A forum suggestion for Blizzard

Perhaps not as simple as I would believe it to be, but I personally and I suspect many others who frequent the forums would like to see to see people being restricted to single character to post on while in the forums.

Of course in the event that someone truly has a reason to switch their character to different character for what ever reason. They would be given a cool down time period where they would be unable to switch their character again. Perhaps two weeks or even a month.


It was also brought up in the comments that there are many reasons that people would want to have multiple characters. So, linking the characters to the Bnet tag but would not be necessary to reveal the name on the tag. But to make it easily accessible to view all the characters that are associated with that account with a posting history

This would force people to consider the ramifications of their posts and perhaps give them a moment of pause before they actually post.

I know this won’t fix all the issues within the forum but it would be a nice step forward.

I am also aware that this will most likely never be seen or truly considered by the devs or those who maintain the WoW forums. But I can always hope.


No. Our characters are part of WoW in different ways. We can link armories easily this way, etc.

What they need to do is add out Bnet tag under our character names so that even if we swap to an alt, everyone will know who is who.


Do you read these forums? People won’t stop to think about “should I post this”. Battle Net Tags and competent moderators would do wonders. Hell, just hire a few for the weekends…


one or a few thing will happen
1 it might not happen
2 they will complain to remove it
3 things might ramp up due to the idea

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I am fine with that as well.

not a bnet tag but a random numbers like
bnet would not work they might have another account
so my idea might be a bust also

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I absolutely do read the forums and I’m not disagreeing with your point at all. But if they weren’t able to hide under alts. It would allow the community to easily point them out

It should be one profile but allow people to use avatars of any one of their characters.


They may. Not something I currently have a suggestion for though.

I honestly wouldn’t want to punish someone’s kid or parent for something that the other party may of said.

Although I do understand the problem of having multiple accounts and possibility of them post under both accounts to circumvent the alt idea

Just do what they do for every other bnet forum and post under your battlenet name.

Would at least require sockpuppets to shell out for multiple accounts instead of making another classic character.


One account and one posting name period.


This is the only MMO forum I know of that lets you, essentially, swap accounts.

Tasha was going to be my main, but I abandoned her. I still use her because she’s the character I’ve made posts on. Not even an issue of hiding my identity, but I do wish I could swap it to my main. On any other forum I’d just have a screen name and could tie any character to it as the profile picture.

When I started posting again in the forums I was going to use my original character. But it turned out that they got rid of the old forums and All the post history that went along with it. Or perhaps it was just the amount of time that I was inactive on the forums and they purged those old posts…

Either way, I was all prepared stay with that character until there wasn’t a reason to any more. So I understand that point :slight_smile:

Why create multiple posts on this? It’s spam at this point and feels like Blizzard astroturfing a subject like they attempted to when they tried to permanently kill flying.

Most forum posters/regular players know to search for a subject that already exists rather that start a new one.

This is probably at least the third one this week.


They already use Btags on the other forums.


I just got done looking around and really only found a single topic about the subject. It was rather short and rather emotional. Not that I blame the poster on that one.

If there were others, Then I apologize. It was not my intention to make this a spam type of message. I know it has been talked about a lot in other threads. I figured it wouldn’t be a bad thing to address the situation directly without it being brought up do to other circumstances in many of the other threads.

If the mods feel like I am spamming, I have no complaints that they remove this Topic.

Considering a certain user had went though like 3 alts, spamming threads without punishment all in a span of a day, this will most likely never work for a lot of people.

It’s ridiculous and insulting the bias these forums have.


More spam.


This place has more spam than a hormel warehouse.