A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Uh, no, but it is the most profitable for Blizzard/Activision.

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Boosts haven’t even arrived yet and already people are asking for Blizzard to kill their own game by bringing in wow-tokens.

All these people who do not care at all about the debate and only want what they want and will say anything to defend it…I hear so much “slippery slope fallacy” nonsense as if this wasn’t inevitable after boosts being allowed.

Well here is your proof boys, the boosts aren’t even here yet and blizz already has their 1 user they need to “justify” bringing in wow tokens for the good of the game lmao.


Oh man. People were already asking for WoW tokens throughout classic as-is. We’ve been slipping down the slope for awhile now. :grimacing:

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Compromising your own game and hoping you will undercut those who are profiting from the compromise is akin to selling off all your own stuff to a fence to thwart a robbery. A better solution would be to police and punish those who are violating your ToS. Unfortunately that costs money and Blizzard is already having to fire and lay-off staff as it is to remain profitable.

All the WoW token does is offer an alternative to gold buying/selling online that Blizzard hopes they can cash in on. It does nothing to change the situation for the better.


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Just wait until they add Attunement Boosts™!

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Yes. It’s called a patch.
(Attunements were eventually removed in TBC near the end).

They will probably need to for all the Level 58 boosted peeps who don’t have time to play. I definitely see a market for it unfortunately.


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It’s important to identify the real problem. It’s dishonest players who buy gold. You can’t fix that problem in a cost effective way. This is why we have the Wow Token. The only other cost effective solution would be to remove all gold from the game. This generation of gamers can not govern themselves and must be governed.

Yes, if only they could somehow track all the gold being created and traded in the game… A shame they don’t know how to create any automated systems to assist them with that task.

Maybe they could take some lessons from Google? Google tracks thousands of pieces of personal information just based off of your searches and browsing. And they do this for millions and millions of people. Amazing what automation and some analysis can do for you in this day and age. :slight_smile:

As an example. This is from PCGames about Final Fantasy XIV:

"In a news post, it’s revealed that just over 5,000 players have had their accounts in the open-world game terminated, accounting for the period between February 25 and March 3 of this year. This was due to violating the rules surrounding “real money trading and other illicit activities” that undermine the in-game economy, and throw the balance out of whack.

A further 814 were terminated for trying to take part in the above, advertising or otherwise attempting to create a deal that involved real currency, rather than the gil that’s used through-out the Final Fantasy series. Ban waves like this for offenders is unfortunately regular, back in 2019 over 9500 accounts were removed for real money transactions. In that instance a number of players were kicked for using bots, too. While the RMT offences continue, Square Enix appears to have curbed botting, at the very least."

Amazing what you can do when you actually care about making a difference rather than just profiting from those who want to compromise your game. While it does take some vigilance, there are other solutions than just removing all the gold from the game. Blizzard just values money over integrity unfortunately.



Blizzard must be on vacation again, wont hear back from them until tbcc prepatch day…
sure would be nice to know their thoughts on a few fresh servers


Why wait when they can get it now?

Just want to add my two cents.

I would also prefer a fresh server. I am a terribly rich player on classic, but even I feel that a few fresh starts would be a better representation of a “classic TBC”

I sincerely hope they offer a few fresh start “classic tbc servers” without transfer or boosting options.
And to counter all the nay-sayers who feel like it would be a quick surge of hype and die out just as quickly - if that does prove true, which I doubt, then Blizzard would allow transfers to the prior existing servers so people do not lose the progress they made on the fresh server - effectively changing nothing. No harm, no loss.
Win-win all around.


When TBC initially started there was a 6 hour logon queue on my original server - and people who had managed to log on were complaining about crowds.

I immediately decided to roll on a new server - one with no transfers allowed.

I met new people. I was part of a small group that no-lifed it for a few weeks - so we arrived in outlands with no crowds - had the place to ourselves for a few days. I loved it.

After a month or so though the server population remained concerningly low - and I knew this would be a problem going forwards. I also missed my old server friends and went back as the queues had gone and I could level without being part of a huge rush. Sure I missed initial raids but soon caught up.

I only rolled on vanilla a few months ago to level a couple of toons for TBC. I was surprised by all the GDKP runs and the ruined economy. I immediately thought a fresh server would be a better experience. I guess it can’t be announced because people would then not play until then if they knew it was an option. And I guess it may only happen if there are crowd issues on enough existing servers. I hope an oceania fresh PvE server happens - but Im not that hopeful.


and that makes 10 chars


Though you never said why, so kinda pointless. :+1:


bots exploits boosts
it will just happen again , perhaps even faster
fresh is just another shot at profit for bots
specially now that they are aware blizz wont touch them

And if your not going to be on that server how does that effect you? Sounds like the people that are going to play the game are going to deal with bots no matter what. Tell people they cant have a thing that has already infested the game isnt going to change the outcome. What people want is to start at the same level and when the bots show up so be it since blizzard isnt going to take a harder stance than they had.

Actually, more of the bots will be out and about on the servers WITH the boosts. Not so much because of the boost, but because all the boosters and min/maxers will be spending all of their time in dungeons, leaving the bots free to roam areas where there will be no players to report them.

Fresh servers will have people leveling throughout the server. It will be harder for the bots to hide out in the open. Sure, they can still take advantage of the lower level instances but then again there is only so much the players can do to stop the bots. Blizzard putting the entire onus on the players to stop them is akin to System Administrators relying on End Users to fix their own programming bugs. :smiley:


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Maybe not a win win, if blizzard ends up with yet another dead server that’s not a long term win.

I agree. Bots are a problem and its sad they’re being handled so slowly.

But, if they’re everywhere and that’s inevitable, then current vs new is one and the same.

What is different though:

  1. We start with 2.4.3, which means the AoE cap is in. The bot mages farming instances, bot scripting boosts, and gold farmers selling boosts is voided. Unless dungeon boosting gets disabled, they will be starting over on Paladins or Rank 1 Blizzard and Flamestrike, which, both will be as less smooth as Blizzard spam and not as fast.

  2. GDKP gets a reset. It encourages gold buying and its made people absurdly wealthy beyond what we saw in Vanilla. Yeah, the meta is here, it will come back and the whales will buy gold and AFK on their level 65 whatever toons in raids. Part of me wishes for a fix so its more legit but that’s impossible.

  3. Transfers and Boosts will be off for a set amount of time. Most of us wish permanently, but thats another dead pipe dream.

  4. We get to make new friends and most of us want that on the new races, as well.

Regardless, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on the matter :heart:

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