A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

The only thing we can do now Is either hope Blizzard responds to one of these threads regarding this subject, or puts their “eight core values” first.


It’s probably going to be similar, the first year will be really enjoyable before the multitude of human failings and receding player participation conspire together and bring the quality of the game down the to level of generation Z.


Have you tried saying ‘please’?

You have to remember that Blizzard’s eight core values:

  • Gameplay first.
  • Commit to quality.
  • Play nice; play fair.
  • Embrace your inner geek.
  • Every voice matters.
  • Think globally.
  • Lead responsibly.
  • Learn and grow.

Are not Activision’s eight core values. I worked for a company a while back called Nextel. One of our core values was “extreme integrity” and the community really did try to live up to that ideal. When Sprint “merged” with Nextel (I.E. bought out 51% of Nextel) I saw a decision I did not think lived up to that core value and reported it. My report came back informing me that “extreme integrity” was not one of the core values of Sprint and that therefore my complaint was invalid.

You have to remember, we are not dealing with the same Blizzard who put forth those eight core values all those years ago. Things change when your company gets bought out.



You’ve used a double negative here, ‘no one is not getting what they want’ implies everyone is getting what they want. I think you meant nobody is getting what they want?


Sure, if we have to nitpick something, go for it.

all Fresh will do is push the problem out to later.
Treat GDKP as a violate of terms of use, it is wrecking the game, if it’s seen on the Server ban the whole guild posting GDKP runs.
Where does all this gold end up? most of the time gold for sale sites which then gets sold to players and wrecks the economy.
ban the core problem and the rest of the issues disappear. with the banned accounts holding the gold the issue will slowly be resolved and stamped out.


We all know the solution, but the solution means less money for Blizzard. Activision. Whatever. Banning these people affects their bottom line.

I agree though. Ban gold buyers and gold sellers, and this game could be great.


GDKP’s aren’t the problem, and are arguably a positive and interesting part of the game. They’ve been around for ages and are a cool way to pug content for people who like doing that and want to farm gold through raiding instead of herbing or whatever. The core problem is gold selling/buying. That’s what blizzard needs to crack down on, same as ever. Fact is blizzard is just a mediocre company in 2021 and doesn’t care about the integrity of their games.


Yes GDKP’s aren’t a problem cool story. 10/10


GDKPs were never a viable way to “farm gold” until rampant gold buying became commonplace. And yes, this happened as early as WotLK, possibly even TBC.


it makes so much sense for the 2 new races to have the same opportunities at success that classic vanilla players did.

bring on the fresh no boost no transfer for my 2 draenei and belf i plan to roll.


I still wonder why Blood Elves and Draenei don’t start at level 58. According to Blizzard that’s where TBC content begins.


really? well, belfs were here the whole time, just tucked away in cloistered forests. draenei is the head scratcher though

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+1 fresh servers, starting at lvl 58. Classic players can do whatever the hell they like. Keep it seperate.


One won’t be enough for us, I think blizzard knows this and fears what will happen when the player base is divided between the OGs and all these kids begging for boosts.

They will do what they’ve done all their lives, imitate us.

No. 58 is where TBC starts for content you can experience in the base game.

If you can’t experience it in the base game… then it’s part of TBC.

There is a reason why the original TBC required the base game to play.

At this point if they do announce Fresh TBC no boost no transfer servers I’d freak tf out, book vacation time, pre-cook meals, go full Eric Cartman.


Don’t forget to get stocked on some MST3K videos as well. :smiley:


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