A forum suggestion for Blizzard

I’m sorry you feel this way about my post

I was referring to forums in general.

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Maybe we are very tired of Blizzard sitting on their hands and doing nothing on the blatent trolling going on.

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And… you’re wrong. Focus on the message, not the poster. The character that posted the message is irrelevant.


A day would fix almost all the complains people have about alt switching, i.e. liking their own posts and talking to themselves in threads to support an issue.

nope there is no reason for this and this is worse than it already is.

this isn’t why people are switching alts.

It is sort of hilarious that OP is posting on an alternative character themselves - one they just started posting on 2 months ago.

I agree most people don’t want this. There are only a few people who appear to be obsessed with people being able to post on another character and they don’t know who it is for some reason.

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Changing characters to post on is fine, we just need a way to easily see which alts are the same person

Classic alts also need to be restricted to classic forums


Really? I don’t the thread asking for btag had a lot more supporters than anything. We did get to see an army of alts defend a bad take, which just furthered the point.


You got a relatively tiny group of people supporting that and as typical attacking anyone that didn’t agree with them or just dismissing their concerns as invalid. That type of situation never encourages everyone against it to voice their opinion - if they actually went into the thread in the first place.

And as I indicated in one of those spam threads - this forum was originally slated to be exactly like all the other blizzard forums, i.e. using battletag id but there was a large outcry that people didn’t want that so blizzard got the forum software people to modify the software to allow for individual character posting. It is extremely rare that blizzard reverses things they already changed because people objected.

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Oh Marla, want to read it again?


I just counted, without the alts, btag has more support. But hey, I get you love to carry on posting with no accountability, cool. The rest of us want an end to it.


no what a whole lot of you want to do is to be able to harass people until they quit posting on the forum.

And if you think 20 people is a large portion of the people playing this game or posting on this forum you are incorrect.

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That one poster who was against it had over 60 alts that I was able to locate. Who knows how many more. It’s no wonder they are against it.

What? BattleTag will reduce harassment. You would only need to “ignore” one account, not an army of alts.

Also, it’s at 88 likes.


Ignoring accounts is not my idea of stopping harassment. It was your method of dismissing other people’s concerns.

And wow 88 likes - how many of those are alts of the others. Likes mean nothing on this forum and never did.

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Then explain how harassment can occur. All you have done was expressing your disapproval without any explanation that was not built on false information.

Explain to me how 1 account - 1 ignore is worse than 1 account - up to 400 ignores.

You are literally harassment me in this thread right now. I left that other thread because you people didn’t value other people’s concerns and now you are starting yet again. I made it obvious I didn’t want to talk to you, yet here you are again.

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LMAO. This is not harassment. The fact that you think it is makes your opinions on this topic less valid. Laughable.

Myself and others had discussions with other posters. Whether it was in agreement or disagreement. Many of the concerns were based on false knowledge and we provided them with facts, not subjective opinions. If you can’t have discourse with people who don’t agree with you, then a public forum is probably not what you are looking for. You are looking for an echo chamber.


No. I am looking not to be attacked by 10 other posters everytime I express an opinion that differs from theirs and then have them stalk me from thread to thread to thread.

But your entire post reads exactly as I indicated.

You were not “Attacked”. You are being disingenuous, 100%.

I don’t communicate with the other posters outside of the forums, so no I do not have them “stalk you”. I was tagged into this thread when someone linked my thread to this one. You are being delusional.

you didn’t read that correctly

this sure looks like an attack to me.

When you are making things up and believing in a fictional timeline of events, I call that delusional thinking. It is not an attack, you really need thicker skin. The fact remains that 1 Battletag account is much more secure than 1 account with up to 400 retail wow alts.

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