A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

I don’t see any harm in doing this, it would be cool. I just don’t think you guys should live in delusion and think the economy won’t be ruined immediately. One thing you need to understand about the Classic community is they are mostly sweaty min maxers that want to stay ahead, so they will buy gold instantly. Opening fresh servers just gives gold sellers a field day of profit, they can sell low amounts of gold for high profit, and people WILL buy it, it’s been proven.

Again, i’m all for a fresh start, it’s cool idea and fun, but yeah don’t let yourself be deluded into thinking it won’t be ruined, because it will be.

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I cant imagine anything negative happening with the addition of fresh servers, if nothing else it would supply a home to people I know (and plenty more out there I’m sure) who want to play TBC classic yet had no desire to play vanilla classic. People I’ve spoken to would typically be more inclined to join up if there was a fresh option.


The economy getting ruined immediately would depend upon Blizzard actually enforcing their ToS, I agree. I am not sure it would happen immediately, but I do believe it would happen eventually if they treat TBC Classic with the laissez-faire attitude they did the WoW Classic servers. Time will tell on that one.

As for all the min/maxers, I doubt a lot of them would be willing to start on a new server that doesn’t have any way to pay to bypass the game. Most of those who are pro-boost are min/maxers and they have already done their “due diligence” with respect to power leveling and equipping their character. I cannot see them wanting to give up all the gold, gear, and items they have been farming and hoarding during WoW Classic to move and start over fresh on a server where they cannot buy their way past the beginning of the game. I could be wrong since I am an RPGer and not a min/maxer and don’t think they way they do about the game but I just cannot see them giving up on all that progress to start over again.

I think most of the people who would want to join a fresh server would be those who are RPGers and enjoy the entire breadth of the game from leveling to end-game. Sure, there may be people who try to exploit the servers for personal and/or monetary gain as they did with WoW Classic, but there is only so much the community can actually do about that in the end. Blizzard would have to step up. Expecting your player base to be responsible for policing your servers is akin to asking your End Users to solve their I.T. issues rather than looking to the Systems Administrator for help. :smiley:



For as fast as the economy would take to the live servers it would still NOT be what the live servers currently are for classic players. With No Transfers there could be zero money coming in from the outside. Since players are leveling most of the gold generation is going to come from them untl bots start to get to DME and players make characters (and get gear) to farm with Pallies. Even if we start at the pre-patch there is not going to be enough money on the players to do GDKP and nothing will have any real value since for the most part in 2 months i would think that players could MAYBE get to AQ40

I think youll get all types. If the game comes out in Pre-patch New Servers will become race servers. How far can people actually get with EVERYTHING is unlocked (assuming the gates are open). Personally i think most people would find it intersting to see how quickly people could over come the content and at what level people are going to be able to do it at. We know that MC fell in a week but how much could they get through really? Thats something to watch.

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First time posting about this - Please provide the option for fresh servers.
Classic players intent on transferring their characters to TBC servers have now had many many months to stockpile gold, and resources they know will be useful in TBC. A large number of them will also have partial or even full Naxx gear, which is a significant advantage going into raids on release.
If people have 200k gold to spend on a Kel’Thuzad sword drop, I’d rather not experience what that does to the economy at launch.


Throwing in another bump for Fresh servers, which will be the best way to enjoy the content.


I agree, please throw us a few fresh TBC servers, thank you in advance.


I would remake my classic character and level fresh in a HEART BEAT on a fresh server. Logging on to my classic 60 and just seeing the state of the economy is insane. The amount of artificial gold that has been pumped into the economy is insane. Hearing and seeing people drop 100k gold on items in gdkp runs…WHAT. How does that much gold even exist on a server (we know the answer). A fresh tbc would also be more fun to level vs everyone being boosted in zg by max level bots


The bots will make new characters on your fresh server, level them, use them to farm gold, & sell it on said fresh server.

Back to square zero.

How does this change anything as far as the gold issue goes?

I mean, you’d have a bit of a lull for a few months, but that’s about it.

