[A] <Listen> FM | 8-10:30 ST | W/T/Su/M | Spots filled


Yoyo, Shadowlands release date announced, looking for a homie to round out our returning roster going into Shadowlands.

We’ve been around since WoD, last achieved CE in BoD and then called it quits cause AEP looked awful (and, unfortunately, it was) but SL looking pretty spiffy, so I ordered the boys and girls back together with a side of fries and now we’re looking for a dessert [whatever I’m recruiting]* to round us off.

[Looking to assimilate into the Listen hivemind]*

  • Nothing

See our wowprog for more info, kill vids (with sound, should give you a good idea of our environment), etc: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/frostmourne/Listen/rating.tier23

still need a homie?

Yes indeed sir, if you’re as brave as your name leads me to believe, hit me up on the contact deets on the wowprog page.

Still on the hunt for a balling Mage to join the ranks.