A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers


Still waiting for proof.

I never said the 1900 posts had any meaning. Just pointed it out. If you inferred any meaning behind that, that’s on you.

With TBC getting closer I look forward to hearing what Blizzard has to say on the subject. Wonder when we will hear something.

can we count supporters from other threads, reddit and youtube, also? :grin:

Stating it as to imply that it’s meaningful :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You won’t. 'Cause Seasonal BC Servers won’t be on the radar, anytime soon. NEW Servers for BC will come out, unannounced (most likely). But, the other part of the request in turning off the Level 58 Boost Feature, keep dreaming.

LOL Sure, I’m in other Threads, Reddit and YT, as well :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

It’s actually a little scary how similar the parallels are between those Wall of No trolls and this handful of anti-fresh trolls. History really does repeat itself.


I disagree. I believe Blizzard will say something about new servers.

Again, I agree about the boost, it’ll probably be on there and we will just have to deal with it. Better than nothing I suppose.

They don’t always announce every little thing that they do. I predict, creating NEW Servers and then listing it in a Forum Thread about it.

Yep, if non-NEW Servers aren’t getting our’s turned off, the likelihood of NEW Servers getting it is slim to none.

And I told you, I already proved you. Just read the topic. And if you think you’re right, just post the more than 100 people that you think exists.

And I also proved that you lied when you said here:

→ A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers - #1915 by Thereza-netherwind

So please, If you want to contest what I just said, prove me wrong and don’t lie this time, alright?

That would be Blizzard saying something about fresh servers.

Either way, I imagine the forums will be up in arms about whatever they do, as per the usual.

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AFTER the fact, though and not before. That’s what I’m saying.


Who in their right mind would be upset about optional fresh servers?


While I am confident you are right your words are no more than speculation.

Similarly, your actual merit are also personal bias - essentially more speculation.

I appreciate your thoughts on the matter - and I do feel concerned that even fresh servers may be given the option to boost. It would be a near-perfect way for blizzard to:

  1. still monetize tbc without solving the issue while saying they are providing what the people asked for
  2. easily gives them an out saying “whelp, we tried.” when/if the servers do flail horribly due to setting it up to failure.

People keep saying within a couple months the servers will be just as rife with valueless gold and bots as any existing server.
Well it took many months for the current servers to dilapidate into the state they are in right now.
However, if boosts give bots immediate access to 150+ gold an hour farms such as BRD at the click of a button then I happen to agree - within a mere couple months we’d be in the same shape… And it would progress more rapidly than the current servers due to the fact that it is a fresh market meaning the original prices they could charge would be much higher.

If there are fresh servers without cash-shop or boosts available the server longevity would be greatly improved.

Blizzard is reluctant to release these servers for one obvious reason though: Money.

If the 58 boost was genuinely all about allowing more players to connect with their friends in outlands it would be a free service.
If the 58 boost was genuinely about offering new players a catch-up mechanic to thrust them past classic and into the tbc content they love so much then it would not be offered as a paid service to those who already have someone level 58+

Blizzard hesitates not because the idea is not relevant and because it will likely flounder but because it is their least profitable option to satisfy the players crying out.

The subscription revenue is sufficient to pay for their team and the servers needed.
However, the subscription money is not as efficient as more profits from monetized services in addition to the subscription would be…

WoW is one of the most monetized games in existence.
Most games follow 1 of 3 rules:
Buy in (pay for game, free to play)
F2P (Free to play, with cash shop - pay to win or purely cosmetic - either one)
Subscription model (download, pay a sub-fee to utilize the service)

WoW literally has all 3 and then some you could argue that are above and beyond these three generally specific consumer models.

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Still waiting :slight_smile:.

Seeing as 317 users posted in this thread, lets check the math.

100 + 100 = 200.


Don’t really need to check the whole thread.

I think you and I both know that many people on the forums are probably ’not in their right minds’ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Well I agree. But I don’t think Blizz should be much concerned by the ravings of a few loonies incapable of rational thought. They’d be completely drowned out anyway. Announcing fresh servers would be the best PR move Blizz could make. Instantly these forums would turn to positivity…for a while, anyway.

Yes, you do, because as I stated, not more than 100 people posted supporting it.
And while checking dozens just were posting on their 10 alts, because people were demanding they to login in their mains.

You can keep with your delusion that you are right, but you’re wrong.
Wanna prove me wrong? show me more than 100 unique people here that are actually supporting fresh servers.

So is everybody else’s.

Again, so is everybody else’s.

It doesn’t matter how long that process takes. The point is, no matter how many NEW Servers you create, it’s not going to stop that from happening.

While I agree with that, that’s not the route they took. And trying to have this option now only increases more damage to be done by the time Perma Servers arrive. IK, it’s just “speculation” but so is what you said. And, I’m tired of my points being downplayed for merely being “speculation”, when everything in what we’re saying is nothing more than just speculation and our opinions. There’s no proof in “fresh” Servers without a Cash-Shop nor boosts causing server longevity and/or “improving” the game “greatly”. That’s just “speculation” and “bias”, on your part, equally as much. Even if I agree with such speculation.

I disagree with that. Because IK there’s a lot of players out there not interested in the “fresh” concept OUTSIDE of the Forums, since the Forums only has a minority of folks posting in it.

I disagree with that. Such features like this SHOULD be bought especially to counter the account selling industry.

They are a business, first and foremost. Their job is to make money. I think it’s silly to criticize a business known to make profits for trying to do things that gives them money LOL


I disagree with that. You don’t have to pay WoW extra money to get a capped character, professions, gear, etc. Majority of the paid services is cosmetic with the exception of the Token (which is to help counter Gold Selling services) and Level Boosts (which is to cater as a “catch up” mechanic). Nothing in life is “free”. If you want something, you have to “pay” (doesn’t always have to mean real life money) for it.

Easier to call somebody “not in their right minds”, when they don’t agree with you, huh? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I agree, and IK I don’t fall under that category despite some (not all) that think I do :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

IDK about it being a “good” PR move, but I don’t think they’re going to tell us BEFORE they create the NEW Servers.

No, they won’t. There will still be crying about the Level 58 Boost Feature.

Oh it has nothing to do with me agreeing with them or not.

It does. That phrase only comes out, when somebody who disagrees with you, comes into play. All of sudden, some (not all) people are “out of their minds” or “trolls”.