Bots are only part of the problem, and will be a problem regardless.
What you’re not considering is the legitimate players who have been solo farming ZG for months or longer building up their bank. Imagine if classic wow had launched and retail players could transfer over 10-15% of their gold from live servers.

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I mean you are right. The sad reality is that there wouldn’t be bots if there wasn’t a market. It’s not chinese bots or south american gold farmers that are ruining this game, it’s the people who buy that crap in the end. I was wondering why I dont remember gdkp runs as a kid when I played actual vanilla and then i realized that the people dropping 1k+ gold on one item in these runs didn’t farm them.

I think people want these fresh servers to try and enjoy a version of classic for at least a few months before it’s crashed by its own community. Enjoy it before the damage is done kind of thing. I also don’t believe the “TBC starts at lvl 58!” It doesn’t, it starts at lvl 1. The old world is just as involved in tbc as outland is.

And that’s fair.

It just seems like all roads point to gold in the end.

Fresh servers aren’t a bad thing at all. Expecting them to solve all kinds of problems (like some are it seems) is a different story is what I’m saying.

I would also play on a fresh server (TBC or Classic tbh) in a heart beat.


The primary reason for fresh TBC servers is to enjoy leveling up/adventuring/questing/dungeons with a large community, leveling up professions, all zones having lively playerbase and world PvP, and trickling into Outland.
Not seeing a sea of Scarab Lords, bank alt after bank alt of full banks stocked with all materials/gems/ore.
Not having fully geared out players.
Not having a broken economy, and the economy will not break months after launch. A fresh server economy would stay far less compromised than current realms throughout its whole life cycle, even after the bots try to invade.
If there is no 58 boost allowed on Fresh servers this only strengthens this fact.

We want a no 58 boost and non transfer destination Fresh server.
Primarily so we can simply PLAY THE GAME without any of these factors that everyone who wants to play on Fresh doesn’t want to deal with.

Some people don’t think its an issue and look forward to playing on current servers regardless of all its issues, and that’s fine, and the Fresh servers are clearly not for them.

The primary reason for Fresh is real simple: we want to play the game together with like-minded people where no one has a gross advantage over others because everyone has to start from level 1.
What happens months after that is fine, the server will always be better simply for that fact.

A TBC server that progressed into Outland day 1 of launch versus a TBC Fresh server that opened on launch day will look and feel like two completely different games in terms of their communities and experiences for all.


Like I said, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment, but ask away.

Even if there is a new server, do you think it’s going to come with a huge list of restrictions to make sure it’s played exactly a certain way?

If a Fresh TBC server doesn’t have restrictions such as No Level 58 boost then there’s no point in making the server really.
If people can transfer their characters with 350,000 gold then there’s no point in a Fresh TBC server either.
At that point its not a Fresh server just a dead server that was recently created.

Fresh TBC server with restrictions is the only way to do it


You couldn’t transfer to new servers for 90 days, so that’s pretty much a given. As far as boosts…ideally they wouldn’t be available on a fresh, but I can see Blizzard greed superseding common sense.

This is what I’m saying, there are too many assumptions going on for this perfect scenario to happen.

A. Fresh server being added (nothing has been said yet about this, but it’s still early).

B. IF (big if right now) this new server is added, then it would have to have no boosts made available.

I mean, anything could happen I guess…

Two really isn’t a whole lot of assumptions. It’s pretty simple: fresh server with no transfers or boosts. It’s hard to imagine why Blizz wouldn’t do this. The demand is clearly there.

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Whoa whoa whoa, two? TWO?
There’s WAY too many assumptions going on for this perfect scenario to happen.
I mean a new server sure, but a new server with no level 58 boost? That’s already one feature. Madness.
No boost and can’t transfer characters to it?
I’m notifying the forum police right this instant because that’s more than one feature which means it’s features, plural.
It means A. AND B. not just A!

Yeah that was pretty dumb.

It’s literally two features, really basic stuff here.
Some people need to relax and stop with their weird negative agenda.

What’s being asked is really simple. Fresh TBC server, with the obvious caveat of not being a transfer destination and no boosts allowed. Everyone starts at level 1, new adventure, new fresh community, new fresh economy.
If anyone can’t see how simple that is… you’re lying.

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