No I do not care because myself and others would rather play on a server that is good for 3 months before being ruined as opposed to ones that are already ruined.
Yea man we all losers who couldnt beat this game as well as you after completing all the content, having numerous maxed characters etc because we didnt farm/buy gold and max as many mats in our banks in preparation for a 15 year old expansion. lmao pure delusion
I hope your day gets better man. Its evident this topic of choice is really upsetting to you or youre just an argumentative person in nature given that youre arguing with 4 different people simultaneously - some of which agreed with your points. But if i was a gambling man Id say option 2 seems much more likely
Edit: I have a source for this one and not my gut! the 15 recent comments on your history that are all argumentative and smug in tone. Yikes
The amount of deflection and changing the subject here is immense. Blizz should create a fresh server option. The demand exists. If you don’t want to play on that server, then don’t.
But man the trolls are obsessed with arguing against this option. “I don’t want to start fresh, therefore no one should!!” Such a bizarre attitude. They really have nothing to do but argue over anything they don’t agree with. Just sad.
dont overthink it man, it really is common sense. becomes more glaring by the comment that most of these people are either incredibly invested in their current servers through bought gold/mats, or play the game solely to get off to others being envious of their characters progression and not to actually enjoy playing the game themselves
They are good, but thanks for your totally non-sarcastic way of trying to offend me
I am debating, which is the reason forums do exist. This is not a place for petitions → “The Burning Crusade Classic Discussion”. If you can’t participate in a discussion, then what are you even doing here.
Well, I was going to talk about how you were wrong, when you just edited your post to say this:
You’re clearly the one upset with me, and just because I’m proving easily that your arguments hold no ground and have no fundamental basis at all. Please, keep stalking me and attacking me more, that will definitely make your fake statistics and assumptions all true.
It is, because people try to come up with so many ideas on why they want fresh servers.
The subject is a petition. This is not a petition forum, this is a Discussion forum.
Yeah, go to Thalnos, it is a dead server. works as much as a fresh server for what you want.
Press X to doubt.
Anyone who disagrees with me is a troll.
Good argument. No one ever thought of using it before.
The fact you know me means that somewhere in these forums you might’ve said something, I proved you wrong and you’re here to attack me. Good one.
Just let me know which proof you want me to provide, as I’m not the one stating clearly that majority of players are buying gold, the other side is.
They can be invested all they want. No one is trying to take anything away from them. Continue your character. Play where you want, and how you want.
But this unending ant-fresh nonsense…I mean, what’s the point? This will sound condescending, but how do you not feel sorry for someone like Thereza? This is all they have to fill their days? Endlessly screaming at people that their desire to start fresh is wrong? Yikes.
i agree but it goes back to the final point about perceived gratification. when the only joy you get comes out of others admiring what youre doing, it makes sense these people would take the option to escape them personally, given how far theyve gone already to reach their goals
you’re all about the facts so i figured id go into your profile and get some facts that youre argumentative. sorry man, truth hurts when the last 50 comments and thread interactions are all argumentative and ad hominem attacks.
Is always the same 10 or so that are bashing on this thread.
but please I really would like to see your proof, by your words there are 567 likes in this thread, hopefully your ‘many voices’ can compare to that number.
Yes, thanks for saying that you cannot counter my arguments, and you have to go to my profile, check my posts, so you can attack me instead of talking about arguments.
True. Who is the one going after the other person instead of discussing the idea? Is it me or you?