A forum suggestion for Blizzard


Okay… let’s look at it this way: I’m suggesting to have your Btag listed under your character information like the Community Council title. It wouldn’t be clickable and searchable. You can’t click and search for Community Council member alts that way, so there’s no way to know alts unless you post on one.

I honestly don’t understand the false sense of privacy they have with the current system. I literally found 60 of their alts without having the Battletag.


I normally would agree with you , however you dont know the numberof times I have gotten"sure its always Alliance characters destroying our Horde" or “Why is it always Tauren doing this? Cant you be Alliance already”

People take the avatars too seriously. I played both faction on day 1 but have been predominantly Horde with few exceptions. I hated humans till I race changed this guy for the faction bonus and he became my most played character. I used to main Trolls, with an almost equal amount of Tauren, now I am 99% Tauren.

People usually push back on ALL subjects if you are not the correct race and/or faction and immediately discount anything you have to say.

I dont hide behind my alts and have openly said “yeah this is me Verminard” after changing characters to respond to say a Tauren or Worgen question. Not everyone is out to play games…

It literally does, names are one of the most important things for my characters, I always try to make them very thematic to my character. And if people dont refer to me by my chars name for any reason, it has been invalidated. I don’t RP a lot, but I like to involve some of it in my WoW play. It’s one of the few joys I get out of it.

Ah, but you do admit it’ll happen depending on how you do it, yes? At least we can agree to that. And in fact, I did agree I can live with that.

Ain’t you the one who always tells people not to judge how others play the game? Interesting you’re now defining these things for other people. :thinking:


There are so many ways to find alts, it’s not even funny. Having the Btag listed under our character info changes nothing except we know when an alt tries to troll.

I mean, my god, no one is going to remember some 200 post count warlock went away for a week and came back on an alt anyway. No one will remember that. lol

It’s just for people like Tupac to make it easier to track their extreme trolling. Or the individuals who swap to alts to follow people around and insult them in multiple threads. Easier to tell without having to go to websites and then attempt to explain to mods what’s going on.

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… admit what will happen? I’m confused.

Considering this topic has nothing to do with how to play the game and you’re the one throwing out nonsensical lines like “deal with it…” you’re still not making any sense.

You have to be trolling? You replied and everything. Maybe I’m just confused. Explain to me what my fear is in the response you made here. Legitimate or not, I’m simply wondering if my wording is incorrect.

This post ^^^ what is it referring to? How is that you know what I’m talking about one minute but not the other :thinking:

Forums are an extension of the game. Discussion can be multifaceted. It’s why there’s an RP tab. Some of us here play our characters and like to discuss factions or events in character. Completely and legitimately fine thing to do, 100%. It’s something this forum has over the OW forums, for example.

Maybe they could restrict multiple profiles to the RP forum.

Having only one profile hasn’t stopped RP on other sites.

But the spam here needs to stop.

You claimed your character identity is taken away by having a Btag.

I said no it won’t, because you’re you, not your character. But you’ll still see all of your character information, which is what people wanted and asked Blizz to keep for us with this new forum software.

No. They aren’t. It’s just where we talk about the game. If you consider the forums a game itself… then there’s the issue.

World’s End Tavern is to discuss roleplay and fanfiction. No one has RP’d there in probably a decade or more. And having your Btag under your character doesn’t change that.

Are you against RP Discords, as well? Having Btag friends in game? Btag communities for roleplay? Talking about your alts for roleplay? Being in a roleplay guild that puts notes to mark your alts? Because this isn’t any different.

Could you link info on this? I’m genuinely curious.

No, because the old forums don’t exist anymore.

I was also there when the forum software was first rolling out. We saw the OW forum using Btags and chatted about it, spoke with MVPs, curious if all of them were going to work that way. We asked and hoped our forum wouldn’t change. WoW forums were the last to roll out live, because they had Discourse change the coding to use our characters and not Btags.

SO if you know the topic at hand, why did you suddenly ask this?

And before you play dumb further, you said “not if…” insinuating there’s a wrong way to do it, which I agreed, and even pointed out how I agree with you there from a previous post on how there’s a good way to do it, and I could live with it. There’s no need to get toxic over this, relax.

Do :clap: not :clap: speak :clap: for :clap: me. ty :sunflower:
I am my character on these forums. I like that. Some people like to be as well, some don’t. Perfectly fine in either direction.

Yep, and some of us like inserting ourselves into it. Like I said previously, the whole “we are out night elves” thing is quite unique to the WoW’s forums and I like that kind of jargon compare to others (OW had none of that, and that’s ok).

Absolutely no idea what you’re trying to say at all.

Won’t work. One problem, my characters don’t always agree with each other and in fact some times they actually fight about things. They are like sisters always raiding each other’s closets.

For example, the hunters are all jealous of the purple halter tops the warlocks get and the warlocks are jealous of the hunter’s invisible mode. It just goes on and on.

Some times it seems like they will never agree on anything.

I’m onboard with forcing some sort of commonality between alts.

Core reason I haven’t switched from this fellow to my main is I don’t want to randomly alter who I am. It’s strange to me there are people who do want that. Anonymity is way too powerful these days, especially in regards to trolling. I understand harassment is a thing but that’s what forum moderation is for.

Because I have no idea who is admitting what.

… no one is getting toxic. What are you even talking about? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Maybe you’re the one who needs to relax? No one is bent out of shape or stressed. I asked a question you still have yet to answer.

Exactly. You’re you. Not your character. I can be just as pro-Horde while I post on this character. Because that’s me, not this character.

Let’s see if I can explain this, though I’m not sure why I have to. It’s pretty obvious.

You claim that using a Btag is bad because you’re not your character then. But in game, in roleplay guilds, in notes next to your character name if you’re on an alt, it says “Irrenhaus alt.” In Discord, you can change your nickname for the server and your picture, but your Discord tag is still the same. In Bnet communities, you go by your Btag. And there are many for roleplayers. Your friends know your alts for roleplaying, as well. So they all know YOU, regardless of character.

That’s all I’m saying. Since you claim to be okay with the Btag under our character names, then I don’t even know why we’re still debating or why you’re making stuff up about me being toxic. So I’m ending this conversation. Like I always have to. Because we don’t seem to communicate well for some reason and I don’t want this to get out of hand. Neither of us deserves that. So I wish you a happy day and hope it’s not too hot where you are, because I’m already dying here. LOL

On Tumblr was the same. One profile. You could rename your profile name but the account name stayed the same. Didn’t stop anyone from RPing there.

Same exact situation with Twitter.

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This is my philosophy. Previously I used alts just as a RP thing on the forum like show me your vulpera or everyone shows off their classic toon

But with the recent behavior…oof

:ocean: :mountain: :dragon: :ocean: :mountain: :dragon:

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Surely you realize that you’re in an extremely tiny minority in this. There are between few and no practical reasons to have two separate bnet accounts.

Unless you’re talking about two WoW accounts, in which case how do you have 120 characters? The character cap is 50, not 60.

1 account can have 8 licenses, meaning 400 toons per battletag. That isn’t even including classic.

Oh my mistake.