyone. I ran dungeons with my guilds. I quested with a friend
He was a rogue and I had this Warlock she’s been my main for over 10 years. If we couldn’t do together we didn’t do it. The one time I group with somebody it was for an escort Quest and they put me on follow and they did not help. So I walked them into things and let them die. That was the end of my grouping with people. People being jerks is not immersive in my opinion. I’m not saying that everyone grouping together is bad we actually did have some fun when I did a group together with others but for the most part I play alone because I like it I think that’s why I play the Warlock class because they’re good at for soloing everything

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I think time gating flight is no problem as long as there was a good story behind the whole thing, I loved when they did behind the Isle of Thunder, We couldn’t fly cause well we had a threat of being shot down. So after doing a quests and unlocking area’s we were able to achieve flight. Story made sense and was believable, I dont mind doing the work to get the flight, but try to work into the story…just not say hey you need pathfinder …to get flight…thats it.


I’m also pretty excited to hear people upset they can’t solo group quests lol


My first toon in vanilla wow took about 3 weeks. I have no idea what you people were doing saying that it took 3 months and playing “hard” because that makes no sense. I came straight from daoc and wow was so much easier and casual to play and level in than anything I had played before.

My only concern is will it be FUN to do it now. I doubt that.

If you had the time to play like that more power to you. I came from Diablo 2 so this was my first mmo

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Ahh, but is Hogger a raid boss?

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I believe each character took about 1 day /played - maybe 20 hours at best.