A funny thing about classic

On a thread earlier I saw someone saying they can’t wait to level in classic and I just giggled. It used to take a good 3 months or so of playing pretty hard to get to 60. I hate to be that guy but I think people who think classic will be dramatically better than live are going to get tombstone piledrived by the wake up call.


I’m excited for it and I know it will take me ages to level, I’ve lived that life before.


Yeah some of us have done it before Including myself but I have a strange suspicion alot of people talking about it haven’t lived it.



I spend a solid 3 months back in val just chillin outside of IF watching people duel because leveling was too hard for me :sweat_smile:


My main laugh is the people going to complaint threads, complaining, and saying “oh well, just waiting for Classic and things will be smooth sailing.”

Those people have no idea what they are in for.


Pretty much this.

Last week I remember someone saying how he dislikes leveling in Retail, so he simply cannot wait for classic.


I can understand some areas, talent trees felt better for leveling in classic, but if people expect a faster, easier experience they are in for a rude awakening.


Yeah. And the people that were all “Retail has the work class balance ever, can’t wait for classic”


Yeah Classic was such a terrible, unplayable game. Who would dare be interested in it? Anyone who is clearly doesn’t know what they are in for and are probably going to cry when see what an awful thing it is!



Yea I mentioned this before as well. So many people are in for a rude wake up call. The forums are gonna be on fire with rage threads the day classic comes out :joy:

Classic has its place. But so many people have rose tinted glasses on. Classic will not be the panacea so many make it out to be.


I’m actually 10x more excited for the forum complaints than the server itself. I’ll make sure to buy loads of popcorn.

I’ll give it 1 day till people start asking for LFG and Xmog.


I’m pretty excited for leveling in classic. I expect it to take me about 2 months RL time to hit 60.

What I like about leveling in classic compared to retail is the way you feel your character grow in power as you level. A talent point each level, new spells/ranks to look forward to every two levels. When I go back into old zones I feel stronger than when I was there the first time. I hate level scaling.

I don’t hate retail like some that are switching to classic when its released but I am excited for it for a lot of the reasons that other people think make it a worse game.


I’m sure this is sarcasm but if you lived it you know it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. People are living a nostalgic dream.


The only thing I find humorous is a lot of people that i see that want classic are the same people I see complaining about no flying, slow leveling, AH prices etc;…That’s when i get a giggle.


I did live it, and I’ll be playing Classic when it comes out alongside retail.

Why? Because I played games that were more tedious and grindy than Vanilla and I actually did enjoy it.

You don’t get to tell me what I will and will not enjoy, and neither do the 5 other people on GD that trash Classic just because they never wanted it to happen. Tough luck, it’s coming anyway.


My first toon back in WoW took me about 3 months to get level max.

But I also didn’t know that eogues can use 2 daggers until level 25.

I also didn’t know how to clean quests in Area quicklly (I was wondering between IF and SW by tunnel waaaaay too often).

My second toon took about 3 weeks to get lvl 60 from 0.

So I’d say in 1 month i’ll have my 60 lvl toon


Same here, that’s part of the appeal… I don’t like the modern top-heavy design that overemphasizes endgame and treats leveling like an annoying speed bump.


“Tombstone piledrived” lmao :laughing:


Of all the features of modern WoW, these 2 are the best. People will ask for them. I don’t opose it, but I don’t advocate for it eather. Let Blizz decide

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Leveling is one of my favorite things in WoW. I’m excited for Classic BECAUSE it takes forever to level. I don’t like how fast leveling is in retail now.


agreed. Most of us looking forward to it, have done it. We know exactly what we’re getting into.