A forum suggestion for Blizzard

Right, but it wasn’t clear if he was talking about bnet accounts or WoW accounts/licenses.

Classic does throw a wrench in that though, I forgot about it.

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What? not including :flushed:

The 400 toon count is retail only, adding classic would be much more.

How does anyone play that many? gg I barely play 5.

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That one person in the thread I created, who also showed up here, has over 60 toons level 50+. Not quite 400, but 60 is a lot too. Could be a lot more that I didn’t locate.

omg :dizzy_face: falls to the floor.

which is a luxury we don’t have.
I’ve seen people clearly crossing the line and make blatently disgraceful violations of ToS and they’re still active like nothing happened.

The funny thing is that those threads that they ended up participating in got 404’ed, which deleted the thread along with every post in it. Since theirs are removed as well, then that’s that. they can’t action people if their posts no longer exist because the whole thing got perged in a semi-automated system.

I might be wrong though, but I don’t think I am. especially considering some of my own history, ive seen action taken when people merely flatulate in the wrong direction.

It’s so obscenely inconsistent that I don’t know what the deal is.

Threads don’t get 404’d by an automated system. A person has to review the flagged thread and either restore it or close it. A 404 thread still exists in the background and blizzard can absolutely still see it. The players can’t see it or post on it once 404’d.

If that’s indeed true then there are examples that make it seem as though it’s completely acceptable to have pure anarchy, overtly sexualized references or keenly antagonistic behavior.

I think you’re right. I don’t disbelieve you or anything, I’m just having a hard time understanding the logic behind how it’s enforced.

That just falls under inconsistent moderators. Most likely people who don’t know the patterns or history because they are spread thin across all game title forums (assumption).

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That sounds like a waking nightmare lol, these forums alone are kind of like their own mini social media with respect to the amount of communication and interaction that happens every minute. even though it’s not nearly as big as something like Twitter, it’s nonetheless active enough to where you’d need a little more than one coffee drinking intern to check in every once in a while.

I’m being hyperbolic of course.

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I think that’s why you will sometimes see a flagged thread stay hidden for a full day or longer. Other times you have flagged threads removed or restored within minutes.

Not actually true.

  • Overwatch - March 2018
  • HotS - Sept 2018
  • Hearthstone - Feb 2019
  • WoW - March 2019
  • SC2 - May 2019
  • Diablo 3 - July 2019
  • Battlenet forums - July 2019

WoW was done pretty early on given that OW and WoW have the largest post volumes.

Middle of the pack, but the rest of the explanation still stands.

I have posted on other classes in relevant topics just so people don’t go “What do you know? Post on your X!”

I have also posted on alts when I want to tell some joke that is more relevant on a different class or race.

I’ve even posted on an alt in a completely different manner than I do on this character, in order to either share information or ask a serious question (and hopefully get a serious answer).

I would NOT be ok with BNet tags, or alt doxxing and anything like that.

While I understand people being upset with the current rash of troll threads and the subject matter being discussed, I feel like that’s just a symptom of poor moderation, and THAT is the solution we should be seeking.

Something that works like other forums wouldn’t prevent you from doing those things. Or even works like social sites. Because on those you have an account name, but can change avatars and such.

What people are suggesting here would expose my “alts” as being me, which could change the response I would get when I post something.

“Oh, it’s just Beaupeep on an alt. Standard answer to Beaupeep number 6, coming up”.

I prefer to remain as alt anonymous as possible. I have my reasons. I’ve been stalked off the forums before, I wouldn’t want them to know ALL of my alts, and definitely not my BNet tag.

Necessary, maybe not… But sometimes I will switch to one that I feel is more appropriate for the topic at hand, such as “hey all you (insert race/class here) post in this thread” kind of topics.

Your mileage may vary.

I, Lunaera am the only Lunaera the bestest goddesss of all world. Beloved me, beloved me. it will not effect me.

I just can’t, given what I’ve been reading over the last month.

It’s a whole lot easier to frame the 3-4 spam topics as being made by one or two deranged human beings than it is to play whack-a-mole with their alt army.