A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Why have content at all? Just let people make max level max geared characters so they can not play the game and just buy store mounts.

The attunements are a major content process of TBC and should absolutely remain there, the only time to ease up on them would be when Wrath of the Lich King Classic comes.


Attunements were dropped in patch 2.4.
So when sunwell drops, so will Attunements.

Iā€™m for fresh servers along side the current servers being able to go into TBC also. Just not for FORCING EVERYONE to go into TBC fresh. That should be a choice.

I might go on a fresh server if itā€™s an option. But I hope they canā€™t be transferred to or off the server. And not have the boost available for them also. If this does happen, I would 100% play on a fresh server.

But my problem with it is this, would an X amount of players try to play the AH game to extremes? I have a feeling that they would.


To some, the AH is more entertaining than other aspects of the game. Theyā€™ll always be there regardless of what server or what game.

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Most (not all, but the vast majority) of my friends would prefer to go on a fresh server if they are made available.

There will always been people who ā€œhawk-eyeā€ the auction house. Hell, I have been that person beforeā€¦ buying out eternal essences and then jacking up all the pricesā€¦ especially after TBC because no one wanted to go back to the old lands and complete end game dungeons just for eternal essences for grinding your enchanting profession.
I mean that is just playing the market. Iā€™ve had people do the same to me and I expect that. To me this is another form of pvpā€¦ Not really my favorite kind of pvp - if anything it is tedious more than anything but it does make your gains feel that much more rewarding.

But as it stands, people right now have the forethought to stockpile supplies. Unlike the first time, when TBC was a complete unknown, this time we know what we need going into it. Gold is far more numerous and everyone can agree the economy is pretty out of whackā€¦ It would not be fair to jack up the price of epic flying mounts to 50k just to artificially put that same feeling of overwhelming cost on an item. To the casual players this would be nearly unobtainable and if anything it would just encourage them to go purchase goldā€¦ So the simplest solution is a fresh server. Sure, people will know what items are good to save since TBC is known now but at least they would not have been stockpiling it for months or even a year - preparing to throw the already ridiculously lopsided economy on its back.


Yes, that means Blizzard will most likely drop that patch just a few days or weeks into TBC Classic to appease the boosters and min/maxers who donā€™t ā€œhave timeā€ to actually play the game. :smiley:

While I say this half-joking, I would not put it past them after introducing boosts into The Burning Crusade Classicā€¦


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Technically boost are being introduced to classic contentā€¦ not TBC.

Fresh TBC servers (no boost no transfer) and Iā€™d resub


New fresh servers will create a new problem. The number of players is largely the same with or without new servers. Itā€™s a near zero-sum problem. No more money will be made just by opening new servers. The addicted will play regardless. New and returning players will play regardless of the condition of the servers.

The potential problem is one new server can result in two potential dead servers by thinning the player base. And I do not think people in a MMO-RPG game like playing on a dead realm; there would be so much complaints. The feeling of dead game is what makes people unsubscribe.

There is no point in implementing something with high risk and low financial gain. Eventually, dead servers will be merged or connected, and people will cry again about the unauthentic experience of having server name attached to their name.

The Blizzardā€™s take on fresh server is correct. They will wait for the TBC launch reaction, and pivot from there.

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Thats your speculation. Classic may not appeal to the same people TBC appeals to which may not be the same people that Wrath appeals to. If we were to look at how the populations palyed out over time TBC was more popular than Classic so there could be more people intersted in there hay day of the game. Like wise more people for Wrath.

I hesitate to claim that there are going to be the same and only those people intersted in TBC since the game changed far more in TBC has more QOL and blizzard is making changes to the game overall.

So they ~may~ need more pve servers at least while pvp servers do have some room to grow on the lower ends based on Raider data.

Bumping, a lot of us are very interested in this still.


As one who does not partake in GDKP runs but uses the AH to make gold, is the solution (for me) to stop using the AH because one of my buyers may or may not have purchased Gold?

And, it does happen.

