Hey all, looking for a raiding guild for Shadowlands.
Prefer to play mage, happy to go with any spec.
Have done some mythic-level raiding through MoP, WoD and Legion, keen to take it a little more seriously this time round, looking for a 3 night/week minimum raiding guild.
I’ve only just hit level 50 right now though, so not sure how trialling is going to work.
Hey mate, we’re looking for a mage to round out our 25-man roster going into Shadowlands, raiding 4nights/week for the first month of the tier, then 3 nights after that. We would trial you in SL, or with a cheeky key in the Nov 17 week when most of our guild resubs
but first we’d make sure our personalities match.
My spiel post: [A] <Listen> FM | 8-10:30 ST | W/T/Su/M | Spots filled
Our wowprog for the last tier we were relevant (has kill vids w/ sound, and my contact details), so you can see our environment and if you might be interested: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/frostmourne/Listen/rating.tier23
Greetings Miscq
We hope you find a guild by now, if not drop by and have a read on us [A] <T A L O N> - Frostmourne guild recruitment , recruiting all class and spec!
Looking forward to here back from you