A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Fresh servers = stonks


It makes zero sense for blizzard to not put out a couple fresh TBC servers with the pre patch, the draw to those would be big and blizzard loses nothing in return.


Prepatch should be now AND Blizzard answering to US


Posting yet again to voice my support for fresh tbc servers on launch. There has been an outcry of support from everyday players and content creators for this (and how bad boosts are for this game)

Please Blizzard, at least show you are listening to part of your community.


If you can experience it in TBC, it’s part of TBC.

Except you don’t experience it in TBC.
You experience it in classic/vanilla

You can’t level in Azeroth in TBC, eh? Coulda fooled me.

You are not leveling in TBC if you are in Azeroth.

TBC required the base game.
The base game is not part of TBC.


Thank you for that.

So Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Night Elves, Undead, Orcs, Trolls and Tauren are not part of TBC. WSG, AB, AV aren’t part of TBC. None of the classes are part of TBC, since it didn’t add any. All the mounts you can buy in Azeroth aren’t part of TBC. Auction houses aren’t part of TBC.

I can go on and list a million things, but you’ll never concede this point. You just want to pick and choose and say ‘this’ part of the game counts, but ‘that’ doesn’t. But yet again you’ve simply demonstrated this argument that Azeroth content isn’t part of TBC is utter nonsense.


No. None of those things are not part of the burning crusade, unless they were introduced in TBC.

They are part of WoW.

You are exactly right.

How can I concede that point when it’s wrong?

So are you saying you can play TBC without actually owning TBC?

Because that’s the only way your logic makes sense.

I’m saying you can’t play TBC without using Vanilla content.

You’re saying some of Vanilla counts, and some doesn’t. Like I said, you’ll never see the flaw in that reasoning. I’ve had this conversation enough to know that. So now I just point out peoples’ hypocrisy and move on.


No. I’m saying it’s still not TBC content.

Of course you can’t play TBC without vanilla content.

That doesn’t make vanilla content part of TBC.
That’s not how it works.

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I’ve seen a lot of heated discussions about various things in WoW, but this is a new one for me.

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Me too.

When I asked my friends back in 2007 how they enjoyed TBC none of them answered “the SW auction house is awesome!”

Please Blizzard, Fresh TBC Servers! PLEASE!


Any announcement on this would be appreciated.


Huge support brother, lets make it happen!


Where do I level in Azeroth to get from level 60 to 70?

I imagine some executive reading this post and laughing, because they already have a solution to this mess. It’s called the Wow Token. Unfortunately it’s the best and only solution for a generation of gold buying cheaters.

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