A forum suggestion for Blizzard

No need to hope, it is already true. People already have Battletags in-game. You need to be mutual friends to message, see if they are online/offline, and see what other games they might be playing.

For the future, I hope they don’t though,and add one avatar period a account for so many day,30 or 60 at a time.

No idea what you are trying to say. Can you re-word that?

If they had incorporated a legacy name like SWTOR maybe that would’ve worked. I’ve seen too many players hiding their profile so I’m thinking a B-Net tag would not sit well with them.

Thing change over time and new added features can be added to btag in the future. Hopefully the don’t change that.

With the btag,restrict to one avatar per account with no changing them for 30-60 days.

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They have been lax since way before that! Complaints have been going on for years now.

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So a little bit of forum lore:

Long ago, before the current forum software, there was a previous version and it had an ignore feature that let us ignore everyone on an account.

This was achieved by giving everyone a hidden id number. There might have been a friend button as well, it’s been a long time.

There was a piece of software that ran in browser allowed people to see all the alts someone had posted on the forums as and let people call out trolls but could also be used on nonmalicious individuals as well.

In response, Blizzard broke the ignore feature on the old forums so it was no longer account wide because the company decided that some modicum of privacy was more important than letting people ignore a trolls’ entire accounts or harassers’ accounts.

Flash forward—they made a design decision on the new forums to not make ignore or anything else account wide. I don’t think it was unintended. I think it was very deliberate to prevent something like that browser addon.

As far as I can tell, our characters are somewhat connected in the back end are connected. Why? Because some users have every toon they make automatically added to a group. Also, being silenced works across all characters.

I think ignore should work across account, but this software originally didn’t even have an ignore feature.

In fact the lead developer of the Discourse software argued against the often requested feature, including when presented with it being used at a school as mandatory and how ladies who had been assaulted were uncomfortable with seeing their assaulters. His argument was that they should have reported the assault to the school and police. And even after it was explained to him that people aren’t believed, and even are blamed, shamed, and retaliated against for speaking up he didn’t care. His thought was that having everyone see others takes would bring about civil discourse and that was 100% more important than the comfort and safety of victims of assault. It was a very bad look and the thread has since been 404ed.

It’s likely that it was Blizzard or some other big financial powerhouse that looked at Discourse and said to do it that finally got Discourse to budge.

While I would love an account wide ignore, I think any way you slice it, toggling said ignore on and off would allow people to be identified on other toons which doesn’t align with previous actions by Blizzard.

Revealing everyone’s alts, be it battletag or something else seems to be counter to their previous decisions, which there is probably some reason for that we don’t understand. Likely having to do with unintended consequences that they are cognizant of but no one else is.

That said, I think that mods should crack down on spam threads and that other improvements should be made. I also think that mods need to be paid more. They may only be making Texas minimum wage, which is $7.25 an hour. You know, this may be a case of minimum wage minimum effort, in which case I really don’t blame the mods for not caring. They deserve a living wage for putting up with our nonsense.

I’m drafting a strongly worded letter (actually it’s pretty nice and polite) regarding the LGBT+ spam. I’m seeking to come up with a list of ways for a moderator team that probably isn’t paid well and isn’t familiar with post histories or nuance to differentiate a good faith thread from a troll thread in this particular case. I welcome suggestions on such a litmus test for the LGBT+ thread situation.

I’d like to see if nothing else, account-wide trust levels which they probably have the technical capability to make work by creating a tl1, tl2, etc groups and sticking all characters on an account in it.


Revealing Battletags would not at the same time reveal players alts. You would have to post on each one for players to piece it together. I can’t just look up a Battletag like I can just look up a playername-server.

This is just one clip of what you wrote, but essentially all of it would be done automatically just by switching to Battletags and not altering the forums to add them as one function at a time. Like you suggested, ignoring would be account wide, for both parties.

This is not a personal attack whatsoever in any way, shape or form. It’s an observation of your comfort levels.

Literally no one is harassing you. Replying to you about the topic of the thread to have a discussion is NOT harassment.

People like to show off different characters, post on their mains, post on an alt that’s relevant to the topic that exists, etc. People begged to still be able to post on their specific characters when this forum went live. It’s why it was the last one to go live.

So let people do what they want with the addition of the Bnet tag under their names. It’s easier to implement than revamping our entire forum for just Btags.

LOL… I know who you are now. :woman_facepalming:t4:

Replying to you isn’t harassment.

No they aren’t wrong. The RealID issue was older than this forum and had nothing to do with switching to this software. They’re absolutely correct. When this forum system was going to be implemented, people asked to be able to still post on different characters. Again, that’s why our forum was the last one implemented.


There was a huge discussion beforehand concerning how the new forum system would work after OW’s was implemented and we talked with some of the MVPs about it.

The old forums are gone. It’s impossible to show you. But they are not wrong. The RealID debacle was in Cata. Btags didn’t even exist then. After seeing the OW forum go live with the new software and usage, people here were talking about whether we’d get to keep posting on characters, because our game is different and Blizz had Discourse revamp the software for our characters to keep with the game’s theme and our request.


No one said there was outrage. There was a conversation and a hope our forum would continue to use characters and not Btags like the OW forums. You’re wrong, dude. We were there for it.

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I am my character, not my battletag. I like that about our forums. It’s unique and fun.

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You’re just you. It doesn’t matter if I post on Rhielle again or Thallia. I’m just me. Thinking you’re suddenly not you by having a Btag under your character name is pretty nonsensical.

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Oh you are Rhielle??? I was actually thinking about you recently and wondering where you went :smile:

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Who’s most people? There’s no way to tell what a majority want on anything. But it’s clearly obvious something needs done after the level of spam the forums have reached.

Yeah, I announced that a long time ago a bunch of times when I was thinking of finally swapping back to my main. I never wanted to be on Rhielle in the first place. It’s where I was first stuck. But when I found out my TL was account wide, I talked about it and then finaly did so.

We see people talking to themselves all the time. There are also people creating contradicting threads on different alts just to stir the pot. A few even this past week.

Ah yeah, I took a break from the game and the forums for a few months before 9.2.


Hey more power to you.
But you are not me.
Deal with it :v::sunflower:

Plenty of people like to play their characters. When someone talks about “us night elves” or whatever. It’s fun. It’s a valid point. Battle tag will take it away from us, because I’ll be my battletag, not my blood elf. Sorry it offends you :woman_shrugging:

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It can still be which ever toon/avatar you decide to post on. Your name doesn’t define what class/race you play. Invalid argument.


That doesn’t change.

No it won’t. Not if it’s just under your character name and portrait somewhere like the Community Council titles.

Yes you should.

The fact that you read everything I wrote and you are unironically thinking this in response is very telling. You’re either trolling or you’re very naive and as technically illiterate as you are naive.

How am I trolling. Almost everything you want to change would happen by switching to Battletags. You wanting to hide your 60 alts, that I found, happened because I know your charactername-server. So much for wanting “privacy” and to “hide” your alts.