Not to mention, they have to ensure theyā€™ll get good PR out of only banning the ā€œrightā€ type of accounts.

It doesnā€™t stop it, no. However, I think it lessens the enticement from purchasing it, elsewhere. Though, $20 for a Token is pretty steep, so thatā€™s why bots still exist even in the Standard Game. When outside companies can sell their services for less.

That being said, I (myself) frown upon anybody that ā€œneedsā€ to buy gold in order to ā€œvalidateā€ themselves, in a video game. Gold is not hard to come by.

Youā€™re welcome.

Iā€™m probably going to keep playing even if thereā€™s no new TBC specific server(s) released for pre-patch or launch. Obviously stating that outright doesnā€™t help my cause, but Iā€™ll be far happier with a fresh, clean server than an old one. On an already bloated server, who knows how long Iā€™ll stay interested, whereas on a fresh server I can be part of its formation and more deeply involved. I had that opportunity on Classic launch, but then my serverā€™s population dried up and I had to find anotherā€“one to which I hold no particular allegiance nor affection. Itā€™s just a server, just a way to play the game. A new TBC specific server will bring with it that ā€˜newnessā€™ and vitality these old servers can never reacquire.


I missed Piper!

Iā€™ve been around, just not in this thread LOL

Looks like the BC Beta is outā€¦even though, I opted in, I didnā€™t get an invitation.

I know the feeling. Time to just wait and see if we can get in another wave.

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Yes, I am still deciding on whether or not to continue playing without fresh servers myself. My wife started playing during Wrath of the Lich King and I have always regaled her with my tales of how awesome the Burning Crusade was and how it has always been my favorite expansion. I know TBC Classic will not be the same just as WoW Classic was completely different from Vanilla, primarily due to the differences in the community between the two times.

My server has also been impacted by the rampant bots, gold buyers/sellers, exploiters, etc. and while there are still a great number of good people on it, the bad ones have already negatively affected the server. I know that if we continue on that server that it is likely we would not get to participate in any of the end game activities without having to buy gold ourselves. Something neither of us has ever done or would ever do. I had hoped that with #somechanges and a fresh TBC Classic server that perhaps we could participate in and with a community that is not tunnel-focused on the end game and wealth hoarding.

However, the quests and stories will still be there and both of us have been looking forward to going through them. Like you though, I am not sure just how long we would remain with the game once we were done with the story and quests on our current server. On a new one, we would be leveling with a like-minded community and I think that would add value to our staying with the game longer. Not sure if Blizzard can relate to this reasoning, but fresh TBC servers would give them more revenue from at least two more players for longer since we would get a great player experience, which is the best way to keep your subscribers for longer. :smiley:

With the boosts and the mount speculations though, it appears they are going the other way and are going to try to turn TBC Classic into something closer to Retail. Time will tellā€¦



I would LOVE to have Blizzard set up a fresh TBC server, per region, for pre patch, with zero transfers allowed, zero boosts allowed, and NO GDKP allowed. Like, doing GDKP on one of these new servers counts as a bannable offense.

Barring that, a significantly inferior option would be to try to organize one of the new servers (which, the more I think about it, is really very high on my priority list of things I want out of TBC release) to be anti-GDKP, itself. Have the community police itself. Refuse to participate in GDKP runs. Blacklist anyone who either hosts one or attends one. Blacklist entire guilds if necessary.

There are a lot of workarounds where guilds and individuals really wouldnā€™t be too concerned about following those server rules, and could get around those blacklists. But it might at least slow the process down and make things harder for the gold sellers.

Itā€™s just really frustrating. Current servers are DEEP into the GDKP problem, to the point where not joining in (forget buying gold, just running GDKPs as a carry should net you close to 1k gold per week) can put you at a massive disadvantage.

So letā€™s get fresh, clean servers, where we might have some sort of chance of fighting against the gold sellers and the GDKP crap.


I wouldnt let the idea of New Servers be stymied by GDKPs


Please blizzard give us fresh servers